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drum clinic last saturday

Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals drum clinic last saturday

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  • hey troops,
    i think i can honestly say that the last drum clinic gathering was a banging success, the bus gettin stuck was a mission and a half to get unstuck and it was a good turnout. i was dancin madly all fuckin nite, YEA!
    p.s a big shout out to andrews and roshien(soz but i don’t know the spelling but you know who you are)

    cheerz troops

    😛 😉 🙂

    alrighty, had a fuckin quality time as well. All i remember is dancing for the entire thing and then getting off the bus in glasgow and being fairly “ill”. Oh and shouting “DESTRUCTION” all night, even though I’d got acidfairy to play it already.






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Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals drum clinic last saturday