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First time smoking Spice

Forums Drugs Legal & Herbal Highs First time smoking Spice

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  • So I’ve ordered a 3 gram bag of Herbal Haze vol 2, never smoked Spice before so not sure how I’ll like it but gonna see how fucked up I get before smoking it with any friends. Any suggestions on how much I should smoke for a first time? Dont wanna be scarred for life from this shit

    Well your 1st mistake is that you bought spice and so it’s impossible to know the exact cannabinoids used or the quantity of each. In my experience, these blends can be shit. Having said thAT, SOME ARE extremely POTENT AND CAN SERIOUSLY FUCK YOU UP IF YOU DON’T RESPECT THEM. Start with the tiniest amount possible (like the tiniest piece of leaf you can find) and work up from there.

    Seriously man, be warned.

    Best take my time learning my limits with it then, thanks for that. Anything you’d recommend to me, wanting something like weed but new

    Synthetic cannabinoids are not even close to having the safety profile of annabis but they can be very nice, I smoke em every day but I make my own, buying pure cannabinoid powder and depositing it on some leafy material (marshmallow leaf and damiana are both good but marshmallow is my favourite to use). but before attempting that you either need to gain experience or be prepared to ask lots of questions and do some research.

    There are some vendors that produce their own blends and don’t label them spice or some shit like that, they actually list the cannabinoids used and I’ve used many myself before I started to make my own.

    Try the spice and see how you like it. If there is a list of ingredients on the back of the packaging (ill be weird chemical names), please post them and I’ll tell you what they are.

    Oh shit, your on a whole other level :lol_fast: Thats sick though man, yeah Ill let you know when it comes. Will probably be a couple days yet but still would be cool to know. If its something I like Ill probably end up doing the same, is it hard to come across the cannabinoid powder? Never heard of doing that before

    Cannabinoid powders are easy to obtain but vendors that sell shit like spice rarely ever sell pure compounds. They are always cut to fuck crap with some branded name that really has fuck all to do with what’s in the packet. They will change ratios and even the compounds used and still sell it as if it were exactly the same as always.






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Forums Drugs Legal & Herbal Highs First time smoking Spice