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Cannabis production in Devon ‘up 450% in five years’

Forums Drugs Cannabis & Hashish Medical Marijuana Cultivation Cannabis production in Devon ‘up 450% in five years’

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  • Cannabis production offences in Devon have increased by 450% in five years, Devon and Cornwall Police say. Offences ranged from drug users growing a crop in their own homes to large-scale cannabis farms in urban properties and also rural areas.
    Police said the drug’s reclassification and the large rural areas in the county were believed to be factors that could partly account for the rise. Det Con Sid Willet, drugs liaison officer with Devon and Cornwall Police, said there was no single explanation for the increase. But he said police were aware it had coincided with the drug’s reclassification from Class B to Class C in 2004, before it was returned to Class B in 2009. He said: “I think there may have been some cloudiness around this issue, and certainly organised crime groups exploited what may have been considered to be a loophole. “It was never a loophole, it was never made legal.”
    He added that rural areas also attracted large-scale producers. He said: “It goes without saying that we have a huge rural area outside Plymouth, or Torquay or those kinds of areas, therefore it’s going to be easier for them to secrete themselves. “Cannabis does smell quite strongly, so they need to keep it away from people as much as possible.”

    BBC News – Cannabis production in Devon 'up 450% in five years'

    All good news to Ayaoskar’s ears 🙂

    I don’t think there’s any more actual production, and similar situations exist in East Anglia.

    its just that a combination of reclassification and greater anger and mistrust against foreigners means the foreign gangs who moved into the UK in recent years as well as domestic drug users and growers are being scrutinised more closely by both non-drug using society and the authorities, and therefore more growing operations out of the existing number are being unearthed and closed down.

    10 years ago even most non-drug users thought cannabis growing was relatively harmless mischief done by stoned hippies. Now many have seen people they know affected by excessive cannabis use and/or are angry at the thought of foreigners making money out of this, so they dob them in whereas previously these growing operations would have been ignored even by those what disagreed with them.

    well it says just a rise in number of offences… doesnt mention a rise in haul…

    so my theory is theres loads of people growing the odd plant… rather than larger syndicates with organised operations

    @joshd96320 404212 wrote:

    well it says just a rise in number of offences… doesnt mention a rise in haul…

    so my theory is theres loads of people growing the odd plant… rather than larger syndicates with organised operations

    Its always been a mixture of this – but I think the reality is that non-drug users have become less tolerant and “refuse to be intimidated” and many now would rather dob in their neighbours than let them “get away with crime”, whereas 10-20 years ago people didn’t like doing this.

    if this weren’t the case the relatively small and inconspicious operations would be overlooked, as cops alone don’t have the time and energy to go looking for them.

    how much does it cost down there for a quarter, oz or bar?






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Forums Drugs Cannabis & Hashish Medical Marijuana Cultivation Cannabis production in Devon ‘up 450% in five years’