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Crack legal high w

Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack Crack legal high w

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  • Is there a legal high that you smoke on
    a pipe and has the same affect as crack ???

    Nope not really.

    Pseudoephedrine is legal and you could (but shouldn’t) make methamphetamine. But then it’s illegal. Why does it have to be in a pipe?

    Almost every RC can be vaped, I do it all the tiem. Suppose the closest you’re gonna get to ra k right not in the UK is either methioprpamine, 3-flourophenmatrazine and now 4-mthylphenmatrazine. Vaping and increases onset in intensify the effects but it also sortens the duration.

    @Requiem 601840 wrote:

    Vaping and increases onset in intensify the effects but it also sortens the duration.

    So does insufflation..?

    Vaping is much faster acting but also lower duration. Don’t know totally why but they just are lol






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Forums Drugs Cocaine & Crack Crack legal high w