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Drinking and clubbing

Forums Drugs Alcohol Drinking and clubbing

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  • Ok, so the night is still young but I decided to end it early. I went out with a few friends, had the drinks flowing, went to the next venue and decided to end it there.

    clubbig isn’t what it used to be, maybe because I’m comparing it to raving, which is no match haha. So I get out the club where two friends are waiting for me, and a guy is kicking off, police end up arresting him, not to mention there was a fight in the club. So I find my friends and they decide to go get a kebab in which I wait outside and observe another frame going on, which ended up with 3 of this guys friend pulling him away before more bouncers came and docked the guy up.

    shortly after, enjoying my cigarette which I ponced from an old school friend I ran into, still observing a guy comes up to me, talking to me about fighting and fucking someone up, blah blah blah, I thought he was talking about the bouncers until I find out he’s trying to start on me. So now trying to be a much better person instead of putting him in his place where I would have two years ago, even a year ago my friend comes over, he says a few rude comments to her and I just walk away.

    ive realised, even though I’m pretty drunk how much my patience and maturity has grown, so we run into him later and he starts on my friend, ignoring me while standing right next to him, we jump in the cab and that’s the end of that.

    so, in conclusion, I’ve realised… How stupid are people to think that a night sampling some weed is more dangerous than a night out drinking alcohol, the amount of fights I’ve been In ffrom drinking (which I am in no way bragging or showing off about) compared to being on the streets smoking weed is like 100:1, what the fuck has society come too!!

    im pretty proud of my new found patience and realisation, I’m so glad I’ve outgrown all these people who are years older than me and still going out drinking and looking for fights.

    seriously though, surely people who have been clubbing has experienced this side of clubbing yet they say alcohol is so much better than weed and other euphoric drugs…

    maybe im rambling on or I just don’t even make sense, but just writing this out of my early ended night frustration to stupid ignorant minds who abuse alcohol…

    @Lshak 529482 wrote:

    maybe im rambling on or I just don’t even make sense, but just writing this out of my early ended night frustration to stupid ignorant minds who abuse alcohol…

    Well yeah Alcohol does make some people violent but to be honest I abuse alcohol sometimes and know people who do who never fight. Maybe i’m more likely to have a stupid disagreement but physical violence naa. those people have issues. I’m sure if Alcohol didn’t exist… if drugs didn’t even exist there’d still be another scene known for violence.

    Yeah that makes sense, but it seems to always be the same people or the ones that just get hammered, I don’t really like drinking too much now tbh

    Ive stopped excessive drinking/going ‘clubbing’ at all because it seems alcohol+ going to a shit club = bladdered savvydravvy. Alcohol is the least fun going-out-drug anyway!

    The same people who drink and fight take drugs and fight, and lead to both activities being restricted. I’ve met folk who get into stupid scuffles even on the best MDMA, I know it might seem hard to believe but I’ve seen it happen and its not always the people you would expect to be like that. Even at free parties when people are going through comedowns its not PLUR, seen it look like lord of the flies after 3 days. Also there were in the “good days” of the 90s midweek incidents of violence amongst friends and families due to comedowns. Most people who are not curious about criminology look only at weekend incident counts.

    Security crews at legal rave events in both UK and even NL where you’d expect it to be fluffier have their work cut out for them. In most towns across Northern Europe there now is a big problem with folk taking mephedrone (or even large caffiene doses and drinking as well) and getting into fights.

    Fair enough, I just don’t see the point though, can they not control their violent outbursts? It’s not completely drugs making them this way, its probably an already chemical imbalance in their brain to react aggressive so quickly and to lose their temper without much to not being provoked at all

    its not a simple thing to deal with. That same aggression built empires some years (centuries) ago, which is why it was not immediately suppressed across both sides of the North Sea,

    Life makes people fight. When lifes not going your way, the easy thing to for alot of people is get lost in drug/alcohol abuse and addiction and then vent your aggression in the simplest way possible, instead of actually facing the real issues. Its no coincidence that the people with the most fucked up problems, turn to the most fucked up drugs.

    Im not saying this from a high horse either, back in the day (im only 21 now!) i pretty much directly (although not set out with the intention) had some bad news or something shit happen to me, get blind drunk and get in fights. As long as you realise doing that A) doesnt solve the problem B) is just transferring your personal pain onto others, which is just selfish and C) leaves you with a banging headache from both alcohol and the fight aftermath, how fun!

    Makes a lot of sense, of course you have to have that fight in you for when its necessary, but going out for a fight on the high street is just stupid in my opinion, may as well save that testosterone when there is no flight option left haha

    That also seem like a pretty true explanation on probably the majority of our society savvy, where as alcohol actually clouds your vision to not actually see what’s right or wrong in your everyday life, doesn’t exactly help see it from a different perspective

    See the thread: What comes first the asshole or the drugs

    @Savvydravvy 529894 wrote:

    Im not saying this from a high horse either, back in the day (im only 21 now!) i pretty much directly (although not set out with the intention) had some bad news or something shit happen to me, get blind drunk and get in fights. As long as you realise doing that A) doesnt solve the problem B) is just transferring your personal pain onto others, which is just selfish and C) leaves you with a banging headache from both alcohol and the fight aftermath, how fun!

    yep thats exactly what happens on the street. And everyone not just the fighters get the headache. Out of curiosity I decided to read the youth safety website for the Dutch Local Government Association and the advice was exactly the same as Britain. No distinction is made between the effects of alcohol and drugs and the control methods apply to the entire crowd and encourage a very high level of monitoring and surveillance of their activities.

    Drug addiction treatment is not a quick and easy process. In general, the longer and more intense the drug use, the longer and more intense the treatment you’ll need. But regardless of the treatment program’s length in weeks or months, long-term follow-up care is crucial to recovery.

    it hit me what just what happened last weekend. I’m so drunk that i got in fights with some thugs in back alley. They got me so bad, that until now i wear a pair of raccoon eyes.






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Forums Drugs Alcohol Drinking and clubbing