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  • unfortunately i’m not sure where the old smilies are kept these days (or if the have been archived somewhere); nowadays all the forums seem to be using Unicode emojis like ??? etc (or custom emoji pickers I’ve seen on some other places)

    Put the smilies in the bag.

    I should check in more often. In response to the original post, FUCK FACEBOOK, I’d rather have my bollocks ripped off by a rabid bull.

    Greetings to Dr B, Angel, Iliesse, DB and anyone else I missed, I missed you all and hope you are all well, oh I missed GL,

    [quote quote=1261439]unfortunately i’m not sure where the old smilies are kept these days (or if the have been archived somewhere); nowadays all the forums seem to be using Unicode emojis like ??? etc (or custom emoji pickers I’ve seen on some other places)[/quote]How do we make emojis? This forum is so similar yet so different than the old one.


    did that work?

    lol no

    It’s a shame those emojis are gone, they were really cool. Also a shame Dr B doesn’t chime in and say fuck you they’re gone, or conversely say here they are….

    those emoji’s were golden. Bunsen confuses me, he pays to keep this place online but never uses it.


      He might have his problems and issues too, just like the rest of us.
      We all grow older and get more responsebilities.
      I think the only reason that this forum is still here is because it is his baby, and he just can’t erease it.
      But that’s just My thoughts.
      And I think that at the moment Australia isn’t the nicest place to live. Don’t know if the fires and pollution is in the area he live.

      I get it, an occasional checkin from the boss would do a lot though especially with how listless things have been.

      Grateful for all I’ve learned on here, don’t want to sound like a little shit but we’re kind of at a critical moment as far as whether this place is still viable or will just become internet history


        I agree, for me personally i would call it history. Just hard to let go because i’ve met a lot of People here and party vibe sort of saved my life and kept me Sane in a time where My life was sort of badly fucked up

        It’s 10 ish years ago but I remember it as it was yesterday, it hurts It’s like this now!

        I think its a shame what has happened as I literally grew up with Partyvibe (I was still in my 20s when I first posted here!) but maybe the site has been a “victim of its own success?”

        The well educated, socially aware young people of high school and University age who kept this site going over the years now know that the 90s/2000s lifestyles of partying and drugs aren’t long term sustainable, so they aren’t getting into the scene as deeply as before (most are concentrating on their studies, or environment and social activism and that isn’t a bad thing!)

        I hope the site data can be kept as its a 20 year archive of cultural history across the world (even the stuff like the 2012/3 spate of gender fluidity amongst the regular users, and the Asian spammers and their links being replaced by geese)


          ? ? ?

          I’d hate to see this place die a total death, I loved this place when I arrived, which was much later than most but the enjoyment, entertainment and knowledge I gleaned from here was wonderful. I’d love to stay in touch with all my friends here, if anyone else feels the as me please PM me and we can swap info.


            [quote quote=1259674]Is that where you’ve all gone off to now is it?[/quote]

            after having no idea how really posting here, I went on G+ and fall also with the Typtameanie cunt in G+,

            as G+ has closed also, we went on and are playing every evening like old retired mentaly squellets… which made me have a look on party vibe where by hasard I found DB posting and thinking its time we all return and why not have a try.

            it has slowly brought a few people posting again…maybe its a 0,1 % of what it was before






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          Forums The Vibe Family & Friends Facebook, is it?