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    hello friends, party people and freedom lovers,

    It feels just like every year again : Frenchtek ? Legal, semi legel, illegal ? whats the matter and what are the facts ?

    The Situation is that for this year the government is in the Situation of the run up for the elections in this very time and is using the organized Festival, still covered under the name Teknival, to proof and show up how much they got the Raving Situation under control and as well how much nice they are to allow and support this. Which is only half the truth, because it has fairly nothing to do with being nice, rather then having no different chance if they don´t want to call back their Ghost of thousands squatting and partying without authorization. Also the repression and fear Politic of ex interior minister Sarokzy, aka maybe future president, doesn´t allow much hope for the future of freedom in France and as well for the Freeparty Scene. But he is very pleased to use this media Spectacle to show in this important moment that he ain´t all so bad !! He seems to have found a easy playing field and playing figures with some persons who are ready to sell this scene for their own aims and interests !!

    In the same Moment the people who participate this legal event the government is coordinating, they shout against Sarkozy and how bad and evil this man is, yet the play his game and support active his election campaign !!

    This is one of the reasons why several other soundsystems decided to vote for a illegal one, also because the negotiation with the government are seen as failed, as the law is still not been applicate in all regions fro example.

    Here is my personal view and it would be interesting to know what you lot think about it.

    collaboration with the government is something to be done very carefully and wise and most of all only to be done if it is really necessary. Why ? because we are not politicians and playing their game showed that we will always end up fooled ! There is no necessity for negotiations and collaborations in the moment, as the Government seems not be willing to go further towards the scene.

    that´s why, for my idea, collaboration with the government and even signing a declaration for the “Festival”, which is the fist time in History that mediators signed such a “contract”, is not only a big mistake, but also a betray to the idea of freeparty they claim to be part of.

    Freeparty shall be free, open to everyone, respect to everyone – thats true and therefore it is fair that the people choose what they want: legal or illegal !! state organized or DIY !!

    Yet – again this year, again created by the same persons ( hello collabo-benos ), that they abuse again the same mechanism then the government to get their “votes”: FEAR !!

    Is safety that important to people that they betray their believes ?
    Moreover, as there is no potential threat for the Teknival but having to stop earlier, i ask myself if people became so manipulable and open for the Fear – Mechanism ?

    This doesnt give me much hope for the real elections either !!!
    Still everyone is shouting against the police and security state, whilst in their very small world of free culture, they are sheeps as the people they judge for voting sarkozy !!

    Is there any believe ?

    where believes get betrayed and compromises been done in a situation like we have here, that the scene is dividing itself into the two drifts of keeping the DIY spirit and Commercialisation, then i can only call it hypocrisy !!!

    I find it is a sad time when people lost the idea to fight for what they believe in, when people make compromises where non should be done, cause as france is in election, the Freeparty seems to be in the same situation: people have to choose which “party” they want to join with a fairly political background. You cant really make a compromise for the election of the future President of France, can you ? Same here, you can not pick out the strawberries of the both cakes !! Well of course you can, but this makes you be a hypocrite 😛

    Supporting the legal event called ” Festival of alternative Art ” you support also active Sarkozys election campaign ! Supporting this event – for which reason ever – means as well you state your voice against the nature of Freeparty !!

    everyone is free to choose, everyone is free to be hypocrite and free to do compromises !!

    so am i free in stating my position !

    here the infoline of the Teknival :

    ring from french phone:
    then press *
    then press 1
    then enter 01052007#
    don4t forget the #
    at the end

    Stop selling Freeparty to the State when it is not necessary, Stop leading this once so wonderful scene in the total commercialization !


    this was from a local paper..

    Les barbelés pour le Teknival.

    En prévision du rassemblement de ce week-end sur la base de Toul-Rosières, le dispositif de sécurité mis en place par la préfecture est impressionnant.


    L’ancienne base aérienne 136, avec ses barbelés tout autour, servira de cadre au Teknival 2007 du week-end du 1er mai, à Rosières-en-Haye, entre Toul et Pont-à-Mousson (notre édition d’hier). Approche sécuritaire d’un festival célébrant la libre musique, ou souci légitime d’assurer la sécurité d’une manifestation hors norme, le débat risque d’animer « pro » ou « anti » Teknival.

    Un second barriérage sera mis en place à l’intérieur de cette base aérienne désaffectée depuis 2004.
    L’objectif est de contenir les 50.000 à 100.000 « teuffeurs » attendus à partir de vendredi après-midi dans un périmètre déterminé.

    Six escadrons de gendarmes mobiles les observeront.

    Pas question de gambader jusqu’à mardi soir dans les 550 hectares de la base, où de vieux bâtiments peuvent s’avérer dangereux. Ce périmètre de cent hectares se situe en bordure de la départementale 611 Toul/Pont-à-Mousson,
    sur 650 m de large et 1.480 m de longueur de l’ancienne piste d’envol. Quatre entrées dans cet enclos sont en cours de percement et de nivellement. Côté départementale 611. Des engins de terrassement aménagent également, à l’intérieur,
    le parking pour voitures et vans qui servent généralement de dortoir aux participants.

    « Une population pas vindicative »

    Deux rampes de robinets d’eau potable et quatre blocs de trente sanitaires seront à disposition. Ainsi qu’un poste médical avancé, même si les responsables avouent que la dernière fois, à Chambley, en 2004, « on a surtout soigné des bobos. D’expérience, cette population n’est pas vindicative ». Le mur de sons constitué d’appareillages apportés au dernier moment par les « teuffeurs » est censé se dresser en bout de piste. Les décibels satureront l’atmosphère pour noyer les participants dans la musique techno. Immersion non stop dans un monde de vibrations garantie tout le week-end.

    Nul doute que les 2.600 habitants de la vingtaine de villages aux alentours en profiteront aussi, à des degrés divers. La route 611 sera exclusivement réservée aux teknivaliers « pour faciliter les flux de circulation », assurent les autorités. Un nombre important de services de l’Etat sont sur les dents : gendarmerie, police nationale, douanes, pompiers, Samu, affaires sanitaires et sociales, Equipement, Protection civile, services vétérinaires, institution judiciaire…

    Changements de dernière minute

    Le préfet de Meurthe-et-Moselle, Claude Baland, a exprimé hier son souci « de protéger les personnes et les biens, d’assurer la tranquillité des riverains, de limiter les risques de toute nature, de porter secours et assistance en cas de besoin ». Le procureur général de Nancy, Gilles Lucazeau, a fait part de sa volonté « d’adapter le système judiciaire à la situation, même si nous ne partons pas sur un préjugé défavorable aux festivaliers ».

    Le préfet réunira les maires des communes avoisinantes tous les jours, à 18 h. Un numéro de téléphone leur sera dédié à partir de 10 h 30, vendredi. Un autre numéro sera mis à la disposition des habitants du secteur.

    « L’objectif est de rassurer la population et d’accueillir les teknivaliers sans prévention », assure le préfet, introduisant tout de même un conditionnel quant à la tenue effective du Teknival sur la base 136.

    En effet, du côté des participants venus de toute la France, ni invitations, ni tickets d’entrée.

    Mais des rendez-vous par blogs, mails, SMS.

    Avec la possibilité de se retrouver ailleurs, au dernier moment…

    Philippe MERCIER – L’Est Républicain

    I don’t have time to translate the lot but the article appears to be from the POV of a journalist looking at the side of the the govt/emergency services

    the highlighted text means “the aim is to contain 50 000 to 100 000 ravers within a determined perimiter. 6 squadrons of gendarmes will observe them”.

    Apparently a squadron is sufficient units to contain 120 gendarmes each. All will carry at least a Glock 17L pistol, some will have carbines and rifles, they will also have access to flash-grenades and stun grenades and all the CS gas they may need.

    Contrast this with British riot cops who have a “serial” van of only 8-12 cops in each, unarmed other than batons and shields, and its uncommon for more than 5-10 serials to go in at one time for even “riot” situations.

    There are rumours these police units will drug test and search many vehicles, wherever they find them.

    TBH I think it is unlikely for large-scale trouble to occur (sarko will not want it near election time), but its certainly not going to be a walkover for those who think they are going to party in an area exempt from any “nanny state intervention”, I can see the unwary being busted and detained for being careless about stashing items etc..

    Foreign numberplates and in some cases right hand drive cars make vehicles very obvious to police – and “foreigners” are always scrutinised by cops worldwide.

    Foreign numberplates and in some cases right hand drive cars make vehicles very obvious to police – and “foreigners” are always scrutinised by cops worldwide.

    Coupled with the fact french authorities hate english ravers I’d say take care. They’re certainly not as polite as british coppers, but if anyones going i desperetly need a lift, i can chip in for expenses, the missus has said i can go but my mate who was up for driving has dropped out. pm me please!!!!!!

    This thread carries on in Frenchtek 2010






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Forums Rave Free Parties & Teknivals Frenchtek Frenchtek and Sarkoval 2007