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  • fuck the peapole wo make party for money and not to make peapole happy,for exemp fu french somd systeme….but no name ,a dont need to you no ..the sort of sond wo make the paf at 5pond for only 1 sond in the fucking room ,no deco no atmosfer..drink s 2 or 4pond for a biere..and playing the same music over and over entil the morning time ,,fuck them….tank you ……………………………………………………

    yeah mate, no matter where you are in the world you are always gonna find people who are out to make money out of other peoples leisure. and it aint just the commercial parties, its the ‘free’ parties too. I mean ok, we all know that these days you gonna be expected to part wiv some dosh to get into ‘free’ parties. But that’s understandable, what is £3/£5? in todays racing economic maddness that’s nearly the same as free, it certainly isn’t as pricy as those £10/£20 venues where you’re gonna have to cough up twice that much to get a drink!
    What free means is what goes on inside. At a fre party you expect to be free to wear what you want, to be free from corporate presure, free to stick whatever you want into your system at a reasonable price, free from MTV bullshite and chart crap.
    but what really fuks me off, is those people out there that are then capitalising on those freedoms and just churning out the same unimaginitive drival week in week out, without any thought to what the routeen mundainess of their relentlessly repetative mindless plinking ‘music’ is doing to the poor heads of their partygoers. They don’t care about the environments that they create, they don’t care about weither the ravers are respecting each other or not, they dont even care that they dont even care, just as long as everyone parts with their squids on the way in and they can walk away at the end of the weekend and by themselves a big fat bag…
    thats not a free party, thats rinsing!

    i recon if its advertised as ‘free party’ it should be exactly that, with maybe a donations bucket jinglin around from time to time……….if people can call pay partys freeparties, what are we gonna call actual free parties?……..the term ‘rave’ got commercialised by dickface club promoters in the nineties, it would be a shame to se “free Party ” go the same way.
    on the other hand, we have started subsidising our free parties with clubnights, never over a fiver, tho….we are a bit worried were turning into corporate whores, but as long as the free parties continue, i recon were safe……….

    surely theyre called free not because they dont cost money, but because your free to pretty much do what you want.
    you wont be able to rack up wherever or have a spliff in front of the stack if youre at a club night, but you can at a free party.

    Littleman wrote:
    surely theyre called free not because they dont cost money, but because your free to pretty much do what you want.
    you wont be able to rack up wherever or have a spliff in front of the stack if youre at a club night, but you can at a free party.

    I agree have been trying to get this point across for ages.. for those of us who put on parties they are far from free but we do it coz we love it.. the whole point of them was the free spirit to be free to party where u want when u want for as long as u want..

    Acidfairy wrote:
    I agree have been trying to get this point across for ages.. for those of us who put on parties they are far from free but we do it coz we love it.. the whole point of them was the free spirit to be free to party where u want when u want for as long as u want..

    for the people who organise and run free parties they are not at all free – transport costs, generator running costs, any hire costs incurred along the way, etc but they do it because they love them [not to mention the risks of having them busted]

    but as AF said they are free parties because [as long as you arent hurting anyone else] you are free to do what you want

    the london squat parties for example generally charge a fiver, but the bottom line is even for london parties, some form of security is neccessary otherwise crackheads and muggers will take over (ive seen it happen to unprepared crews). but while you are paying to get in, once your in none of the ridiculous drug laws apply, nor do dress-codes or concepts of decorum (if you want to get naked, go for it, no-ones gonna have you ejected [good luck living it down tho lol]).

    the majority of freeparties are free, especially those outdoors, partly cos theres no physical boundries or doors or owt, but mainly cos how much cash you have in your pocket should have nothing to do as to wether you can join in. still, a donation to the crew is always welcome, as has been said, someones coughed up quite a bit and risked even more just so we can have a party with decent rules and not the stupid politically driven law.

    London raves are considered Squat parties and I personaly do not call them free raves as you do have to pay.

    Free raves for me are those that the only money you have to pay is for petrol and calling the party line. oh and booze

    yes yes dutti b tht right u do have to pay. how have u been

    Free parties are gr8, and the fact that u are FREE from all things telling u wat to do! N if they organisers of the phat nite ahead of you, go around askin for a few squids to cover the money they shelled out to rent a van n pay for the speakers, then so fuckin wot! i wud quite happily go to a party n hand out a tenner to instead of a “pound for the sound” jus because they hav put the effort in for evry1 else to hav a gr8 time

    nothing is free in this world, the party may b free of rules (generally), but evry1 shud spare sum cash for the dudes wit the speakers.

    Party on, no worries, keep it cool, n keep the parties goin wit yur donations enit!

    i think pound for sound is a good idea as the ppl that do the free parties have to do alot of work and it all comes out of there pocket

    one thing I’ve noticed in East Anglia is that people seem to be a bit more prepared to give donations compared to London/SE England. In the South East everyone whinges and its a shit job being on the “door”, a few years ago at a party in SE England just outside Reading, one girl even had a car deliberately driven at her at speed because people disagreed with her collect ing money for the crew :hopeless:

    personally,id prefer to fork over a fiver to a london crew that are trying to put on a good party and keep with the party spirit (and keep people safe off their own backs) than hand money over to any london club.

    the other weekend some of my mates ended up trashing this bar because of the rough neck bouncers treating people like shit and the music was poo rude boy shite anyways..we left at 2 because it was so shite and the biggest joke was that it was 15 squid a ticket.i’ve never paid that much JUST for entry before.fuck parties all the way.:crazy:


    fred447471;2092 wrote:
    fuck the peapole wo make party for money and not to make peapole happy,for exemp fu french somd systeme….but no name ,a dont need to you no ..the sort of sond wo make the paf at 5pond for only 1 sond in the fucking room ,no deco no atmosfer..drink s 2 or 4pond for a biere..and playing the same music over and over entil the morning time ,,fuck them….tank you ……………………………………………………

    do u no where ne free parties r 2nite????

    weeman;108070 wrote:
    yes yes dutti b tht right u do have to pay. how have u been

    hey iv just joined do u no if there is ne free parties 2nite??????:wink:






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Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals F*ck the Comercial Party