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DK : New electronic signs to stop traffic jams for cyclists!

Forums Life Bikes & Biking DK : New electronic signs to stop traffic jams for cyclists!

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  • There are now so many cyclists in Copenhagen that they have traffic jams at the rush hours, and hope these electronic signs will encourage people to stagger their journeys more to avoid them..


      I don’t have a car, but they should make the city car friendly too
      The bike riders drive horrible and is a big danger to pedestrians.

      I say closed inner city and better public transport so people can get in and out of the city, but also paths where pedestriens can be safe. Beeing run over by a bike hurts a lot. (My son knocked me over because he forgot to hit the breaks) ?

      I’m surprised the traffic authorities don’t think of all the road users; as thats what they do in NL and some bits of DE (and also in the more modern cities of Japan, where they have the roads, bike paths and pedestrian paths all carefully set out so the old people, cats and dogs can walk around safely and get to the metro)

      Bike paths are good but if they are not watched carefully young men in particular will try and make a race track of them (that is even happening in London with the new paths).

      I saw a film about Münster in DE where they have very good bike paths, but everyone must obey the rules; and there were two cops on bikes who stopped everyone who didn’t behave well (and they had to immediately pay €60-€100 depending on how many traffic laws they have broken!)


        We do have seperate lanes for cyclists, pedestrians and cars, but the cyclists think they are immortal and rides everywhere, they ride against the traffic on oneway roads, they jump up and down the pavements so people walking have to jump for there lifes. The cyclists have no respect but it’s always the car drivers who will be blamed when things go wrong.

        Some bits of London were becoming like that with new cycle lanes, but they got Police officers on bikes to patrol the areas and discourage people from riding badly.

        it was discovered the worst of the riders were often involved with gangs and robberies, and they tended to steal the bikes they rode anyway so by catching these people the cops managed to reduce the total amount of crime in that area!






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      Forums Life Bikes & Biking DK : New electronic signs to stop traffic jams for cyclists!