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Books to Read!

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  • I want some new stuff to read!! What 1 book would you recommend?

    Later :crazy_fre

    read a good trilogy by Cormack McCarthy.. the first one is called ‘All The Pretty Horses’

    it’s a kind of end of the American west, without being cheesy cowboy… very rich literature


    1984-george orwell – darkside dytopian world veiw (essential reading in my book)

    brave new world / the doors of perception- aldous huxley – BnW is in a similar vein to 1984, doors of perception is a straight scientist doing acid for the first time (no, really)

    the electric kool-aid acid test – tom wolfe (the birth of the acid generation)

    existentialism and humanism -jean-paul sartre – good 1st philosophy book, actually a speach he made rather than one of his massive heavy novels, quite accessable…

    one flew over the cuckoo’s nest – ken kesey (the geezer that the acid test is about) the world veiwed as mental asylum. classic.

    i could go on forever, but they are my absolute faves.

    You could do worse than reading chomsky…

    just read “doctor Is Sick” by Antony Burgess. Quick but very funny. And its Antony, need I say more?!

    the high priest by timothy leary

    zen and the art of archery

    pihkal by mssrs shulgin

    the prophet by kahil gilbran

    more than 1 but all good…


    USE wrote:
    1984-george orwell – darkside dytopian world veiw (essential reading in my book)

    brave new world / the doors of perception- aldous huxley – BnW is in a similar vein to 1984, doors of perception is a straight scientist doing acid for the first time (no, really)

    the electric kool-aid acid test – tom wolfe (the birth of the acid generation)

    existentialism and humanism -jean-paul sartre – good 1st philosophy book, actually a speach he made rather than one of his massive heavy novels, quite accessable…

    one flew over the cuckoo’s nest – ken kesey (the geezer that the acid test is about) the world veiwed as mental asylum. classic.

    i could go on forever, but they are my absolute faves.

    i agree 1984 is a must, that is a fantastic book, also books by albert camus are quite interesting (short stories like the outsider).

    also a book called ‘love’s executioner’ by irvin yalom, is a really good book about cases the writer experienced as a psychotherapist, really interesting :horay:

    If you like 1984, try 1985 by Antony Burgess. Its short, but I think he had a clearer vision than Orwell, it also has an essay about 1984 at the start(hard work but worth it)






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