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Does anyone find falling asleep trippy?

Forums Life Health & Medicine Sleeping & Dreaming Does anyone find falling asleep trippy?

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  • Falling asleep is so cool… Get your thoughts running… Get em going… Boom they’re on a thought train.. :weee:

    I sort of try to ‘note’ the transition to sleep but never manage to lol… It’s mainly you (well me rather) reach a point where your thoughts become very speghetti like and not very ‘coherent’ yet they feel like your having a perfectly valid ‘conversation’ with yourself. And you sorta lose yourself in your thought and next morning beep beep beep wakey wakey…

    Just me?

    I’m like that when I’ve got alot on my mind and I’m thinking about shit, but if I got no worries I just feel tired, lay down, and I’m off.

    @DaftFader 479516 wrote:

    I’m like that when I’ve got alot on my mind and I’m thinking about shit, but if I got no worries I just feel tired, lay down, and I’m off.

    You mean find it very easy to have your thoughts go ‘with the train’? I find when I’ve stressed up or something I find it so hard to get ‘onto’ this ‘train’ of thought, It’s as if your putting effort into going into sleep which you possibly are lol.

    Na I mean my ego isn’t nattering on when I’m in a good state of mind and there is no “thought train” as you describe it. Ego being the voice you talk to yourself with in your head. I only really get that when I’ve got shit that’s unresolved and I can’t seam to turn it off as I have unresolved things going on in my life.

    ATM most things are all good, and I’ve not much to worry about. So I’ll lie down to sleep when I’m feeling tired … and there will be no having to think about anything, I’ll drop off to sleep in seconds, I mean I could think about things If I wanted to, but I’m trying to go to sleep, so it’s kinda counter productive 😛

    If I’m not tired and try to sleep though, then it’s a bit different and my mind will wonder a bit out of boredom from lying there gradually becoming distant thoughts till I drop off and then suddenly it’s the morning.

    have you ever been really tyred and exhausted, not drunk or hungover, and after a bath you get bed, close your eyes and you feel like your floating and your mind is really still, and it feels like a trip. I read a question about this, on whether it was meditation, but apparently not.






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Forums Life Health & Medicine Sleeping & Dreaming Does anyone find falling asleep trippy?