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Fake K? M K?

Forums Drugs Ketamine Fake K? M K?

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  • @DaftFader 431230 wrote:

    You went to get the bin but it was too late lol I just grabbed the nearest plastic bag (I think it had holes in it – hence the shit on the floor). Man that shit was so wrong. Two lines, not even slugs, and it made me react like that! (mind you we had been caining it for several days previously, but still that wasn’t nice stuff, I’m suprised you can stomach it even with a tollerance)

    That’s my problem mate, the fact that it doesn’t make me ill when it clearly should!! everything else makes me fucking ill which im thankful for so i dont cain it.

    My mates had some fake stuff a few times, it tastes like it but hurts like fuck and when you cook it it goes all grey and nasty.

    Could perhaps be Methoxetamine, there is a fuck-tonne float about at the moment.

    nah it wasnt mexxy, ive had that before!! 🙂

    found this stuff recently too, avoiding it now! didn’t find it pleasant whatever it was! certainly had that meow sniff feeling but find it hard to believe anyone would cut k with meow as meow is so expensive. definately not tiletamine as that shit knocks you out in a not so nice a very different way!

    Think the moral is stick to who you know and not to risk it when you get somewhere no matter how tempting.

    I took manky ket ages ago that made me throw up a lot (it was orange to) and didn’t feel right at all. Last few times I did K it just wasn’t the same as it used to be, not sure if that’s me or the drug.






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Forums Drugs Ketamine Fake K? M K?