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Did America put a man on the Moon?

Forums Life Conspiracy Theories Did America put a man on the Moon?

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  • sorry to answer this so simply but it is on the other side, our moon is in geosynchronous orbit but does not revolve on axis like earth, the reason they landed just over horizon was that without the protection of a magnetic field like that generated by
    our molten centre, the side facing the sun is constantly bombarded with radiation of a level that is dangerous to man and electronics, if anyone wants to know how we know the moon doesn’t revolve the image is always the same check google images
    the heavy side always faces earth, gravity is another topic.

    That’s exactly true, we consider the moon as having a dark side for that exact reason, however, that would also mean what we term the dark side is directly facing the sun for half the day and the side we term the light side will also directly be facing the sunjust before, and just after, transiting with the Earth between the moon and sun.

    yes you are correct a solar day on the moon is 29.5 earth days from that you extract a lot

    Well tyvm for that my friend. I’d always heard of the dark side of the moon but until you mentioned that, the thought it was only dark from our point of view hadn’t occurred to me.

    I think for the sake of humanity America should send Donald Trump to the moon.

    well the images show the american flag waving in the wind but theres no wind on the moon. Is that proof enough

    Thje flag was held at right angles by metal rods, what you say was the reaction of it being pulled. There is no wind on the moon, correct, but Newtons laws of motion still apply, especially the 2nd law here.

    Nazi’s put man on the moon, not muricans and there retarded extradition laws and there love of money.

    Totally true. I forget the bastards name right now but that was the same cunt that developed the v1 and vii rockets that terrorized London during the war. Werner von brown or braun I think it was.

    Von Braun mate.

    Ah, ty 🙂






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Forums Life Conspiracy Theories Did America put a man on the Moon?