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Expansion Of the Scope of this Category?

Forums Drugs Ketamine Expansion Of the Scope of this Category?

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  • Helloooooooo bass (yes you Dr Bunsen……) I notice we have this ketamine place but really it needs expanding to at least say something like disscoiatives or whatever but this area is a rich and wonderful world to explore, and ketamine, when you get to delve deeper into the arylcyclohexylamines, really isn’t that great 😉 MXE imo pisses all over it and my very limited testing of 2-OxO-PCE puts it ahead of ketamine (MXE is actually 2-OxO-PCE with an added methoxy group, 3-MeO-2-OxO-PCE…….).

    Also, ephenidine was quite nice and for it’s medicinal value, I think very under-rated, also, 2-MeO-ephenidine is definitely a worthwhile compound and I plan to write about that compound shortly but I also have flourolintane to write about………






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Forums Drugs Ketamine Expansion Of the Scope of this Category?