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Georgia guidestones ????

Forums Life Spirituality, Morality & Religion Georgia guidestones ????

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  • Thanks. More useless information badly written by a biased ‘journalist’ that assumes you buy into their strange world-view and suppositions.

    one of the most worrying things I find about many of these US-led “conspiracy theories” is their unhealthy links with the US extreme right movement…

    I have been investigating this stuff since the mid 90s when everyone was discussing the same things on the text-only Usenet newsgroups..

    Many of these Yanks are not liberators, or liberals. They are ultra-conservatives who simply want their form of “new world order” to replace the current system where both East and West are fighting it out for a voice – i.e one where white Christian males from the USA are wholly in charge and everyone else below them

    some of the stuff they come up with has grains of truth; but I find other theories/beliefs rather unnerving and abhorrent such as the conspiracy theories surrounding FEMA (Federal Emergency Management Association which is basicaly only a US version of the Environment Agency!). Its an incompetent and bureucratic organisation but it is there because leaving things wholly to the market would mean certain groups of people were (are) left to die when environmental disasters happen.

    I’ve seen some right corkers, such as claims that reflective stickers on the back of road signs point towards secret “shelters/resource stockpiles” (I’ve seen these in the UK occasionally and they are just stickers the signmakers put on the back of signs as an advert and contain the phone number and address of the sign factory)

    another one is that the use of international standard safety signs in the USA is a part of a UN conspiracy to flood the USA with foreigners (it is just a fairly sensible UN resolution to harmonise warning signs worldwide and make them easy to recognise even if you don’t speak a countries native language!) Every other country has harmonised their signs and made them clearer but the US refuses to do so or delays….

    Scratch the surface of these and you often find the real anger of these Americans is that the Government is forcing them to contribute towards sharing resources with people that they do not agree with without either making a dollar along the way or dictating terms to them on how they should behave in the “survival camp”.

    You lack wisdom

    Im not a right wing american

    these stones exist wether you like it or not

    Do you ever stop to think if maybe your own world veiw is too simplistic?

    Many of these Yanks are not liberators, or liberals. They are ultra-conservatives who simply want their form of “new world order” to replace the current system where both East and West are fighting it out for a voice

    They just wish for their constitution to be recognized as valid legal document

    You cannot trust a power that would promote illusion and violence and exploitation

    In addition to organizing national movements for the destruction of the Georgia Guidestones, members of The Resistance organize to hit the airwaves. They often flood the airwaves of call-in radio and television shows on topics of interests where they can throw the direction of the show and its host in their favour.

    destroying it sounds a bit like burning books

    Except it doesnt involve books or fire :horay:

    CT23 disrespects your capabilitry of reasoning :bounce_m:

    So you think controlling the evolution of the human race and maintainiing the population under 500 million is good do you?

    CT23 wrote:
    You lack wisdom

    Im not a right wing american

    I never thought you were (we get them on the site as well occasionally – as well as a good few pretty sound americans as well). but it is easy to get taken in by the spin of some of these sites as

    these stones exist wether you like it or not

    of course they do – and there are quite a few news reports about them. As mentioned in another post I quite often read Canadian media. TBH sounds more like some rich hippy put them there – a real world domination instruction devised by the bureaucracies of big business and big government would require a lot more stone to write on 😉

    Do you ever stop to think if maybe your own world veiw is too simplistic?

    I don’t blindly believe the UN or any other such organisation; but nor do I trust other sites written by people who often have an axe to grind and their own personal preferences.

    Many of these Yanks are not liberators, or liberals. They are ultra-conservatives who simply want their form of “new world order” to replace the current system where both East and West are fighting it out for a voice

    They just wish for their constitution to be recognized as valid legal document

    ah, but which version? there are many groups who claim this and some of them (not all) want to revert to an older version of the constitution which did not give the vote to blacks or women…

    As I mentioned I’ve been reading a lot of this stuff since the mid 90s, particularly around the millenium when the Yanks essentialy thought the world was going to end.

    I can see what some of these people are getting at but when you read a lot of the individual sites (not so much the conspiracy theories) you see them really laying in to liberals, whinging about taxes; complaining about immigration etc…

    I’ve seen a few interesting things but can’t help but feel that all a lot of these people want is to run the USA their way – with a gun in their hand and hate in their hearts. They are just people who haven’t got the power to be Dubya but would like to be in that position.

    Ok fairplay m8 thats ridiculous they are stupid right wingers

    but you can be nationalist without being rightwing racist

    and the only alternative isnt globalism aswell

    The way we should be swinging power is away from the monoply so that if
    there are occultic or Nazi groups or whatever outthere they will have to sit and dream and wont be able to further corrupt our political system

    In a republic every1 is equal, you have to respect George Washingtons bill of rights and the free republic they founded

    Also money is printed it is not static

    CT23 wrote:
    Except it doesnt involve books or fire :horay:

    CT23 disrespects your capabilitry of reasoning :bounce_m:

    then i disrespect you inability to grasp a simile 😉

    So you think controlling the evolution of the human race and maintainiing the population under 500 million is good do you?


    if it was controlled through education about the sustainability of the human race and therefore through freewill (not through might or force) I think it could be a positive thing…not realistic anymore, though

    i just glanced at the article you linked; i don’t know anymore than that about who put it there or who wants to destroy it

    perhaps someone should destroy that sculpture of britany spears giving birth (although she had a c section)?

    or perhaps we should allow all art to exist and let each individual make up their own mind about it relative merits?

    what do you think we should do to the stones?

    Personally i would be happy to piss on them as its nothing to do with art you NWO-gimpslave :you_smart

    There is a sensible way to stop overpopulation and thats limit the amount of children a couple can have to 2 (?)

    What gives you the idea it is artistic, i take it you have no clue about the workings of the occult then?

    CT23 wrote:
    Personally i would be happy to piss on them as its nothing to do with art you NWO-gimpslave :you_smart

    There is a sensible way to stop overpopulation and thats limit the amount of children a couple can have to 2 (?)

    that’s a bit contradictory

    complaining about NWO and control, then saying limit the number of children people can have. You don’t allowfor the majority of cultures where the only garuntee of food and shelter in later life is having had healthy children to look afer you – going that way in UK TBH

    What gives you the idea it is artistic,

    well, it looks quite pretty in the photo :alien_abd

    i take it you have no clue about the workings of the occult then?

    you’re right there. my only experience of ‘messing with the occult’ left one person dead:toxic:

    kind of put me off finding out more

    yer well

    it aint pretty m8

    and we need law m8, just law made by clever informed thinkers

    they are trying to create laws which will limit our freedoms m8

    They use money to keep their hierarchial society,
    without poor people they cant be in control of immense power , industry ect

    CT23 wrote:
    yer well

    it aint pretty m8

    and we need law m8, just law made by clever informed thinkers

    if the law makers aren’t celever, how did they get into the positions of power?

    they are trying to create laws which will limit our freedoms m8

    clearly. the currrent UK govt are taking away basic rights that have been fought for for centuries. something in the region of 220 pieces of legislation have been passed that attack civil liberty since Bliar came to power. you’re tyring to convince me of what?

    They use money to keep their hierarchial society,
    without poor people they cant be in control of immense power , industry ect

    i agree. if we all; had a good standard of living to defend; were unionised; well educated; had a fair share of access to capital and other resources… there would be no need for leaders, political, business or anything else

    d’ya reckon we can take back the power by using the other power sources (other than money)? in the long term, perhaps. in the short to mid term, capitalism is the way of the day and we must fight for sustainability to be a valid currency. otherwise it’s game over

    I think we need a more radical party that willl offer us some real reforms and maybe give us a constitution


    there needs to be some very radical change from local to global level

    i can only really think in any depth about a local level… another thread i mentioned how every party in the local elections said the same thing

    i’m gonna stand next year if I can find the time






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Forums Life Spirituality, Morality & Religion Georgia guidestones ????