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    The light turns on at the end of the night, you see the sweat stains of your formerly attractive dance partner, smell the stale beer and alcopops hitting your nostrils while your shoes stick to the floor.

    Rumes Nightclub in Preston seem to have decided to honestly portray the local nightclub experience in a promo for their new night by the ‘Bounce by the ounce crew’.

    We’ve all seen this guy before, the soul of the party sweating ounces while he bounces:

    Bounce by the Ounce might not be the most glamorous club night, but it does have some serious positives to advertise.

    Firstly, it seems to appeal to partygoers from their teens to their twilight years, inclusivity is always a plus.

    Secondly, there seems plenty of dance floor space to bust out your moves and no one likes to be crowded in.

    Whether this legend is enjoying himself is not exactly clear but he does seem to feel able to fully let go, which has got be good.


    This video seems to have gone viral in the last couple of days.

    I’m ashamed to admit but that is my home town lol. Yes we’re a classy bunch us Prestonians. That video could really have been taken in any of our nightclubs and the result would pretty much be the same; Chavtastic scumbags bopping away to really fucking shit music.

    That clip summarises why I don’t like going out round town.

    Omg that guy at 1:40, those are some speedy beans!

    @DangerousDave1 562380 wrote:

    Omg that guy at 1:40, those are some speedy beans!


    @The Psyentist 562393 wrote:


    Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be to see yourself like that in a club.. I honestly can’t even fathom it.

    I know you shouldn’t care what people think of you, but there is a point, and he’s fucking past it!

    @DangerousDave1 562401 wrote:

    Can you imagine how embarrassing it would be to see yourself like that in a club.. I honestly can’t even fathom it.

    I know you shouldn’t care what people think of you, but there is a point, and he’s fucking past it!

    I usually am that guy lol. I don’t differentiate between alcohol and other drugs, regardless of what people might think, I’m not afraid to be the one that stands out as ‘the guy that’s taken too many drugs’. It’s just generally deemed more socially acceptable to be drunk than pilling, but if you’re not sober it’s all the same in my head.

    @The Psyentist 562405 wrote:

    I usually am that guy lol. I don’t differentiate between alcohol and other drugs, regardless of what people might think, I’m not afraid to be the one that stands out as ‘the guy that’s taken too many drugs’. It’s just generally deemed more socially acceptable to be drunk than pilling, but if you’re not sober it’s all the same in my head.

    Oh no I’m not saying for one minute that its any more “acceptable” to be wrecked off alcohol than pills..

    I’m a massive mdma head myself, I just think regardless of drug, I would be mortified if I was browsing the internet and saw myself looking anything like that guy (even though i’m sure i’ve been that bad haha)

    @DangerousDave1 562406 wrote:

    Oh no I’m not saying for one minute that its any more “acceptable” to be wrecked off alcohol than pills..

    I’m a massive mdma head myself, I just think regardless of drug, I would be mortified if I was browsing the internet and saw myself looking anything like that guy (even though i’m sure i’ve been that bad haha)

    See I just have no pride, and without pride to begin with there can be no shame. No scrap that, when I’m captured in such moments of drugged up delirium it’s one of few times when I do feel proud lol. I’m just doing what momma put me here to do






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