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Calling All Sound Systems – Free Party 2/2.

Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals Calling All Sound Systems – Free Party 2/2.

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  • By popular demand we’re trying to arrange another Free Party for Saturday 2/2. Unfortuneately our resident sound system have previous commitments.

    We’re currently trying to get in touch with other sound sytems who have kindly offered to help out, however we’d be grateful to hear from anyone who would be available to come down & help make this night as good as the last.

    Anyone interested should contact:

    We’re doing our best to keep to our promise of a banging 2002, but we need the support of sound systems & DJ’s to make it happen!

    Look forward to hearing from ya.


    P.S. We have already started planning a party for the following weekend, so keep your eyes peeled for updates.

    It’ll be in South Yorkshire by the way!

    Why dont you just go down to South Coast this weekend. Enjoy Panik , Prank, Teknonotice and othersand slog your gutts out the following week?

    That’d be great if we could get down there !
    ScopeScout would like to link up with other rigs & DJs in different areas. Obviously commitments will control which parties we can get to !

    PLUS…. I’m up for playing anywhere, to help spread the word about what we’re doing. Kinda stuff I play varies with each gig. From Dirty Techno to Trance, to Drum’n’Bass, etc…. AND, I have been known to play LIVE from time to time… (RAM DF, partner in ScopeScout)

    We’re well into the planning for the NEXT TWO parties…..

    Feb 9th & Feb 16th…..

    Details will be following shortly…. along with our Party Line No….

    SS-OUT !






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Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals Calling All Sound Systems – Free Party 2/2.