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French / Paris Teknival 2004

Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals Frenchtek French / Paris Teknival 2004

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  • i know it ant till may next year but can any 1 help me getting info on it how do i get my rig their and does any 1 have a number or web site for this pls

    many friends of mine were involved in FrenchTek so I shall speak to them; however I wouldn’t expect to find much logistical info about it this early – any more so than info on the 2005 Glade festival or even Glastonbury!

    Although the FrenchTeks are “legal”, they appear to be far more a “grudging acceptance” (with the locals shrugging their shoulders in a typically French manner 😉 ) of the solidarité of the Euro rave crews, rather than an open welcome from the rest of French society.

    From translating the French text of last year, I got the impression that each one has to be fought for; albeit nowadays around the council debating table rather than at the frontline – and eventually a compromise solution is reached between the local authorities, the cops and the raves. (a far better solution IMO given the previous incidents that globaloon and others mentioned, such as crime and deliberate invasions of locals homes!)

    There as as many moaning NIMBYS across the channel as there are here, so if the French crews were to give away their info too soon, they could lose a strategic advantage as those who opposed the raves would have time to mount a challenge against a decision to permit the event in their area.

    There is no problem driving a van to France; as an EU state there should not be any more problems than driving to other parts of the UK (apart from staying on the right side of the road :D) The Brits who attend tend to work together anyway so there will be plenty of people to assist you nearer the time.

    You can still start preparing now even if you do not know the venue;

    here are a few ideas..

    – make sure your vehicle is servicable, can handle the journey of several hundred miles and is unlikely to attract the attention of the French traffic cops for any reason;

    – check your crews passports are in order (although France is in the EU a British passport is required as we do not have ID cards that other euro-citizens often carry),

    – check your mobile phones are enabled to work abroad (beware, the cost is often €0.60 per minute even to receive calls!)

    – perhaps even learning a bit of French to deal with road signs, shops etc.

    bonne chance 🙂

    many friends of mine were involved in FrenchTek so I shall speak to them; however I wouldn’t expect to find much logistical info about it this early – any more so than info on the 2005 Glade festival or even Glastonbury!

    Although the FrenchTeks are “legal”, they appear to be far more a “grudging acceptance” (with the locals shrugging their shoulders in a typically French manner ) of the solidarité of the Euro rave crews, rather than an open welcome from the rest of French society.

    From translating the French text of last year, I got the impression that each one has to be fought for; albeit nowadays around the council debating table rather than at the frontline – and eventually a compromise solution is reached between the local authorities, the cops and the raves. (a far better solution IMO given the previous incidents that globaloon and others mentioned, such as crime and deliberate invasions of locals homes!)

    There as as many moaning NIMBYS across the channel as there are here, so if the French crews were to give away their info too soon, they could lose a strategic advantage as those who opposed the raves would have time to mount a challenge against a decision to permit the event in their area.

    There is no problem driving a van to France; as an EU state there should not be any more problems than driving to other parts of the UK (apart from staying on the right side of the road ) The Brits who attend tend to work together anyway so there will be plenty of people to assist you nearer the time.

    You can still start preparing now even if you do not know the venue;

    here are a few ideas..

    – make sure your vehicle is servicable, can handle the journey of several hundred miles and is unlikely to attract the attention of the French traffic cops for any reason;

    – check your crews passports are in order (although France is in the EU a British passport is required as we do not have ID cards that other euro-citizens often carry),

    – check your mobile phones are enabled to work abroad (beware, the cost is often €0.60 per minute even to receive calls!)

    – perhaps even learning a bit of French to deal with road signs, shops etc.

    bonne chance

    thanks guys that is most helpfull we do know a fuew people that have been but they were just party goes and just needed to now a little about it and you sead most of it i have a load of pics that my mate took this year and it looket and sounded a bit untrue so do you have to pay for any thing bar getting their and back ?

    glad to see info was helpful – BTW apologies for double post; I have been logging in and out today, ended up posting anon and now I find I can’t delete the anon post :confused:

    AFAIK rigs did not get charged to be there (I will check though); the costs of providing the drinking water, trash pickups and the emergency service cover (about €80000 ) [ payment of this was a condition of the party happening ] were recouped by collecting a few euros from each raver….

    I was surprised myself that firstly the French authorities actually permitted such events, and secondly they went off so trouble free!

    A few things I was advised of by the phantom/void crew who took a rig there…

    – the cops had some checkpoints. not sure what they were searching for (if anything); probably checking for unsafe/overloaded vehicles and gathering numbers for the eurocops computer.

    – There is a defined finish time (about 3-4 days later) , by which the authorities definitely want you on your way.

    Things got a bit darker around this time; lots more cops started appearing, and some odd “robo-vans” moved on to the site – these had warnings in 3 languages on them to clear the area or they would discharge irritant (CS) gas!

    To cap it all, a military aircraft with loaded missile bays flew overhead.

    That said no one actually did get gassed or fired upon so I think this last bit was more to hurry people along (you know what it is like getting sketchy people to leave 🙂 ) – but it does seem rather extreme considering the teknival was in the middle of no-where.

    Everyone did get out OK though, even those who had managed to get separated from their lifts and/or passports – they are AFAIK all safely back in blighty and not being trafficked to provide “personal services” by gangsters 😀

    sounds ok i bet the old bill are just the same as here in the end when u piss emm off but with guns but we just well up for haveing a hassel free party once a year it would be nice and i bet their are loades of diffrent people their to meet and loades of rigs we are going 2 hire a hourse van 2 put the rig in plus has a kichen and 4 beds lovely as if we are going to sleep? my mates allso whent to chek tek they said it is much better but it was the last year they are letting emm do it shame well i shall keep my ears down to the floor ready thanks again i put a post on squat juice and just got a load of rubbish back live wire crew fighting for the right to rave






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Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals Frenchtek French / Paris Teknival 2004