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  • well im wondering what exactly this pill does can it get you high? is it dangerous?

    how much does it go for and what it is used for i have looked all over the internet and it says a pain killer but it says it is used for eyes and allergy problems i wanna know what if any kind of high it gets and if it is some good shit thanks.

    its a pain killer similar to ibuprofen etc (but stronger) with limited (if any) recreational use. In my country (the UK, which has a public funded healthcare system) it is only used within a hospital environment due to the risk of bad side effects – i.e yes, it could be dangerous. that said I work in a healthcare environment and I’ve not seen it on the meds lists. I would say its nasty stuff, and down the loo with it, even though I recently have been plagued with various pains and could have done with a strong painkiller I would not take it, I value my health too much.

    Ketorolac – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    uhhh kinda confused you say it doesny have any recreational uses but that it is a strong pain killer.

    (from wikipedia)
    Ketorolac is indicated for short-term management of moderate to severe pain.[1] Concerns about the high incidence of reported side effects led to restriction in its dosage and maximum duration of use. In the UK, treatment should be initiated only in hospital. Maximum duration of treatment should not exceed five days for tablets (per package insert), or two days for continuous daily dosing with intravenous or intramuscular formulations.[2] The ophthalmic formulation can be used instead of steroidal anti inflammatories in cases where a raised intraocular pressure (glaucoma) is to be avoided.

    sounds like poison to me….

    @with33 478327 wrote:

    uhhh kinda confused you say it doesny have any recreational uses but that it is a strong pain killer.

    You’re thinking that all painkillers are like opiates, but there not. Just because it gets rid of pain doesn’t mean it gets you buzzing. Besides, ibuprofen doesn’t get you buzzing anyway, Just like Diclofenac, Naproxen and other similar drugs that are stronger then Ibuprofen.






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