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  • :p I recently came across a place right near my house where fly garot mushrooms are growing, now I am of the impression that they are deadly poisenes but i’ve heard that if u dry then out in the correct way they can make for a great hallucenagen, does n e body no how to do this?? n e info would be exellent!!:D

    fly agaric are quite deadly if consumed wrongly, for good , solid information on all sorts of hallucinogens logon to , where do you live , id like to take a little trip……………….

    I live in milton keynes of all places for mushies!! But its a really strange place right near a blok of flats not a field or n e thing I was plecently suprised when I stummbled across them!! nxt thing I have got to do is learn how to prepare them!! Thanx for the info ill let u no how I got on and get you some directions as to where they are!!

    this is the site 4 these mushrooms

    loads of good stuff here, ranging from simple preparation guides and trip reports 2 very brainy scientific papers

    if ur mushroom picking and r not a “hippy” type who knows how to ID plants etc be very careful

    eating them is dodgy, due to the presence of toxic chemicals; these also do not agree with your stomach.

    but around winter 1998 or so, some friends gathered these mushrooms; they were dried (the drying process removes the toxic chemicals) and smoked along with cannabis. the buzz was a more “stimulated” version of being stoned; fairly pleasant and all who partook of this mixture are alive and well today 🙂

    NB: the current posters 2 this thread are all in the UK. readers in the USA may wish 2 note that some of the info on fly agarics claims that the American mushrooms are slightly different in chemical composition, containing more toxic chemicals and less psychedelic ones.

    fly agaric has a very bad reputation an its not all true. dried, about 8-10 grams will do. can be made into tea with water, extraction is probly best though, with ethanol, a dam strong load of nasty tarry crap is left after evaporating ethanol. fly agaric is fairly safe but dont go crazy till u no your own tolerance, always start small and work up with dosage. there is a wicked book, ‘psychedelics encyclopedia’ by peter stafford, has all info you’l ever need for alsorts of botanical highs (e.g. fly agaric, peyote and mescaline, dmt etc.)

    I just got some today from Camden Town I have to say I’m not feeling anything right now it’s been 2 hours since I ate them. I’m really regretting wasting money on them now 🙁

    🙁 that sucks to hear, I tried them allot of times… Maybe like 10ish… Only once did I feel something at it was really nice, very suttle but really nice, it was a small dose though, what I did was dry em complete, powder em, then I simmered em in watter to make this soup kinda thing… Haha just thinking of it makes me gag….

    It does take like 2-3 hours to kick in if I remember?

    Post some pics…

    Are you feeling nauseated @ razorfish?

    I did’t take a picture, I should’ve now, Well reporting back nothing has happened from 12.5g of it I feel somewhat weird maybe cos I was a little naughty last night on mandy, lol. Hopefully I’ll get my hawaiian baby woodrose seeds this week, I’ve never done them before and I hope they work! I need some sort of psychedelic session again (last one was in Holland back in nov and it was bloody good lol) in the mean time i’m on a hunt for lucy i know it’s not scarce it’s just knowing the right people really.

    Back on 2009 Camden used to sell magic mushrooms discretely in chocolate form, I thought i had a vague idea on where it was but i could’t find the place anymore. It was only once i went there and it was across the road from the tube station. I’m not sure if anyone knows they still do it

    @razorfish 444352 wrote:

    I did’t take a picture, I should’ve now, Well reporting back nothing has happened from 12.5g of it I feel somewhat weird maybe cos I was a little naughty last night on mandy, lol. Hopefully I’ll get my hawaiian baby woodrose seeds this week, I’ve never done them before and I hope they work! I need some sort of psychedelic session again (last one was in Holland back in nov and it was bloody good lol) in the mean time i’m on a hunt for lucy i know it’s not scarce it’s just knowing the right people really.

    Did you get any nausea? How did it taste? :hopeless::hopeless:

    I had a little bit of it but not a lot, I was still able to eat and drink at the same time. The taste wasn’t to bad at first then it started tasting rank lol. But reporting back it was 12 hours when I started feeling really weird but in a good way I had been drinking and a little had bit ofmandy then boom things started changing a little bit, I was so fascinated with my hands and shapes but no sort of visuals like you get withshrooms or truffles. Maybe the mandy kick started it for me?

    Haha I remember my vision felt like I was looking through something like a glass or something felt fuzzy too… But no ‘visuals’ in that sense..

    Anything similar?

    make sure you take the right dosage when you use.






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Forums Drugs flya garot