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Documentary on Squatter Culture

Forums Life Squatting or Homeless Documentary on Squatter Culture

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  • Hello Partyvibers,

    I’m a documentary filmmaker from New York and my partner and I are planning a documentary about squatter culture. We are looking for interesting stories from squatters all over the world: who squats and where do they do it–but more importantly, why do they do it. We want to develop as complete a picture as possible of all the different reasons why people squat. From there, we will look into how squatting is perceived, what defines ownership of property, and what are the ideological implications of squatting.

    We’re looking for people who can tell us about their experience as squatters. If you can forward this message, or if you can put me in touch with someone who might be interersted in speaking with me, I would so appreciate it!

    If you would like to see some of my work, there is a clip online from a documentary I made on New York City subway musicians:

    Thanks very much and all the best!

    Anna Holtzman

    checkout these guys.
    lots of other info info on the net about it

    classic example

    oldest squatted street in the country was evicted in February (?)>>>


      but does anybody (in Britain) still do the positive “social centre” type squats south of Watford? (I read recently on some website there is a new one in the North somewhere (Preston?))

      I can only speak for the UK and my experiences from 1997 – 2005 but (with the occasional exception) TBH most squats these days seem to be either done as a “survival” home for people who can’t get a house by other means (such as youths thrown out of home for excessive drug use) or as a venue to use or sell drugs from (which gets them a lot of negative attention and they can be closed down quite quickly)

      Sometimes a building is cracked for getting a venue to use for an indoor party but its often not a proper squat as people don’t actually live in the place any more, it just gets rinsed for the rave and often trashed :yakk:)

      mind you one reason for this is that owners are so quick to evict that you can often only get 2 weeks in a building..






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    Forums Life Squatting or Homeless Documentary on Squatter Culture