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FR: News Report on a LEGAL Teknival

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  • Interesting – although I don’t think its the big teknival as the location and space seems to small nor is there any mention of foreign sound systems.

    It appears that the Council have requisitioned land from local farmers and indemnified them against losses (!) – no mention is made of whether the organisers or attendees were expected to pay for this!

    what is more ominous are the security arrangements – 100 gendarmes, a helicopter, drugs dogs, and tests on all vehicles entering and exiting the site.

    De l’électro, de la trance, de la techno hard core, c’est le programme des teufeurs pour ce week-end. La rave commence ce soir.

    Les fleurs jaunes de pissenlits donnaient hier au terrain de la rave un air bucolique. Mais les heures de survie des fleurs sont comptées. Car dès ce soir, les cinq mille teufeurs attendus au festival de musiques électroniques baptisé Electromania (un nom choisi politiquement correct pour ne pas dire rave et effrayer les maires, explique l’association organisatrice) vont piétiner les huit hectares de jachère réquisitionnés par la préfecture du Cher.

    Terres agricoles réquisitionnées. « L’association organisatrice n’ayant pas eu l’accord des propriétaires des terrains qu’elle avait repérés, des terrains ont été réquisitionnés par l’Etat », a confirmé hier la préfecture. Une parcelle de jachère où se tiendra la rave (environ 8 hectares) et qui est située au lieu-dit la Marlette cordelée et des terrains limitrophes, eux aussi en jachères, ont été réquisitionnés « pour qu’il n’y ait pas d’ambiguïtés sur les responsabilités », indique la préfecture. « La jachère, c’est le moins pénalisant pour les agriculteurs. Il n’y aura pas de culture rasée donc on ne produit pas un traumatisme supplémentaire », a confié le directeur de cabinet de la préfète Olivier Geffroy.

    NB: the following link is in French

    C’est parti pour un week-end de rave

    thanks.. the translation is reasonable but slightly mangled in parts – “culture” should be read as crops rather than its more common English definition (such as “rave culture”) and “common” in this context actually means the agricultural communes or workers co-operatives still found in France (a good source of cheap wine for the East of England co-op :wink:)

    it is still not clear who paid for all this and whether the organisers were expected to make a contribution.

    That said this is a sensible agreement between all parties and something we could learn from here in England.

    @General Lighting 321036 wrote:

    thanks.. the translation is reasonable but slightly mangled in parts – “culture” should be read as crops rather than its more common English definition (such as “rave culture”) and “common” in this context actually means the agricultural communes or workers co-operatives still found in France (a good source of cheap wine for the East of England co-op :wink:)

    it is still not clear who paid for all this and whether the organisers were expected to make a contribution.

    That said this is a sensible agreement between all parties and something we could learn from here in England.


    so are teknivals free?

    joshd96320;321135 wrote:

    so are teknivals free?

    teknival is just the name for large free parties afaik

    Teknivals (the word is a portmanteau of the words tekno and festival) are large free parties which take place worldwide. They take place most often in Europe and are often illegal under various national or regional laws. They vary in size from dozens to thousands of people, depending on factors such as accessibility, reputation, weather, and law enforcement. The parties often take place in venues far away from residential areas such as squatted warehouses, empty military bases, forests or fields. The teknival phenomenon is a grassroots movement which has grown out of the rave, UK traveller and Burning Man scenes and spawned an entire subculture. Summer is the usual season for teknivals.

    oo i see
    thanks :p

    I think the event is “free” as in open to all but quite often they will pass round a bucket to help pay for some of the costs like toilets and cleaning. I am unsure (and would like to know more) about the finances of the French event; I find it hard to believe (particularly with sarko now in power in France) the local Council tax payers are expected to swallow the costs of the event!

    what may be more likely is that the individuals or group involved with the party have made a personal or joint guarantee to pay the costs back to the Council – which if they default on can be enforced/recovered like any other civil debt in the EU.






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Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals Frenchtek FR: News Report on a LEGAL Teknival