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Favourie lowdose

Forums Drugs LSD & Other Psychedelic Drugs Favourie lowdose

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  • Hey guys! I don’t have the nerves, time and energy for +100ug journeys these days… Recently i microdosed about 20 ug which was interesting but almost too much for a microdose and too low for the kind of experience i’m looking for. I want nice euphoria, heightened perception but nothing too challenging or overwhelming. What dose would u suggest next time? 30 ug maybe? is 50 too much already? I’m looking for a nice buzz, not more, not less… Thanks!

    My advice is to try 30ug if that doesn’t work then 40ug and so forth. That way hopefully you’ll find the perfect dose and not overshoot; I don’t know how well you can titrate your doses but if 50ug proves too much then you could work back to 45ug and see if that is just right.

    What I’m interested to know is how are you measuring such doses? I’m assuming you don’t have pure crystal and volumetric dosing is not being used but maybe I’m wrong…….






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Forums Drugs LSD & Other Psychedelic Drugs Favourie lowdose