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Fuck my lip hurts

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  • Put my snake bites back in like 20minutes ago, the left one is fine but the right one is fuckin killin, there’s a lump next to the hole, its been there for years (since I first got them done when I was 17) and today is the first time in 7 years that its given me any jip…..

    Anyone here with facial piercings, lip piercings in particular, have any ideas?

    Might be a cyst, go to docs get them to check, and they might be able to remove it at the GP’s if they have a minor surgery room (most do).

    yeah, its just the one side that hurts, I’m not to keen on having my face being cut up by a former member of the SS : /

    lol upto you 😛

    hmmm I should get it looked at, but I’m really scared of injections and scalpels near me, so it’d be a long old mission for me to get it sorted

    @Кеисер Созе 479538 wrote:

    hmmm I should get it looked at, but I’m really scared of injections and scalpels near me, so it’d be a long old mission for me to get it sorted

    You’re worried about someone injecting you with anesthetic and then removing a cyst when you can’t feel anything, right next to your snake bite piercings where they stuck 2 needles completely through your lip with no anesthetic at all? :you_crazy

    @DaftFader 479543 wrote:

    You’re worried about someone injecting you with anesthetic and then removing a cyst when you can’t feel anything, right next to your snake bite piercings where they stuck 2 needles completely through your lip with no anesthetic at all? :you_crazy

    It’s the psychological thing for me, I’m ok with piercings, still get anxiety and the jitters but I’m getting something out of it. Whereas das doctors needle isnt through and through and will hurt lol

    I’m a wee bit odd like this if hadn’t noticed :laugh_at:

    Just gave the offending part of my lip a little squeeze and my goodness….it was a giant black head that I had never seen before lol no wonder it hurt lol the thing didn’t have a head, I had to scrape it open with my mini cutlass lol

    Messy but sometimes got to be done.

    @Pat McDonald 479717 wrote:

    Messy but sometimes got to be done.

    There are too many holes in my face lol got my lip done 4 times, nose 2 times and was gonna go get my septum done but ran out of money so did it myself……word of advise: don’t pierce yourself, it hurts even more than it should normally lol






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Forums Life Body Art Fuck my lip hurts