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Drugs in the U.S. vs drugs in the U.K.

Forums Drugs Drugs in the U.S. vs drugs in the U.K.

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  • Okay from what I have read from. Drug use is really high in the U.S. and the U.K. for “rave events”

    The U.S. has a act called the “Crack House Act” Where if a promoter throws a party and drugs are found in the building, then he or she will be fined 100,000 and/or thrown in jail for 2 years. That my friends doesn’t sound like fun. This goes for the club events as well that are having “rave events”

    I don’t know of anything in the U.K. that is tring to stop “Rave events” If anybody knows if the U.K. is tring to do something like this please let me know. I just want more information. Thanks.

    We have this draconian masterpiece. :p

    WOW and I thought we had it bad. It seems to me that have it down to the clothes you wear. That really sucks…. I am sorry to hear that.

    The CJA’s definition of a vehicle is something i have always found somewhat amusing….

    “Any vehicle, whether or not it is in a fit state for use on roads, and includes any chassis or body, with or without wheels, appearing to have formed part of such a vehicle, and any load carried by, and anything attached to, such a vehicle;”

    i was kind of a part of em:def

    they finally did pass “The Rave Act”

    Judging from some of the stories in the EM:DEF link,there is some kind of backlash against these “nonsensical laws”,with various courtrooms blocking or overturning said laws.
    Are these isolated cases,or part of a larger movement against The Rave Act?

    i guess passing the rave act wasn’t enough

    This is utterly ridiculous, and could have serious negative effects on our scene.

    RAVE ACT II!!! But worse


    This Act may be cited as the `Ecstasy Awareness Act of 2003′.


    Section 416 of the Controlled Substances Act (21 U.S.C. 856) is amended by adding at the end the following:

    `(c) Whoever profits monetarily from a rave or similar electronic dance event, knowing or having reason to know that the unlawful use or distribution of a controlled substance occurs at the rave or similar event, shall be fined not more than $500,000 or imprisoned not more than 20 years, or both. If the defendant is an organization, the fine imposable for the offense is not more than $2,000,000.’.

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    It takes 2 secs…please help!!! -(c)Frodus (travis)






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Forums Drugs Drugs in the U.S. vs drugs in the U.K.