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Crazy nightmare man.

Forums Life Spirituality, Morality & Religion Crazy nightmare man.

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  • When I was a kid I was a huge fan of war of the worlds. I loved the musical that we had on vinyl and we had the 1953 movie of it too. The only problem is it used to give me nightmares Over the last few days I have been listening to the audiobook off the 1898 novel and yesterday I decided to listen to the musical and watch the 1953 movie again for old times sake.

    So anyway I was listening to the audiobook in bed last night and I fell asleep in bed with headphones in and I started to have a dream about the fighting machines form the 1953 movie. I was at my secondary school and they were firing there heat ray and chasing me thorughthe school grounds. it was like the fear that I was gonna get killed by the heat ray just as I used to have when I was a child. When I managed to wake up from it I heard the narration from the audio book and it was a fairly calm chaper where the journelist is talking to a man in a boat so it wasn’t the book plaing out in my imagination. I had only been asleep 10mins or so so I rewound the book and listened again.

    It was only just now that I realised that I used to dream about it all the time. It’s crazy man I used to be well scared when I would dream about that. I would keep thinking about it when I would wake up and imagine Martians outside my bedroom window or fighting machines outside in the driveway etc. I lived in ireland at the time in a fairly remote farmhouse, just like in the 1953 film so you can imagine how scarey this would be for a 5 to 8 year old kid. I really can’t believe that my mind gave me dream like that afer all these years. I know it’s because I have been watching and listening it again but now that i’m an adult I don’t get scared of things like aliens and being on my own in the dark so the last thing I expected was to have a nightmare bassed on war of the worlds.

    Mental how the mind works.

    If you haven’t seen the 1953 clasic here’s a clip and this will give you an idea of what I was dreaming of, and it was very vivid man. Its a real shame that this movie couldn’t afford to have the fighting machines as tripods. I was watching a documentary on it and the expalined that if they spent the mony on the tripods they wouldn’t have made it such a good film with the special effects, miniture city of san francisco (that looks fucking great) and the full technicolor cameras which wernt cheap back then.

    Anyway mental dream man

    @thelog 491779 wrote:

    Mental how the mind works.

    Quoted for truth. The subconcious has a tendency to “lock on” to the unfamiliar and “fabulous”. The same story can repeat, with different truths being found (even from a fictional work).

    I reckon your under a bit of pressure to change, maybe striking out on your own, maybe looking for an opportunity. Hence the subconcious cry to your conscious mind, “Stop being such a dick head and live a bit.”

    Yes, I get similar inclinations to take my head out of my techno arse and just appreciate some of the wonderful human beings and other life forms around me.

    Left side/right side balance, you see. Deny the poetic/feeling right half of your brain, it will give you a kick up the arse to live a bit more.

    Likewise, too airy fairy and flaky, the left side kicks in to try to bring the individual back to earth and seek some calculated reason to solve their situation.

    It’s an ongoing, fluid, organic equation. Everybody gets similar, but depending on just what you’ve been doing, everybody gets a different flavour of “weird”.

    It is natural for people to seek harmony, balance, equilibrium. It is also natural for people to seek JUST a little extra to what they’ve already experienced.






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Forums Life Spirituality, Morality & Religion Crazy nightmare man.