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  • bare in mind, i am just a kid. I’ve no personal experience, no discussions about these things..
    i’m just simply saying the simple views i have.. and how i see it!
    Possibly hypochondriacs are not putting us in depression and what not i think your right there, but this is just thoughts off of the top of my head.

    My dad said to me with a laugh, could be the collapse of capitalism! I don’t know if he was joking now!

    I doubt hypercondriacs have much to do with anything .. I mean they might waste a little of GP’s time … but it’s things like complex brain surgary, organ replacement etc what I would imagin would cost the big bucks and no hypercondriac is gonna get that far with a fake illness as tests would show that there heart is working perfectly etc.


    Fuck paying to see the doctor, I resent paying to see the dentist as it is and it fucks me off no end when people on the rock and roll get free dental care. I had to pay 300 quid a couple of years ago but had I been unemployed I would of gotten it all free.

    Also getting back the the OP. All governments fuck the NHS up, Labour properly messed it up. I still blame Labour for the mess we’re in. The Tories might be a bit heavy handed in rebalancing the books but I ask you this. Would you prefer Labour to still be charge, spending (as was their policy) money they didn’t have. Look at America. They are on the brink of total collapse, Look at Greece ffs. You cannot spend money you don’t have. Maybe the Tories are going about some things in the wrong way but I’m glad we’re not suffering like other countries are at the moment.

    I couldn’t give a toss if people label me a Tory for the above either. Tis my opinion on the current situation.

    Labor get in power … they fuck things up … tories get in power .. they also fuck things up … they are no diferant from each other imo.

    Agreed. All men in power are corrupt bastards. doesn’t matter how honourable they are at the beginning, they all turn out the same.

    @Kung Fu Fader 445607 wrote:

    Labor get in power … they fuck things up … tories get in power .. they also fuck things up … they are no diferant from each other imo.

    cant be all bad we are rather successful globally speaking.

    Well to be good at ecanomics and to actualy look out for what people want are too diferant things. I see the govenment as a business. I agree they are good business men, and them selling off the NHS doesn’t do them any favors in the way I see them.

    There are of course good people in polotics … but the way I see it is the kinda people who get in polotics are interested in either power/cash/to change things.

    The most ruthless get the furthest as they are willing to go that extra mile to sucseed. These would normaly be the power/money hungry people as the good guys wanting to change stuff are less likely to shit on others to get somewhere.

    So by default of the nature of the way things work the majority of high profile MP’s are probably corrupt in some way or another or only out for them selves/there finatial interests.

    People who seek out power are the ones the most likely to find it and if what you are looking for is power it generaly means you have your own interests at heart way above others interests.

    @GiantMidget 445609 wrote:

    Agreed. All men in power are corrupt bastards. doesn’t matter how honourable they are at the beginning, they all turn out the same.

    and inbred, don’t forget inbred

    We already pay to see the fucking doctor, it’s called income tax!

    @Moonie 445642 wrote:

    We already pay to see the fucking doctor, it’s called income tax!

    there no need for that language, the T word is a triffle strong lol

    I hate the T word almost as much as I hate the A word.

    A word? What? Arsenal?

    Aphids? Abortion? Antidisestablishmentarianism?

    americans? Aardvarks? Andalucians? Albainians? Apaloosa? Anal?






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