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  • ==Day 1==

    Here are some methods for Lucid Dreaming that anyone can use.

    Soon I will be growing Xhosa Dream Root and Calea Dream Herb, and I will be using them as dream aids, along with Kanna (not Cannabis) and Imphepho. All of these things were employed in “Dream Teas” by ancient people.

    Also, I have some Choline, some Alpha-GPC (a more redily usable form of Choline). This promotes the creation of Acetylcholine in the brain, which regulates dreaming. I took this along with some 5-HTP (5-Hydroxytryptophan, which contains a tryptophan molecule which is the thing that makes you sleepy on thanksgiving, and 5-HTP itself helps the body directly make serotonin) which should help promote dreams.

    I have some L-Theanine and Taurine as well, but I did not take those tonight. If I have any memorable dreams I will make a video tomorrow, and if not, I will try another mix or another dose.

    Dream herbs seeds should be here in a few days, they will be grown in a few months.

    ==Day 2==

    So last night I don’t remember dreaming, but I also do not get the feeling that I just went to sleep, saw darkness and woke up. I feel like I did have a dream. So I think my main issue is going to be remembering my dreams, which I am not very good at right now.

    The Biggest mistakes people make when Lucid Dreaming

    Dreaming with the Ancestors

    I just made a capsule (around 4 PM Colorado time) of Choline, Alpha-GPC, Ginko Bilboa glycosides, 5-HTP & L-Theanine. I am going to see if taking it now instead of right before bed has any different effects. Plus the extra stuff in the capsule.

    I just took another capsule of choline, just to add to the effects in case it all burned up from earlier.

    I think that these supplements will REALLY be good for dreaming after a little while of building up in my system, so in like a month.

    I found some Calea on top of my fridge, so I am going to take it tonight. I made the first half of the video, but it won’t be posted until tomorrow when the second half (description of what happens in the morning) can be added to it.

    ==Day 3==

    The Calea did not work perfectly. I do get the feeling I had a dream but I don’t remember it. I think it may have been something that was wrong with the boards under my bed that made me focus on that when I woke up instead of remembering my dreams. So I went ahead and fixed that this morning, and it should be easier from now on. My bed is also less lop sided now.

    Alright, so I took all the same stuff as the other night, minus the Calea. I don’t expect any dreams, but I will post if there are any.

    My nose is extremely stuffed and I can’t get it unclogged with Camphor etc. So I am going to take some Zyrtec. I looked online, it is Cetirizine (an Anti-Histamine like Benadryl or Datura), so it could have some dream promoting properties of its own. I am taking a 10 mg capsule to unstuff my nose. I don’t expect any dreams, but I will write if anything happens.

    I just looked up “Zyrtec Dreams” on Google, and it seems that it is actually a common phenomenon, so it is actually pretty possible.

    ==Day 4==

    I know for sure I had a dream last night, but I can not remember it completely. There was some false dichotomy between people (as if we were at a party and it was split between people that drink and people that don’t, but it was way different than drinking, I just can’t remember what the difference was). And I was on the computer at some point. Other than that, I don’t remember anything. I was trying too hard to stay asleep this morning and not hard enough to remember.

    Brain Building and Dreaming Regiment


    You should start writing about your dreams, and eventually try an Ayahuasca ceremony with the intent of entering your dream.

    I will be taking another Zyrtec tonight to see what happens, and I might try Benadryl later in the week. I looked it up and people are saying that Benadryl causes vivid dreams.

    Just btw, if anyone throws up while taking Ayahusca, ask the person who made it if they put caffeine in it. And if they say they did (which many shamans do, via plants like Ilex) tell them to never give you that again.

    Some people seem to think the “Purge” is good, which it can be. But people inducing it with Caffeine are risking people’s lives. If someone is going to purge from Caffeine, it should be because they drink so much regularly that it is still in them when they get to the ceremony. That is the Ayahuasca telling them “don’t drink so much coffee”, instead of it being induced by the person you are supposed to trust.

    How to make progress in your lucid Dreams

    I took a Zyrtec, my nose was clogged again and I wanted to test it for dreaming. My nose is unclogged, I will write about it if there are any dreams.

    ==Day 5==

    I do not remember my dreams from last night. I think I spend way too much effort in the morning trying to stay asleep and forget everything else. I am going to keep a blank piece of paper and a pencil by my bed from now on, so I can start writing whatever I remember right when I wake up.

    Tonight I am trying Cat Herbs to see if they will help me dream. I am going to take Valerian Root & Catnip before I go to sleep (both plants cats love) and I just took some Passion flower (which cats also like to sit in and goes well with Marijuana from what I have read)

    Imaginary Time

    I have about 2.5 Grams of Valerian Root and 3 Grams of Catnip in capsules from Nature’s Sunshine, I will be taking them in about 2 hours.

    Making Cannabis Butter

    I am taking another 2 Grams of Valerian Root and 3 Grams of Catnip.

    ==Day 6==

    Ok, so I had the most memorable dream so far, last night.

    Everyone was like an artist or something, and we were all (like people in general) being forced to do something. I can’t remember if it was art related or not. But it was like we were a non-volunteer army of some kind.

    Yage of the East

    Marijuana Sprouts

    Marijuana Seedling Transplants

    Beer Flavored THC Butter for Cooking

    Lemon Grass & MJ, Ancient Chinese Secret


    5 Grams Valerian Root. 6 Grams Catnip. And a 5-HTP + Choline + Ginko Bilboa capsule

    Just took another 820 mg of Valerian root and 3 Grams of Catnip.

    Also just decided to Buccal some Alpha-GPC for the next 5-10 minutes, then going to bed.

    ==Day 7==

    Last night was not lucky, I know I had a dream, but this morning there was construction going on outside and people walking around my bedroom window, so I found myself trying to ignore that instead of trying to remember my dream, and now I have no idea what it was about.

    The weekend should be better, no construction should be going on. I don’t see why construction needs to start at 8 am anyways, especially when they are not like building a building or anything.

    Alright, so I decided that on this “journey” I am going to try something pretty awesome.

    I study cultures and history (with some focus on Biochemistry through time), and I have noticed something. You have probably all heard of “Salvia”, Salvia actually just means “Sage”. Salvia Divinorum is the special kind of sage that you think of automatically when I say “Salvia”. Native American’s INVENTED this plant by mixing Mint plants (probably American Wild Mint) with Sage Species (Probably White Sage, or Common Sage). NONE of these plants are psychoactive until genetically combined in the Salvia plant, and these natives had NO knowledge of genetic operations as far as we know.

    Then there is “Inebriating Mint” which is a Turkish species of Mint, that people use as a Sedative.

    Catnip is related to mint.

    And even Peppermint is said to have it’s own Psychoactive properties to an extent.

    Anyone else seeing a pattern here? I have decided that if Ancient man could figure out how to make Diviner’s sage (which I want to try to dreaming) who are we to be in the year 2014 and not even trying to make anything new like that?

    So I have a plan, and PLEASE steal my idea and let me know what you come up with.

    I am going to get some different mint seeds:

    Peppermint, Forest Mint, Pennyroyal, Catnip, Australian Mint, Slender Mint, American Wild Mint, Apple Mint, Corsican Mint, Bowles and Inebriating Mint if I can find seeds.

    Then I will get different sage seeds:

    White Sage, Pineapple Sage, Greek Sage, Chia, Wooly Sage, Baby Sage, Red Sage, Common Sage, Clary, Scarlette Sage and Salvia eventually.

    Then I will start mixing pollen all over the place, just to see what happens. Inventing ALL KINDS of new cross breeds, some will have entirely new properties of their own and won’t resemble their parents at all (Like Salvia). And hopefully, I can make something that is good for dreaming.

    Then, I have plans for even MORE seeds to mix in, but I don’t want to give those away yet.

    If anyone here would like to see this happen extremely soon, please help us out on this page.

    Support Ryan Gallagher creating Dream Time by The Tree of Life School

    I just ordered some:

    Wild Mint (Mentha Arvensis, not the other one)
    White Sage
    Common Sage
    & Mountain Thyme (not a mint or a sage, but in the same family)

    So, I will see what I can make. And I hope to order some more soon so that I can get even more genetics in there. Seeds are pretty cheap.

    I saw Dracocephalum Moldavica and definitely had to get it. $1.05 for the seed pack WITH shipping.

    This garden is already going to be pretty Biodiverse, all just in the mint family.

    Just btw.

    Once I make new species I will be naming them. Kind of like Marijuana strains, except for it is actual species strains. So the names will have to be Latin, and I will probably need help naming things. So just btw, people in this thread may get to pick the names of plants that don’t exist yet, but will soon.

    And I just ordered some Apple Mint, lol.

    I just ordered something else that I can’t believe I forgot before.

    Coleus. It was another plant used by the Mazetec people (The inventors of Salvia), and it is in the same plant family as Salvia. So I just spent like $2 on 300 seeds.

    The biodiversity here is going to be EPIC and I have hardly even started getting seeds yet.

    So far:
    Wild Mint
    Apple Mint
    Common Sage
    White Sage
    Mountain Thyme
    Dragon’s Head (Dracocephalum Moldavica)
    & a Coleus Mix

    And that is just the stuff that goes with Mint. There are also 3 dream plant seeds coming and 2 species of plants growing now, then Marijuana.

    If anyone thinks I don’t know what I am talking about, just look up “Intergenetic Hybrid” and then try to explain to me what a Genus and Species are except arbitrary classifications that make it easier for us to understand the plant world.

    Just took a 10 mg Zyrtec. “Zyrtec Dreams” is a common search on Google and common discussion. And this is the first time I will be ready to write about whatever dream I have when I wake up after taking Zyrtec, so hopefully it works tonight.

    ==Day 8==

    I don’t remember much from teh dream last night, but we were running. Not away from anything, but to get to something or somethings or someone.

    2 of these plants I am getting are already said to be sedatives. And if you notice, most people don’t breed garden plants for their resin glands or for their alkaloid content. But if I start breeding Coleus (Sedative) and Dragon’s Head (Sedative) and only let the plants that produce the most hash and the strongest smells breed. That way I could not only end up with “Intergenetic Hybrids” but also “Hybrid Species” that can no longer breed with the parents and are almost a different plant because of their resin mutations.

    I think that if I graft 2 plants together during veg, so that they are using each other’s root systems to survive for a few weeks maybe a month or so. THEN try to make intergenetic hybrids, using pollen and flowers from plants that are already connected genetically via the grafting process.

    I am not sure if the flowers would maybe use genetics from the roots they are on and make regular seeds for another plant, or if it would make hybridization easier, or if it would just work like any other breeding process. But I do want to try it.

    And, just btw.

    If you know anyone that has cancer or heart disease or anything, I don’t know of a single doctor that runs out of options and instead of microwaving the person, saying “Hey, why don’t we try some ancient healing”.

    The ancient people called the people who entered the “spirit world” HEALERS, and MEDICINE MEN.

    So if you have any kind of Chronic illness and nothing to lose. Try Salvia, Datura, Ayahuasca, Iboga and anything else that is considered to be able to “teach”.

    Datura is a poison, so it could even kill cancer while just making you trip.

    And I have heard of heart disease being cleared just because someone started eating fresh plants and had NEVER done so in their life.

    Planting Marijuana

    Marijuana Sprouts

    Marijuana Transplant


    If anyone is wondering where I got the idea to mix plants, there are a few examples in history that I am copying.

    Eventually I will start getting some plants in the Oregano family, so that I can copy the ancient “Greeks” (Creteans) in their creation of “Dittany of Crete” which is a plant that you can’t find seeds for, and you have to buy a cutting. It has been classified as an Oregano species, but I am personally pretty sure that it is an Intergenetic Hybrid, which left it sterile. But the people of Crete saw it had Psychoactive effects and preserved it by sharing.

    You will find a similar story surrounding Salvia. Salvia is a plant that almost always gets reproduced via human intervention (just like Dittany). This means that like Dittany, you will usually find it in cutting form.

    I am not sure if Salvia or Dittany are viable to reproduce within their Genera, I have never heard of anyone mixing Salvia with any other sage variety (someone should), but again, flowers of Salvia are rare and it usually reproduces through cuttings.

    If you have heard of a mule, it is a cross between a horse and a donkey, and it is sterile. There is some fancy breeding pattern (like back breeding with the parent species) that works as long as you have a female mule I think, but it changed it’s breeding ability.

    There are also “Ligers” and “Tigons” (depends if the mom or dad is a lion or tiger) and other similar animals.

    So either Salvia and Dittany are similar to the mule, and are hybrid species (Sage and Oregano) or they are Intergenetic Hybrids, meaning Sage species mixed with some kind of mint or something. And an Oregano species mixed with some kind of mint or similar species.

    So basically, if/when this works (I will be trying to make both Hybrid species & Intergenetic Hybrids) I expect that these plants will not be easy to breed further, and will have to be spread by cuttings. And these examples are where I got this idea.

    Morning Glory Germination

    Syrian Rue Germination

    How to grow without a huge bill (growing with CFLs)

    Tonight (right now) I am taking

    5 Grams Valerian Root, 3 Grams Catnip, 1 Gram Common Sage, 3.5 Grams Damiana, 360 mg Passion Flower.

    ==Day 9==

    I think I need to make sure to take Choline supplements from now on.

    I woke up and I had a dream to write down, and while reaching to get the paper and pencil to write it down, it completely escaped me.

    So, tonight I am going to weigh out 300 mg of Alpha-GPC, which is the recommended dose, but I have not taken that much yet because I was also taking Choline.

    So 300 mg Alpha-GPC, then 25 mg 5-HTP and around 25 mg L-Theanine. Then someone said that Vitamin B6 is good for dreaming. So, I will take 100 mg of that also, all around midnight.

    Someone on another site asked if I had any childhood dreams I remembered, I wrote this and decided to copy it here.

    I had a dream where I walked into a concrete building with spray-painting all over it, inside there was a hallway I walked down. The hallway was concrete and had like lit up movie posters all down the hallway on the left, and pillars on the right. At the end of the hall their was a staircase and I went up it and the next floor was an identical hallway. I kept going up and up and at the top room there was a guy that was like 20 something an we were all teenagers and me and my best friend at the time (around kindergarten) weren’t really paying attention, then the guy ran down a hallway and all the kids followed. Down the hallway there was a bunch of colored tubes that we could choose to go down, so all the kids went in pairs down the different color tubes. Me and my friend did not have a tube to go down, but then we found some school lunch room tables that were folded up and moved them to find a maroon tube. We went down the maroon tube and at the end of the tube there was a concrete room with concrete walls, and in the middle was a concrete staircase that took up the whole room, like the walls were each end of the staircase. And then we looked at the ceiling and a person that was folded up like a bat fell down towards us from the ceiling and I woke up.

    Then there was one where we were running around an ancient place with tons of columns and high ceilings and we went into a drawer and found a paperclip and the paperclip was very important for some reason but I can’t remember why.

    I think the act of remembering my old dreams itself is going to be good for dreaming. If you are having a hard time dreaming, try thinking of old dreams. I feel like it is definitely a good idea.

    I just set up a capsule of 300 mg Alpha-GPC, around 25 mg of 5-HTP, around 25 mg of L-Theanine and 200 mg of B6.

    ==Day 10==

    Ok, so I had too much stuff today to focus on dreaming last night. I had to get a bunch of stuff for cooking and planting seeds. So my mind was just too busy, and I might have taken the Alpha-GPC and B6 too soon, because I wasn’t even sure if I was going to be able to go to sleep when I laid down at first. I was just way to aware of my thoughts.

    But I ordered some more seeds, and now I will have PLENTY of genetics to play with.

    Here is what I had before:
    Wild Mint
    Apple Mint
    Common Sage
    White Sage
    Mountain Thyme
    Dragon’s Head (Dracocephalum Moldavica)
    & a Coleus Mix

    Just ordered some:
    Blue Sage
    Clary Sage
    Syrian Oregano (Biblical Hysop)
    Mother of Thyme
    Wild Dagga
    Black Horehound
    Water Mint

    ==Day 11==

    Last night I had a dream. I was cooking Marijuana bread and stuff and someone wanted to compete with me for some reason, and then I got some mint seeds and when I looked at where they were planted they were all like 5 inches tall already with tons of leaves. I don’t remember anything else though.

    Germinating Dream Herbs

    Making Marijuana Biscuits and Gravy

    Morning Glory Sprouts

    Illinois Bundleflower and Phalaris/Canary Reed Grass Update

    Tonight I am going to take a Zyrtec and see what happens.

    ==Day 12==

    No dreams that I can remember, but I feel like I had a dream that was too regular for me to tell between it and real life now and last night.

    I am going to make a family chart so that anyone that wants to try to breed plants can, and they will know what has the best chances of breeding successfully based on the chart, and certain plants that will tie parts of the chart together.

    Nepetoideae (we’ll call this a “Group”) includes 3 “Tribes” only 2 of which have many species to work with, but the third may come in handy for someone: Mentheae, Ocimeae & Elscholtzieae.


    Salvia (Sages)
    Romarinus (Rosemary group)
    Lepechinia (Pitcher’s Sages)

    Nepeta (Catnip group)
    Dracophalum (Dragon’s Head group)
    Agastache (Giant Hyssop)

    Origanum (Oreganos)
    Thymus (Thymes)

    Mentha (Mints)
    Saturja (Summer Savory)
    Pycnanthemum (Mountain Mints)
    Monarda (Bee Balm)
    Conradina (False Rosemary)

    ALL of those are EXTREMELY CLOSELY RELATED, here is their sister “tribe”.


    Lavandula (Lavenders)
    Hyptis (Bushmints)
    Ocimum (Basils)
    Plectranthus (Spurflowers)
    Solenostemon (Coleus)

    Then there are “Cousin” Tribes.


    Holmskioldia (Chinese Hat Plant)
    Scutellaria (Skullcaps)


    Pogostemon (related to all Lamiodeae)
    Phlomis (Jerusalem Sage)
    Lamium (Dead Nettle)
    Stachys (Betony or Hedgenettle)
    Sideritis (Mountain Tea)

    That is it (as far as we have genetically) of the Nepetoideae, but that is not the end of the larger “mint” family. So more chart to come later.

    And in case anyone cares, and just so I can see what goes where. I am going to post the list of what I got here.

    Wild Mint (Metha)
    Apple Mint (Mentha)
    Common Sage (Salvia)
    White Sage (Salvia)
    Mountain Thyme (Acinos)
    Dragon’s Head (Dracocephalum)
    Coleus Mix (Solenostemon)
    Pennyroyal (Mentha)
    Blue Sage (Salvia)
    Clary Sage (Salvia)
    Syrian Oregano (Origanum)
    Catnip (Nepeta)
    Mother of Thyme (Thymus)
    Oregano (Origanum)
    Rosemary (Rosemarinus)
    Lavender (Lavandula)
    Spearmint (Mentha)
    Wild Dagga (Leonotis)
    Black Horehound (Marrubium)
    Water Mint (Mentha)

    Also, there is a strange Genus “Mesona” which is basically between Skullcap and Basil, which ties the chart together basically.

    Doing this is kind of like going to a Rain-forest (like in Mexico or Greece or Syria or something, based on the Genetics) and looking for a new species. So, something awesome could come out of this for sure.

    Here are the Hybrids I can attempt with the seeds I am getting.

    Mint Hybrid Species:
    Wild Mint x Apple Mint
    Wild Mint x Pennyroyal
    Wild Mint x Spear Mint
    Wild Mint x Water Mint
    Apple Mint x Pennyroyal
    Apple Mint x Spear Mint
    Apple Mint x Water Mint
    Pennyroyal x Spear Mint
    Pennyroyal x Water Mint
    Spear Mint x Water Mint = Pepper Mint

    Sage Hybrid Species
    Common Sage x White Sage
    Common Sage x Blue Sage
    Common Sage x Clary Sage
    White Sage x Blue Sage
    White Sage x Clary Sage
    Blue Sage x Clary Sage

    Oregano Hybrid Species:
    Syrian Oregano x Standard Oregano

    INTERGENETIC HYBRID Possibilities:

    Sage Species x Rosemary
    Catnip x Dragon’s Head
    Oregano Species x Mother of Thyme
    Lavender x Coleus
    Horehound x Leonotis

    And those are all plants that are extremely closely related. There is also the possibility of.

    Sage Species x Mint Species
    Mint Species x Rosemary
    Mint Species x Catnip
    Sage Species x Catnip
    Mint Species x Dragon’s Head
    Sage Species x Dragon’s Head
    Mint Species x Oregano Species
    Sage Species x Oregano Species
    Mint Species x Mother of Thyme
    Sage Species x Mother of Thyme

    Those are less likely to succeed in breeding, but still have a chance.

    And it is possible to even go a step further, but I think that I should try all these first and see what happens.

    The most stable possible Intergenetic Hybrids from Earlier:
    Sage Species x Rosemary
    Catnip x Dragon’s Head
    Oregano Species x Mother of Thyme
    Lavender x Coleus
    Horehound x Leonotis

    I just added some more seeds to the list, so there are some more stable combos to try.

    Lemon Thyme
    Chinese Medical Plant (Giant Hyssop)
    Red Bee Balm
    Summer Savory

    So now there are mixes possible with…

    Mint Species x Summer Savory
    Mint Species x Red Bee Balm
    Oregano Species x Thyme Species
    Coleus x Basil
    Catnip x Chinese Medical Plant
    Dragon’s Head x Chinese Medical Plant

    The Acinos is compared to Thyme by people, but it is not on the genetic tree officially yet. So, I think it might be able to breed into the Thyme or Oregano genera.

    Tonight I am going to try 1 Zyrtec and 810 mg of Valerian Root.

    ==Day 13==

    No dreams last night from what I can remember, most of the seeds should be here around the 1st, so only like 5 days and this whole thing really gets started.

    Marijuana Update

    Morning Glory Update

    Just something random.

    If anyone ever reads this that happens to live in Mckinney Texas or Australia.

    1st. Those trees that people in Australia call “Waddle trees” are Acacias, aka “The Tree of Life”.

    2nd. In Mckinney Texas, across from Boyd Highschool (in the little neighborhood there), unless they built something new there, when you walk straight in and down to wherever the little park is. If you look right next to the park there are trees that have little oval leaves that kind of look like palm leaves, and big spikes, some possibly as big as your pinky. These trees are native to Texas.

    Everyone should take seeds and cuttings from these trees and grow them anywhere you can.

    Also, if you are ever in West or Southern Texas, or New Mexico or Arizona. And you see a short bush that has kind of furry leaves, big white trumpet flowers and thorny green seed pods. Take the seeds and plant them somewhere. This is Datura.

    And if you are in Louisiana or around there (I saw it in the back yard of Red River Academy), and you see a little plant with weird pink flowers that look like a pink dandelion, and leaves that are kind of like palm leaves, and when you touch them the leaves close. This is Illinois Bundleflower, which is a similar plant to Mimosa Hostilis.

    Tonight I am trying 2 Zyrtec, so 20 mg.

    ==Day 14==

    I think I have a theory as to why I don’t dream regularly.

    How many of you go to sleep most nights either watching TV and getting bored or thinking “Finally, done” with whatever you were doing all day?

    I think that is my problem. I’m not like doing random busy work, I am doing a few things that are going to take months if not years to finish. And most nights I go to sleep thinking “It’s too late and I shouldn’t be up right now” or “I guess I can stop here” ex: It is 1:57 am where I am right now.

    If I were to have a day where I felt like “Finally, done”. I think I would almost absolutely have a dream. Because there would be nothing that I would have to wake up and focus on (I usually have writing or something to do early in the morning, because the ideas are in my head or I texted myself on my phone the night before what to do in the morning)

    Anyways. I am going to try a Zyrtec and some Valerian Root together tonight.

    Syrian Rue Sprouts

    Tonight, 1 Zyrtec, 1.6 g Valerian Root and 1.2 g Catnip.

    ==Day 15==

    No Dreams

    When I start breeding Bud (And I will be) I am going to be breeding THCv strains. So probably start with Durban Poison and mix in different Milawi strains, African Strains, Mexican strains and some good Sativas.

    Just in case anyone lives in Texas, New York, Florida, New Mexico, Southern California, etc.

    If you get bud with seeds in it, SAVE THOSE SEEDS. The only difference between reggie (seedy bud) and Dank bud (seedless) is that the males were killed, seeds were not produced, and the plant focused all it’s energy on making buds hoping to attract a bug with some pollen on it.

    So if you take Compressed Mexico Import Brick Weed, or just Reggie, and put those seeds in the right conditions, they WILL be plants. And there are people ALL OVER THE WORLD paying like 10-50 dollars for seeds. And if you breed your own strain using reggie genetics (Basically Land Race Genetics) you can get a new strain going that no one has ever seen before.

    Ok, I have had this idea, but I did not have the scientific words for it until now.

    My idea was that if I took different garden herbs (Catnip, Dragon’s head, etc) that have psychoactive effects, and breed only the plants that have the strongest smells and make the most hash, I would get a better (for our uses) breed of plant.

    I got the idea from Marijuana, obviously the plant didn’t have a reason to evolve the way it is, we selected it, like we have with Bananas and Dogs, etc.

    This in evolutionary theory is known as “Pollination Syndrome”, the plants with the biggest glands and the strongest smells and the most colors, gets pollinated which has led to changes over time that we can see in plants (for example their are plants that basically have airplane runways on their flowers so that bees know where to go).

    So, I now have something behind that theory.

    And if anyone is doubting the Cross Genus thing (like Mixing Mint with Sage) look up “Intergenetic Hybrid”. And “Angiosperm”. Which both point to me being able to do this with these plants.

    ==Day 16==

    Datura Stramonium Germination

    Catnip Germination

    Wild Dagga Germination

    Coleus Germination

    Syrian Oregano Germination

    Rosemary Germination

    2.1 g Damiana & 1.2 g of Valerian Root

    In Mexico Damiana is used with Marijuana or Alcohol. So maybe they will make a good dream mix.

    ==Day 17==

    No Dreams

    Ghost Train Haze Update

    Illinois Bundleflower Update

    Morning Glory Update

    San Pedro Germination

    Animals (including people) only exist because some plants decided not to poison us, because we eat their fruit and shit out their seeds in new places.

    So if you eat Apples, Lemons, Oranges, Watermelons, Pumpkins, Tomatoes, or anything that has seeds. Or if you know where to get Marijuana with seeds. Collect some seeds up, and take them out after winter, mix them into a bag of soil. Then throw that soil on the side of highways and in the woods and on the side of businesses that have sprinklers, etc.

    ==Day 18==

    Taking 3.5 g Damiana and 360 mg Passion flower now, I will take some Valerian Root before bed.

    Once I have some herbs I will start paying more attention to journaling and doing things like writing “awake” on my hand. I just want to try all kinds of stuff and see if there is like a magic bullet.

    Fox Farm & Stress

    Foliar Feeding

    Marijuana Update

    Tickle Me plant Update

    Catnip Sprouts

    Coleus Sprouts

    Xhosa Sprout

    Datura Sprouts

    Calea Sprouts

    I just want to point something out to people, I am not doing this to try to be some kind of Herbalist or anything like that, this is my religion.

    Different plants contain different alkaloids and terpenes, which help you to contact what are known as “Gods” or “Plant Teachers” however you want to word it. I am only here to help bring those spirits into the world, not to prove anything to anyone.

    And most of you have probably experienced what ancient people called “Shiva”, you just call it something different. The modern name for “Shiva” in English is “I am so High right now”.

    Root Stimulation Mix

    I got a mystery plant, no idea what it is. I had a dry brick of Coco, so I put it in a 10 gallon trashcan full of hot water and shoved it down to the bottom until it broke apart. Then I stuck a lid on top of the trash can so no fungus would get in, but the soil would remain moist.

    I had no idea there was anything in there, but there are some stringy little plants that popped up (probably because they had no chance of getting light, so they are stretched) and they each have 2 little red leaves (probably because they could not get light so couldn’t turn green). I have no idea what kind of plant it is, but I transplanted them into a cup, and I think I have 6 in 1 cup. I will do updates, I have no idea what they are, but has anyone ever had seeds grow out of their coco?

    They claim our efforts are futile, I know they lyin, the only thing thats futile is never trying.

    Just btw, you can find most of these plants in Garden centers (Home Depot, Wal Mart, etc) in seed and small plant version, even the Cacti.

    Some can even be found growing as weeds, ALL of them actually, each one just has a different area that it grows naturally. Most weeds and garden herbs are actually all weeds, depending where you are and how common the plant is.

    Can you Identify this plant?

    Trying another Zyrtec and some Valerian Root tonight.

    ==Day 19==

    I am working on a list, and I am wondering if anyone knows of any natural plants that anyone can find anywhere. Once this list is done, anyone that reads it should be able to find themselves a natural Anti-Depressant or even just mood elevator.

    While working on this, I accidentally came across the phrase Oilhuasca. I make my own essential oils from Cinnamon and Lemon Peel and Peppermint leaf and all that, and I have been wanting to do some “Pihkal” and “Tihkal” type smell research. So when I was researching plants that activate these receptors, and found the phrase “Oilhuasca” a whole new landscape opened up in front of me. I AM NOT CLAIMING TO BE AN OILAHUASCA EXPERT, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH AFTER READING.

    I recently found out that Bitter Orange extract is like Norepinephrine, which really made me second think for a second. I knew Ephedra contained Ephedra which is used to make meth, but that never interested me. And I also knew that MDA/MDMA could be make from Black Pepper or Sassafras, but I don’t want to be an ecstasy cook.

    And I have known about Entheogens, everything from San Pedro, to Datura to Amanita or Marijuana and Betel. I have read about almost everything and have tried a few things. But these are always classified as “Psychedelic” or “Stimulant” or “Sedative”. And most of the stuff people are looking for are “Opiate Replacements” or “Marijuana Replacements” and I am not really interested in Opium, or replacing Marijuana.

    So, we know of plants that contain DMT, and LSA and Mescaline, but we don’t really pay attention to the plants that act on those SAME receptors, just in a lighter way. So, why not do that now?

    I can hardly find anything about this stuff online, but some people have posted some stuff and here is what I can find.

    Graviola- 5-HT1a Agonist
    Black Cohosh- 5-HT1A, 5-HT1D & 5-HT7 Binding
    C. Foetida L.- 5-HT1A Agonist
    Yokukansan- 5-HT1A Agonist

    DMT hits ALL of these, and can be found in tons of plants.

    If anyone can find something that binds/agonizes the 5-HT1B receptor, please post it. All I can find that is not a prescription is TFMPP, but that is not from a plant. There are also “Triptans” but they are also not natural.

    I can’t find anything that goes to the 5-HT1D receptor except black Cohosh.

    St. John’s Wort should be on here, I just can’t find out where. And 5-HTP, L-Theanine and L-Tryprophan can help also, but I am not sure if they are specific in their action. Kanna should be on here, but I don’t know exactly where. And maybe Rhodiola rosea, Albizia lebbeck & Albizia julibrissin.

    I read some where that these are 5-HT1 Receptor Agonists:

    Turmeric, Ginger, Ginko Bilboa, Lemon Essential Oil, Rauwolfia, Valerian, Yohimbe

    (also from what I have read)
    Elmicin & Myristicin (in Nutmeg)- 5-HT2A Agonist
    Estragole (in Sweet Basil)- 5-HT2A Agonist
    Safrole (in Sassafras)- 5-HT2A Agonist

    Those 4 oils are the main oils used in Oilahuasca, please name more if you know them. They say they can be taken by swallowing, huffing or rubbing it on your skin.

    Some people report Black Pepper being of use by adding Peperidine to the body, some claim black pepper made things weaker. Just thought I would add that here. Making Pepper tea with water and filtering out the solids can help keep the good stuff in and keep the bad stuff out they say. And Synephrine might do something with the pepper. Also, L-Lysine can be used instead of pepper.

    These next oils are the oils you need to activate them.
    Cinnamon Bark- CYP2A6 & CYP2E1 Inhibitor (It will deplete your liver’s Glutithione) Taken 1 Hour before Allybenzene,
    Clove Leaf- CYP2C9, CYP3A4, CYP1A1 & CYP1B1 Inhibitor
    German Chamomile- CYP1A2 Inhibitor (Caffeine may also do this)


    GoldenSseal & Echinacea purpurea very effectively do the same thing. And people have reported using Vitamin B9 or Almond extract or Star Anise Extract and Tangerine Peels or Extract.

    And from what I am finding now, Black seed oil, 50% EGCG, Valerian root oil, Pomegranate, Vitamin B9, 40% Ellagic extract, Rooibos 20% Gallic acid extract, Rutin, B3 & Kudzu are best here. THC is also said to have an effect here.

    I have read something about DMSO being used with these, not exactly sure on this though.

    This supposedly only leaves a few enzymes to break things down, rendering these things orally active. They may not work for everyone, and dosage is unsure at this point. But people have reported better results with Phenethylamine (Some people say you NEED to take it with your Allylbenzene, or at least some kind of ‘amine’ like Tryptamine) and Phenelalanine. As well as Coffee and Cayenne Pepper. Milk may also do something, it contains a few things like Tryptophan and Choline.

    The 4 Oils listed are “AllylBenzenes”, here is a larger list, but I am not sure if anyone has ever tried to Oilahuasca these yet, and I do not know if it is safe, so I am not suggesting anyone try these, they are just here for the sake of discussing them so people in the future can be safe.

    Anethole, Apiol, Asarone, Carpacin, Chavibetol, Chavicol, Dillapiole, Eugenol, Isoeugenol, Isosafrole, Methyl Eugenol, Methyl Isoeugenol,

    And since Cinnamon is a Phenylpropanoid, and Phenylpropanoids are made from Phenelalamine, and people who took Phenelalamine claim to get better results. I decided to post a list of Phenylpropanoids also.

    Caffeyl Alcohol, Cinnamaldehyde, Cinnamyl alcohol, alpha-Cyno-4-hydroxycinnamic acid, Ethyl Cinnamate, Lignin, 2,4-Methlenedioxypropiophenone, Neoflavonoids, Nordihydroguaiaretic acid, Phenylpropanoic acid, Phloretic acid, Rhododendrin & Suberin.

    Here are the things that you need to make sure the Oil works.

    Star Anise Extract or B9 for CYP2C9 Induction

    Most important things:
    CYP2C9 Induction
    Alcohol Dehydrogenase Induction
    Aldehyde Dehydrogenase Inhibition
    Piperidine and or Dimethylamine Supplementation
    Methyl from foods
    Exercise or compounds that produce effects like exercise

    Less important, but still factors:
    SSAO Inhibition (Caffeine, Phenethylamine, Phenelalamine, Tryptamine)
    MAO-A Induction
    MAO-B Induction
    NDMA Antagonism
    Prolactin Inhibition

    Here are some Piperadines (Pepper Replacement)

    Thioridazine, Haloperidol, Mesoridazine, Raloxifene, Loperamide, Risperidone & Paroxetine

    Peppermint oil has also been talked about as a possible base instead of the Allylbenzenes.

    And there is an Oilhuasca diet you are supposed to keep up for a day or so before the Oilahusca, because some foods naturally counteract these effects you are looking for. If you take lots of Vitamins and stuff too, some of those could get in the way. If you look up “Oilahuasca Diet” you can find it.

    No one seems to have mentioned this, but MAOIs could help in this also. But do not eat Chocolate, Cheese or Alcohol if you take MAOIs.

    Hungarian Parsley Seed is a better source of Myristicin, just found that out. And the effects of it when activated properly are said to be like Mescaline and MDMA together. The P450 Enzymes CYP1A2 & CYP3A4 are what break this down and need to be inhibited. CYP2D6 could also play a big role.

    Elmicin is something you either needs Chromotography type knowledge to get, or you have to buy it in small quantities. When activated properly it is like Mescaline, when activated wrong it is like Melatonin (sleepy). CYP1A1, CYP1B1, CYP1A2, CYP2A6, CYP2C9, CYP2A6, CYP2C9 & CYP2E1 are what are needed to be inhibited to activate this. CYP2D6 could also play an important role.

    Safrole is like MDMA when activated properly and like Melatonin when not. CYP2A6, CYP2C9, and CYP2E1 are most important for this. CYP2D6 could also be important.

    Methyl Chavicol when activated properly is like a light speedy LSD, when activated wrong it is said to be almost like Marijuana. CYP1A2 and CYP2A6 inhibit it, and CYP2D6 could also be important.

    If the CYP2D6 Enzyme is inhibited with all the others, these are possibly visually hallucinogenic Oilahuascas. And the Methyl Chavicol doesn’t build a tolerance (the others do) it actually gets stronger for you every time you use it, or you can use less.

    Dill seed extract also is said to be able to be used. As one of the main things, like in place of the Chavicol.

    And apparently you can turn the main ingredients into 3 different forms, depending what you take:

    Dimethylamine, Piperidine and the Pyrrolidine derivatives
    Piperidine is said to be the strongest and is made by having Pepper or a Pepper replacement in your system.

    And Apparently Elami oil can be activated by Valerian Root of Chinese origin, Coffee, Almond Extract & Glycerin (the stuff E-Cig liquid is made of), and nothing else. And it is like Mescaline. Someone told that guy that he didn’t even need the Valerian root, and if he had added Vanilla or Cumin oil to his coffee, it could have been even stronger. So basically if someone were to drink a Nutmeg, Vanilla, Almond Coffee… They could trip and not even expect it.

    Ok, so I just read coffee inhibits Xanthine Oxidase, which is key is some people while other people can get effects just fine without the inhibitor there. But to be safe, if you want to ever try any of these, take a small amount of caffeine or drink a cup of coffee and see if it helps. (I will be trying all this stuff as soon as I can grow or order all the stuff for it)

    Someone else said that Valerian Root oil might actually be the key, because it Inhibits CYP2C9. Lol. So, I guess the key is just to try as many Inhibitors as possible, and try not to take to much of the base oil so that you don’t trip too hard.

    Valerian Root, B9, Anise seed are all interchangeable or to be used together
    or replaced with:
    DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone)
    Eugenol (inhibits/induces CYP2C9)
    Ginkgo biloba (inhibits/induces CYP2C9)
    Licorice (inhibits/induces CYP2C9)
    Milk Thistle
    Resveratrol (inhibits CYP2C9)
    Saint John’s Wort (inhibits/induces CYP2C9)
    Turmeric (inhibits/induces CYP2C9)

    Pepper tea, with the solids taken out, seems to be the best thing for creating the base base.

    L-Lysine is said to really help the pepper.

    Vanilla and Cinnamon seem to be interchangable. They are both Aldehydes.

    German Chamomile does the best at blocking CYP1A2, but you can use Cayenne Peppers or Tangeretin.

    CYP2A6 can be inhibited by:

    Almond Extract, Anise oil, Benzaldehyde, Cinnamaldehyde, Lemon oil, Lime oil, Orange oil, Limonene, Tangerine oil, Lemongrass oil, Nicotine

    CYP2D6 Inhibition could mean the difference between Psychedelic effects and no effects. Here are the things that inhibit it:
    CBD (Cannabidiol from Cannabis), Echinacea Purpurea, Pomegranate, Pummelo, Calamus oil, Kava, Black Cohosh

    CYP3A4 is important to inhibit, which can be done with:

    Catechin, Clove oil, Dill seed oil, Ginger, Goldenseal, Pomegranate, Cinnamon & Kava.

    Kudzu seems to help protect it after it is formed. This can be replaced by Gallic Acid, Soy Isoflavones, Glycerin, Caffeine or Benzaldehydge.

    And if anyone were to try these things with Mescaline or MDMA or DMT, they would probably get some awesome effects. I am not sure if anyone has tried it yet, but there may be other versions of Ayahuasca to make, where you take DMT orally and have it made into something else by inhibiting certain enzymes.

    Cayenne Peppers promote Endophines and Adrenaline, so they also put things in the body that are helpful.

    Just to add, It would probably also be good to take Phenethylamine, Phenelalamine, Tryptamine or even just Choline or Tryptophan or 5-HTP if that is all you can get.

    From what I read earlier, any NMDA antagonist would be beneficial, but not crucial in the mix. This makes sense to me, because NMDA antagonists are things like, Ecstasy or Cough Medicine (Delsym) or MXE. So it would make sense that having something that has these effects would kind of kick the whole thing into a full blown experience.

    So, Dextromotphan, that is what is in Cough Syrup and it is legal to buy, posses, etc. It is not any kind of drug. MXE is legal to buy and posses, but you are not allowed to take it unless you are a member of the Church of NeuroScience.

    There are also plants that have these effects:

    Uncaria Rhynchophyllia
    Psychotria Colorata
    Huperzia Serrata

    Then there is the addition option of Prolactin Inhibition, which can be done with:

    Zinc, Ginko Vitamin E, B6, Almonds or Almond Extract & Magnesium
    And possibly by anything that releases Dopamine or acts like it. So L-DOPA, THC, and a few other things maybe.

    Also, once I get these plants grown and have a bunch of Mint and Sage and Coleus and all that, I will start making extractions and essential oils of all the plants I am growing, then I will start breeding the plants together and making new plants with new smells. And once I have all of that going, I will start making bulk extractions of things like Roses, to get Damascone, etc. And start making analogues of common perfume smells, analogues that NO ONE has ever smelled before. All it takes is some Benzene structures, or Methyl structures, or an Acetone like structure, and entirely new molecules with entirely new smells can be made.

    Most of these things are active with a few drops. And Methyl Chavicol gets STRONGER as you use it, so eventually you could just smell it in the air and feel some STRONG effects. If you did all the preliminary, you could possibly get effects just from the smell without building your reverse tolerance.

    Trying some Benadryl tonight.

    ==Day 20==

    I had a dream last night, but I can’t remember it exactly. I am pretty sure it was about enzymes and stuff, but I feel like it was the same as a dream I had a few months ago before I knew about the Enzyme stuff. So I think I am thinking on Enzymes just because I can’t remember what it was.

    Now that I know Oilahuasca exists, the Synchronized Hyperspace Event (S.H.E.) will be a lot easier to share with everyone.

    This Christmas season, I am going to be complaining about a “War on Christmas” where I am going to complain that there are people dressing like Santa, putting up Christmas lights, and NOT taking any Hallucinogenic substances. It’s HERESY.

    If people are going to celebrate Christmas, they need to celebrate it all the way. So now that I know about Oilahuasca, I am going to test it out, make some videos showing people how to make a cup of coffee that can make you feel like you are on Ecstasy.

    THAT is what Christmas lights are FOR. End the war on Christmas!

    Benadryl again tonight, with some B6. It worked last time, so maybe it will work again.

    ==Day 21==

    I had a dream about some kind of machine someone was using, but I don’t remember what the machine was or who the person was. It was kind of like the machine that is in the light when you take DMT, but it was more solid and easier to understand, like less 4 dimensional. But I still didn’t know what it was I don’t think.

    Just something I randomly thought of, if anyone wants to learn about dream stuff, you should look up “Imhotep” he was the first person to be recorded in history who was not royal or mythical. He invented surgery and tons of other stuff and was the Pharaoh’s dream interpreter (vizier), but mainly he was the first person that found out you could solve modern problems by reading old books. Basically, he solves a famine/drought by reading about how they had droughts in the past.

    They thought he was a magician, and a really good one. But really, he just read some books about the past and was like “Hey, we have that problem now”.

    If anyone is following this and doesn’t want to sort through the pages and pages, here is where the videos are posted. And I will soon be posting Oilahuasca videos. No one else on youtube has made one yet. Someone else should.


    If anyone wants to get in to dream stuff, but doesn’t want to spend the money involved in any of the processes. You can get FREE (you earn it for writing, which everyone on the internet does) through Devtome.

    If you have heard of Bitcoin, there is another coin called “Devcoin”. You earn FREE Devcoins for every 1,000 words you write on Devtome. To make a Devtome account, search Google for “Devcoin Official” and there will be a thread on Bitcoin talk. Talk to the people there, and they can tell you how to make a Devtome account (you just have to talk to a certain admin and they will make the account).

    Once you have an account you just write your words, then in about a month or so you get paid Devcoins into your Devcoin wallet.

    Here is a link to check how long everything has left:

    Then you can use those Devcoins to either buy other coins (Like PoS coins, which allow you to earn money by having coins in your wallet, like Hobonickle.

    Or, you can trade your Devcoins for Bitcoins on a website like:

    And, Paypal accepts Bitcoins now.

    And just btw, if anyone actually looked up Imhotep and found him interesting. Here is a WHOLE BUNCH of stuff similar to that, much of which is not taught to you in schools, but is definitely real. Most of it is in stone.

    I did some more personal research on Oilahuasca and found some interesting things.

    I am sure the Enzymes have a lot to do with the effects, because apparently people get the Oilahuasca effects from just a few drops. So, by listing these compounds I am not saying that they are the reason for the effects of Oilahuasca, but they are in these plants.

    Pepper = Peperidine (Supplement: BioPeridine, available on Amazon)
    Anise = Anethole (a Phenethylamine)
    Parsley & Dill = Apiole (a Phenethylamine)
    Acorus Calamus = Asarone (a Phenethylamine)
    Betel = Chavicol (a Phenethylamine that is a stimulant without enzyme inhibitors)
    Elemi = Elemicin (a Phenethylamine, many say it feels like Mescaline when activated)
    Basil = Methyl Chavicol (a Phenethylamine)
    Clove = Eugenol (a Phenethylamine)
    Raw Soy Beans = Phenethylamine
    Mucuna Seed = L-DOPA and tons of Tryptamines

    All of these are things that can help in Oilahuasca. You can also get Oxytocin nose spray or tongue drops, I have not heard of anyone trying it, but it makes sense that this would help, since things like Ecstasy release Oxytocin.

    A thing that HAS been used to boost the experience is NMDA Receptor Antagonists, which is another trait ecstasy has. Which can be found in DXM (Delsym Cough Syrup) or in a few different plants. But just like the oils, if these things are added, it should be in small amounts since you are turning off the enzymes in your body that usually break these things down.

    Procedure, in plain English:

    The pepper would be made into a tea. Solids filtered out.
    Then you would get some Anise Oil, B9 or Valerian Root (of Chinese Origin, according to the forums)
    So that is your Pepperidine, and you activators. Now you need your Enzyme Inhibitors. You can add L-Lysine, but it is not necessary.
    Vanilla and Cinnamon work, pick one or both. You also need the Aldehyde structure from one of these.
    Next. German Chamomile, Cayenne Pepper Capsules or Tangerine Skin extract/capsules

    Then Almond extract, Anise Oil (if you already had it), Cinnamon, Lemon peel oil, Lime peel oil, or a cigarette or nicotine gum if you can’t find anything else.

    Then CBD, Echinacea Purea, Pomegranate, Pummelo, or Calamus Oil.

    Then Clove oil, Catechin, Dill seed Oil or Goldenseal.

    Then Kudzu or Glycerin or Caffeine

    Not ALL of these things are neccisarry, but if you do 1 thing in each list, you should get VERY strong effects from whatever you take.

    And according to the forums, the best thing to take is Sweet Basil Extract, in it’s pure form, it is known as “Methyl Chavicol”.

    Take all that other stuff like 30 minutes to an hour before the Basil Extract, and redose the B9, Anise or Valerian root to keep the effects going without taking more. According to the forums.

    Calea Update

    Coleus Update

    Syrian Rue Update

    Datura Update

    Canary Reed Update

    I could not find a video talking about Oilahuasca on Youtube, but I JUST found a video that kind of explains the P450 Enzymes.

    Oilahuasca Intro

    I am trying Benadryl and B6 again tonight to see if there are any dreams.

    ==Day 22==

    I had a dream last night, but I can’t remember it and I think I have something a little more important here.

    Random question thing.

    Everyone says that Tribes, Villages and People in general have been in a state of war basically until now. People say “In the past if you showed up in a boat, people would kill you” (there is more evidence of the people on the boats doing the killing in reality), and people like to say “In the past” (without qualifying that) “If someone wanted resources, they would just go to war and take them.

    This is simply NOT TRUE. Even the generals of warring armies could get together and have debates 200 BC (so 2000 years ago) and they went to war for reasons like “This empire is infringing on our land” not “I want blood”.

    There is even evidence THOUSANDS OF YEARS AGO (around 7,000 BC in Poland), the first Farmers (the first people to plant seeds) made a trading post, where they would meet up with the hunter gatherers and trade pottery and food.

    And if you are Christian, Jesus says in the Bible “Nation will rise up against nation” why would he need to say that if it was the norm just to attack people for resources. Think.

    Random post about hash making that will happen at the end of this MJ grow:

    I keep seeing people posting about Bubble hash, and I am not trying to discount Ice Wax and stuff like that. I have seen some really good Dry and Wet Bubble Bag extracts from people like Matt Rize and Bubbleman and people like that.

    But, if this is going to be MEDICAL. Like a REAL Medical product, you can’t just be making Bubble hash.

    We NEED to be making more pure materials. So, what I will be doing as soon as I can, is using the trim from the plants I am growing now. And do the “Dr. Atomic” hash making method from the 70s. Where you Reflux and Polarize the liquid hash.

    Everyone right now is like “Oh wow, you can get trich heads” and yeah, that is cool, but it’s not medical grade. To get medical grade we are going to have to MELT the trichs in a solvent, then extract ONLY WHAT WE WANT from them. Via Polarization.

    I do want to mention something that they talked about on Bubbleman’s channel once. They said that a D-Lemonene Extract won a cup or something, because it was the best hash in a competition.

    I have noticed that Myrcene additives (Lemon Grass mainly) can help the Marijuana get you higher. So I am guessing that D-Lemonene probably actually has a similar effect.

    We may be using Oilahuasca Marijuana Techniques and not even know it yet.


    Sativa contains [youtube=]Caryophyllene – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia[/youtube] and Indica usually does not.

    Caryophyllene Oxide is used in things like Perfume, and some Police use it to train dogs to find Marijuana.

    There are hundreds of Cannabinoids and THOUSANDS of Terpenes, and all of these things work TOGETHER to give us the effects.

    I think that smoking/vaping/eating weed, and smelling/smoking/trans-dermal Caryophyllene, will actually boost the effects of the Marijuana. And d-Lemonene and Myrcene can also. Myrcene has been studied and seen to do this via Mangoes (look it up), but I am not sure if anyone has tested d-Lemonene and Caryophyllene for this specifically.

    I have been looking for “Non-Polar Solvents” to make “Concrete”, to make Absolute for perfume.

    I was sitting here for like 30 minutes, and all I could find was like Benzene, Hexane and Chloroform, and I was just thinking “If I order any of that, they are going to think I am trying to do something WAY different than perfuming”.

    Then I decided to do a search for “Lemonene Polarity” and all the sudden, I realized why it is such a good solvent for extraction. This is going to make Polarized hash making EASY AS SHIT.

    So, what the plan for hash making is now.

    I am going to get some d-Lemonene and use it to do a COMPLETE non-polar, full spectrum extract on the Cannabis trim.

    Then I will add a polar substance to it, like some kind of alcohol. Then I will keep the Alcohol layer, and toss the Lemonene layer, sine it will contain all the resins and waxes, while the alcohol will contain all the Cannabinoids. You can probably also smoke the Lemonene layer to get extra terpenes.

    But this should make Clinical Grade full spectrum hash, and if I Isomerize it, it would be TRUE clinical grade, with NOTHING but Delta-9-THC in it.

    Medical Grade Hash Extraction Method

    I just found out that the Butter mixture is known as “Enfleurage”. Which is the process of capturing plant fragrances in fats and oils.

    You can do it cold or hot. And people do it in Tallow and Lard. But I am going to continue to use Butter for Cannabutter, and I will use Coconut Oil if I am going to make anything meant to go on the skin.

    But this opens up a new route of Application for Oilahuasca. You can extract the plant essence in fat or oil, just like when making Cannabutter. Then you can use the Enfluerage of the certain plants needed in order to get the Oilahuasca to work.

    From what I can tell, this is also one of the best ways to extract the Terpene called “Ionone”, which according to perfumers, does not extract well in to alcohol.

    But I bet if you made Enflourage or used Lemonene, then went and separated via Alcohol and Polarization, you could probably get a good Alcohol Ionone extract.

    By only using a single solvent, you are making what is known in the Perfume world as “Concrete”. This would include everything from Cannabutter, to BHO. Even if you use water, you are making a single solvent hash, known as “Concrete”. Which is usually only sold as incense in the perfume world, and with any other plant it would NEVER be considered “medical grade”.

    You have to do the second step. The first step is best if you use a Non-Polar Solvent like Butane, Lemonene, Hexane, Bezene or Butter.

    Then, you either want to let that dry out and do a “wash”, or you add some kind of 99% alcohol (Ethanol, Isopropyl or Methanol) and let it separate. Then you will get the 2 layers, which you can gather the alcohol layer of.

    This is known as “Absolute” in the perfume world, and IS perfume grade. And with various plants, this would be known as “Medical Grade”. With no contaminants.

    If anyone knows anything about the THC Isomer called THC 5 aka THCV, not the same as THCv I don’t think.

    This Isomer could actually have some Amazing medical application, it is like 100x stronger than THC or something like that, and you can make it from a THC molecule. It just has to do something with the structure being able to cross the blood brain barrier. If anyone has any info on this, please share it.

    Just btw:

    This is only the beginning of this. I am still growing herbs, many of which have Terpenes that will be useful in some “Marijuasca” mixtures.

    Then I will still be cross breeding different plants in the mint family with each other to see if I can make any Intergenetic Hybrids.

    While I do that, I will also be making some “Hybrid Species” so that we have have some new Cultivars, maybe even Cultivars of things like Catnip, which is know to have psychoacitve effects in humans and cats.

    While getting terpenes from home grown plants, and trying to make new species. I will also be making my own essential oils of different plants, so that I can have more Terpenes than just the ones I grow.

    And somewhere early on in there, I only put it last because it was discovered by myself last, I will be getting the ingredients for Oilahuasca and testing it.

    And something I have been wanting to do for a while, but won’t have the weed or the money for for a few months, is making polarized hash. That will probably be the very last thing to get done, and it should be some time in the first 6 months of 2015.

    After hearing about Oilahuasca, then more-so after learning about Enfleurage, I thought about something I read in the past.

    My mom is kind of in to witch stuff, so she has a magic book. And there are some werewolf “spells”. One time I looked some of them up, and there is one that I can’t find the source of, but it seems to be pretty widespread as “A Werewolf Transformation Potion that Witches Used”. Again, I can’t find the source, but if you search “Cat Fat Wolf Skin Belt Parsley” on Google, you will find various websites that talk about this “Spell”.

    And the reason I specifically remember this spell is because the first time I read about it, I was reading that it was strange that parsley would be an ingredient, because it is NOT Psychoactive. The other ingredients were psychoactive, but should not have made anyone feel like a werewolf. But it is possible that the Apiole could have been activated into an ancient form of Werewolf Ecstasy.

    Here is the “Spell” aka Ritual: Opium, poppy seeds, aloe, henbane, hemlock, parsley, solanine (an extract of night shade), and asafetida (a gum resin). After stirring all the components together , he will allow the contents to simmer. When flames leap up, he will begin his incantation: “Elect of all devilish host, I pray you send hither, the great gray shape that makes men shiver. Come! Come! Come!”
    Having removed his clothing and put on a wolf-skin girdle, the devotee now rubs his entire body with a salve.

    And now that I know about Oilahuasca, I am pretty sure that this is what the witches were brewing.Parsley contain Apiole, which is not active by itself, but when taken with the right Enzyme inhibitors, it is possible that it could be activated. And it is possible that it is an Enzyme inhibitor itself.

    So basically, what I think was happening is, the witches would get someone REALLY worked up about the full moon, like really make them antsy about it. Like tell them that that is when the freaks come out and stuff. Then, once the person is worked up, the full moon comes along. You give them a belt made of wolf, or have them kill a wolf to make it. Then you have them kill a cat to get fat to mix with the plants so you can rub the oils all over your skin. So, doing this, while in the light of the full moon that you are worked up about. Might make the ecstasy effects kind of turn you into a mental “Werewolf”.

    Tonight I am going to try B6 and Valerian Root capsules.

    ==Day 23==

    Someone asked me some stuff on another website, and I thought all the Oilahuasca threads should have it. So here it is.

    I never said anything about not doing drugs because of food. I said these oils will last longer than “drugs” like ecstasy, because instead of $10 for 1 tab, you are spending $10 (or less) on a bottle, and you have like 5 bottles that will last a LONG time.

    I have not heard of it making people sick, and you can apply it on your arm. I have heard of people getting sick from eating lots of Nutmeg, but some people have tried Nutmeg Oilahuasca drops and I have not heard of them getting sick even. If you deactivate everything properly, and activate the right thing, people say it gets visual.

    My religion is that of the Aboriginals. I call it “The Tree of Life School” they call it “Dream Time”, and there is even “Dream Time Archaeology” you can research.

    I grow Marijuana, and I have been growing spices forever. And I understand how esoteric oil making seems to people, but I have been making hash since I was 14 and I take very easily to new oil making methods, and I have been studying the perfumery methods for about a year now, and at this point they seem “simple” to me.

    Lucid Dreaming is “Real”

    Just btw, if anyone thinks I think I am smart, you can go fuck yourself. I got all of this info about Breeding and Ceremonies and Dreaming from studying “Dream Time”, “The Land of Punt” and Ancient Kemet (Egypt).

    I am not trying to “show off things I know”, I am trying to share stuff that we as humans have done traditionally, and would not be where we are without.

    If you can’t read me posting about chemicals and hash without thinking I think I am better than you, again, go fuck yourself.

    If you would like to see this information in it’s historical context so you can know how I know these things (by knowing which cultures I got them from) here is a link.

    If anyone is scared of Ebola, we should all start letting food rot in composts and growing bacteria from it in petri dishes, this is how Penicillin was discovered. The way you can tell if one bacteria is good at killing things, is by having it in the Petri dish and watching it eat all the other bacteria. That is how Penicillin was discovered.

    More plant updates today or tomorrow, I am going to start making the videos now but I might now finish editing until tomorrow.

    And just btw, anyone that thinks I am into “Quantum” things and Depac Chopra. You are very wrong. I have never read anything of his, and I am pretty sure the only time I have seen him speak was when he talked about Neuropeptides, which he called “Chemical Emotions”. Unless that was someone else.

    It seems that anytime someone hears anything about Egypt or Dreams, they automatically want to pretend that they are talking to a certain kind of person.

    I also do not believe aliens are God. Actually, I think the Ancient Alien Theory is racist because it says that if white people didn’t build it, grey people must have come and helped.

    And for anyone that hates me for not being Atheist.

    I would like to point out that Doctors still say the Hippocratic oath, which is 2000 years old. And before their were labs, Science was done in Temples. Just because you have a bad taste in your mouth from Christianity does not mean you figured out EVERYTHING about religion.

    I used to take Druids Dream and get a strong trip very pleasant
    I sometimes take wormwood active ingrediant in Absinth which I love
    have tried catnip
    dreamtime very cool aboriginal….
    I get very vivid dreams often lucid visions

    Drank absynthe many times. Always been waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too arseholed from the ridiculous alcohol content to even notice any effect from the wormwood.

    ah yeah thats the thing..I was ok until I stood up then…oh dear lol never been so can be bought seperate






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