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Church bell ringers ANTISOCIAL BASTEDS

Forums Life Law Church bell ringers ANTISOCIAL BASTEDS

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  • I know I have been moaning about noise recently and I knw being a fan of free partys its a bit hypocritical, but we don’t blast music through peoples windows at night so we. So as some of you know I live a stones throw from a church that rings out its bells on regular occasions, wedding sunday service which are fine by me I got no problems with those. But what I don have a problem with is the tuesday nights bell ringing session that goes on for nearly 2 hours sometimes from about 7.30 to 9.00/9.15. If I had a kid they would Shirley (lol) be in bet at this time and believe me its FUCKING LOUD. I have put up with this for like nearly 5 years now and am truly sick of it.I don;t care about them ringing them its the time of night that they do it. I looked into it beofre but I could only find that its becoming an increacing complaint of noise polution these days. But no one has the power to stop them, but on the flip side they don’t really have the right to ring them either so its a bit of a funny one to be frank. I have tought of a few revenge plans but noting really viable a an effective plan to silence the bells at antisocial hours. One thing i was thinking of was to follow the ringers hoe and blast tecno through their windows for a good hour at night, or maybe wait for their sunday service and blast the church revellers as they go to church, but its not really their fault so thats a no no too. Of course there is the legal side of things but looking into it it seems that there is nothing I can do. Apparantly there are bell dampeners that reduce the noise of the bells that they could fit but I don’t really see them doing that.

    I’m seriousl about tring to do someting about this cos it’s really pissing me off guys. anyone who can help advise me on this will be rewarded with good vibes. I’m kinda hoping that GL se’s this thread too cos he’s pretty brainy on the who legal side of things too, but i’m also sure the PV collective must have some good advice too.

    Heres a little something something I found, its a little dated but was amended in 2007 so i’m sure its pretty legit still

    Bells are associated with churches of most traditions the whole world round. The
    tradition of bellringing in England is distinctive through the evolution of change
    ringing, and the sound of bells in city and countryside is a long-standing and
    familiar part of the environment. The summon to worship; they ring out in
    celebration and in sadness.
    And an undersong to branches dripping into pools and wells
    Out of multitudes of elm trees over leagues of hills and dells
    Was the mathematic pattern of a plain course on the bells
    John Betjeman, Bristol
    With the increasing concern about noise pollution, there have been occasions when
    complaints about bellringing have been made, very occasionally even spectacularly.
    The purpose of these Guidance Notes is to offer advice to incumbents,
    churchwardens, PCCs and bellringers about maintaining the campanological
    element in our way of life through sensible management. There is a brief outline of
    the law and custom which applies to the ringing of church bells. There are also
    some suggestions about dealing with complaints and whom to contact for help.
    In this way, bells can continue to be seen as an enrichment of the quality of our life.
    Ecclesiastical law
    Canon F8 of the Church of England states that:
    “1. In every church and chapel there shall be provided at least one bell to ring the
    people to divine service
    2. No bell in any church or chapel shall be rung contrary to the direction of the
    Control of the ringing of church bells belongs jointly to the incumbent and the
    Common law
    There does not appear to be any legal right as such to ring bells in the community. It
    seems to be a matter of custom.

    I quite like the peel of church bells, but that’s probably cos I so rarely hear them!

    Your one of them arnt you!! BODYSNATCHERZ

    Indeed if you were tormented by them the same way that I am you would not fel the same way

    we are right on and multicultural here in Suffolk but any religious noisemakers of any faith are made to can it if its not at a weekend. Scots restrict the use of church bells and they are often way more religious than we are (for all the faiths).

    in the UK Muslims aren’t allowed to shout Allah-U-Akhbar from great horn loudspeakers as they are in some Islamic countries (and even there often no one wants the horn in their neighbourhood as we had a lad from Bahrain asking about a really elaborate PA system for this purpose) and nor is anyone else allowed to make a din for their faith if it annoys others, and quite right too, I am tolerant but would not like it blasted to my ears at random hours.

    I’ve seen every other faith from Christians to Hindus get noise restrictions. As Muslims have their prayers at really odd times our compromise (which is really smart when you think about it) is to allow them to transmit the call to prayer on the radio airwaves using the same kit as what taxicabs use for VHF and UHF comms but one way. this is good as it also means old taxicab radios what would would have gone to the WEEE recycling can be re-used and taxicab drivers with new Japanese or Chinese sets can set the channels on RX only and they can thus stay on duty but not miss their salat. Both are good things in Islam and for the country as a whole.

    Ofcom permit this service to be used by all faiths, so there is no reason why Christians or anyone else could not use it to keep midweek religious racket in their own homes.

    Lol loggys getting old he’s moaning about anything hahahaha

    i got up early once by accident, and on the news there was someone that had wrote in to complain that the tennis was on bbc1 and the news had been moved to bbc2. dang wtf lol. thats gotta be like the pinnacle of old git

    @NN~Gazatryptamine 491168 wrote:

    Lol loggys getting old he’s moaning about anything hahahaha

    Trust me man, it isreally fucking anoying, I can’t work on my music when they play man, it even penetrates my cans on my ears its that loud. Its only like 60 metres from the church to my windows man, it fucking sucks.


    that is actually illegal ASB and you can report it.

    I would not tolerate it, though it doesn’t go on here. they do have a number of midweek services and there are at least 3 churches on my estate, one of which would be in earshot if they have bells.

    just as well too as I happen to have the personal phone number of one of the main church dudes because of my eco-campaiging activities in recent years and would probably be able to shame whichever church did it into at least finding a better time to do this…

    in modern Britain the use of external noisemakers on a regular basis to summon anyone to religious services is obsolete.

    Although the word “clock” means the bell used for this purpose, everyone nowadays has numerous private clocks, wristwatches and other timepieces so they cannot even claim it provides a useful time signal for the wider populace (I’d have no objection to any faith group relaying a reliable source of NPL time (not GPS, untrusted foreign NTP servers with excessive lag/jitter or any other infidels timesources) from silent but communally accessible devices atop their buildings, actually might suggest that to SIFRE as its full of current and British Telecom workers and would be a really cool project…

    I would love to know that those bell chiming barbars got an ASBO lol

    I know you’re address…brb getting some dog shit, a brown bag and a lighter 😉

    @thelog 491158 wrote:

    Your one of them arnt you!! BODYSNATCHERZ

    Indeed if you were tormented by them the same way that I am you would not fel the same way

    Definitely mate, when u hear them with such regularity & clarity, they begin to lose their a-peel! (sorry)

    Justs lolz when I seen this thread, 100% agree church bell are a nightmare if you live near them, it dont effect me now and hasnt in many years but reminds me of a place I used to live about 100-150 meters away from a small church where every bloody Sunday at 10am I would get woken up by their awful racket, definitely not what you need if you were out the night before, and the worst part was the church didnt even have bells, they had a fake steeple and played bell noise through speakers in it !!!

    Dont suppose it matters now anyways, godsquaders are a dying breed and for every church being sold off a dozen supermarkets spring from the ground, churches will all be gone in a few generations, religion replaced by consumerism as the new way of controlling people. Why behave for the promise of rewards in a fictitious afterlife that science refutes when you can behave for the far more tangible & real rewards the adverts promise you will have by working hard & obeying. Angels & Harps or Games & branded clothes, we all have to wear a leash, may as well chose the comfortable one.

    Need a time machine

    Da bells! Esmeralda, da bells! Thanctuary! I give her… thancktuary!

    You could look on it as divine justice for all those noisy party sound systems you’ve helped with?

    OR, you could use it as justification to help with noisy party sound systems if no such history yet exists…

    … that might be a better way to play it, don’t complain, or if you complaints go nowhere, borrow a 20K rig for the next session and let the buggers know what a real set of divine instruments sounds like.

    Your call. Campanology is not a study of homesexual behaviour, although not a lot of people know that.






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Forums Life Law Church bell ringers ANTISOCIAL BASTEDS