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Brown MDMA has a funky smell. Thoughts?

Forums Drugs Drug Pictures and Identification Brown MDMA has a funky smell. Thoughts?

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    Hey Guys. I picked this up and i’ve seen brown before but this has a funky smell. Maybe anaceed. Its a trusted source. But whats happened to make this brown and smelly? Looks a little sandy too which looks a little odd.

    Hmm, doesn’t look right at all to me.

    It’s fine, I had MDMA that looked exactly like that. And that is some powerful stuff you have in your possession too, so due be cautious on how much you dose yourself with. And the smell is normal too, it usually has a bitter licorice type of odor.

    You must be used to getting some weird ass mandy mate!

    That looks wrong! It looks closer to smack rather than mandy lol, does it smell of ammonia at all?

    Turns out it was alright. Not massively strong or anything but did have a funky flavour too. Think it got a bit too much of something in the processing. Kind of licorice I guess. Not a fan though.

    Thinking this might be more SASS really than straight MDMA.

    the smell/ and colour is most likely safrol, a precursor to mdma … that batch wasn’t made very well by the looks of it.






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Forums Drugs Drug Pictures and Identification Brown MDMA has a funky smell. Thoughts?