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Has anybody watched Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas on acid?

Forums Drugs LSD & Other Psychedelic Drugs Has anybody watched Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas on acid?

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  • I didn’t really like that movie much at all, despite it being a Terry Gilliam film. I went to see it at the theater when it came out BECAUSE Terry Gilliam directed it. I was so disappointed, and an older hippie couple actually walked out during the Laslo with a knife scene. Watching Loathing tripping would not be FUN. See “‘Where The Buffalo Roam” with Bill Murray, it is much better. It is actually FUNNY. Just one mans opinion.

    Yes, stuff like this and CLAYMATION will never let you down either.
    *@p0lski 444524 wrote:

    ‪Jan Svankmajer’s Alice – Bonecreatures‬‏ – YouTube

    i watched 3 quarters of this on acid, my favourite film the czech alice in wonderland stop animation film called ‘Alice’ or ‘Neco Z Alenky’ in Czech, if you watch that clip you’ll see the film wasn’t really putting me in the head space i was after, had to turn it off and look at pics of a current girlfriend and listen to happy music which then turned the trip happy and blissful, before it was just plain weird.

    I watched it the other day on shrooms. I said to my mate ‘its so good how they film so it seems like you are tripping out. With the distorted faces and layer of patterns on it’
    She was like ‘nahh that just because you ARE tripping out’


    (we then watched blue planet with the micro organisms. That was pretty cool.

    I watched Koyannisqasti tripping..its all music and timelapse filmmaking
    also Altered States about tripping

    i have watched fear and loathing while candy flipping

    Done it last night 1st time watch of the film to, loved it to bits!!

    Yep that was the fella who posted that last comment,
    Me, my opinion, that movie is fucked up enough without me being on LSD, please do not ask what the story line was about as I’ve no clue haha, all I remember thinking was is it me tripping like fuck or the movie, I do have to say if I had more LSD in my system I would 100% NOT WATCH ON TRIPS
    Some parts are weird as fuck and you can start to feel a panic come on ii nn bits of the movie and then you see the state there in and you think thank fuck I’m not that bad

    Never been on acid, but I did take an open bar tab and had a good time.

    WTF is that about?

    yes i have actually

    Watched the film for the first time yesterday, and I was on acid. If I would’ve knew… lol. Really intense experience when you really get into the film and your reality gets sucked into a black hole again and again while the fucking reptiles roam around. (I couldn’t hear the movie properly so i missed almost all the dialogs, and we were visiting a friend I’m not too close with so I was kinda just tapped on the Thompson’s trip.) Would recommend definitely but in a setting where you are not forced to go too deep with it






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Forums Drugs LSD & Other Psychedelic Drugs Has anybody watched Fear & Loathing In Las Vegas on acid?