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Have You Tried MDMA?

Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA Have You Tried MDMA?

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  • yeah im the same lol, when i get fucked i get REALLY fucked.

    @barnzy001 381473 wrote:

    1984like i said in another thread im all or nothink i cant really have a light one especially after the first few pints i forgot to mention about

    Yeah I used to be very much like that, 3 pints and suddenly getting some mates 2gether few beers some smoke etc seemed like a must do type thing. Luckily I got rid of this problem by not having any mates any more. Swings and roundabouts haha

    yeah i got a few things in my life changing at the moment so im thinking it will probably be best i phase these nights out even though there not often there very expensive gotta sort my shit well im moving a bit further from my mates so maybe it will help



    I think I tried it once. It didn’t make me a loving person as such, just made me horny. Didn’t have much though, had a finger lick and that was it.

    coca wth md bad idea.

    if you get mdma at its purest its in white blocks and breaks into crystals. i used to do pills but sadly there were only very bad ones around where i live. so my mate bought an ounce of mdma. we didnt take it all in one night but we took alot. from 28g to begin with at the end of the night there was only 20g.

    i would advise to never snort it it burns like hell. its very painful. also it has a low ph level so it will burn the skin. i started to get bits of skin out my nose the next morning.

    bombing it is a good way but it take a while to kick in. snorting it happens straight away but it isnt worth it. also if its your first time taking it don’t take to much like i did. the come down is horrendous. but if you think you can handle it take as much as you want.

    @right 384669 wrote:

    if you get mdma at its purest its in white blocks and breaks into crystals. i used to do pills but sadly there were only very bad ones around where i live. so my mate bought an ounce of mdma. we didnt take it all in one night but we took alot. from 28g to begin with at the end of the night there was only 20g.

    i would advise to never snort it it burns like hell. its very painful. also it has a low ph level so it will burn the skin. i started to get bits of skin out my nose the next morning.

    bombing it is a good way but it take a while to kick in. snorting it happens straight away but it isnt worth it. also if its your first time taking it don’t take to much like i did. the come down is horrendous. but if you think you can handle it take as much as you want.

    are you saying you and your mate did 8g of mandy in one night?!

    @1984 384671 wrote:

    are you saying you and your mate did 8g of mandy in one night?!

    i knew this guy once that did 7g in one night on his own and this was about 5years ago when it was proper good stuff. fuck nows how he did it. i saw him 2 days after and he didnt actually look that bad tbf. fuck knows how he did it. crazy:you_crazy

    @process 384677 wrote:

    i knew this guy once that did 7g in one night on his own and this was about 5years ago when it was proper good stuff. fuck nows how he did it. i saw him 2 days after and he didnt actually look that bad tbf. fuck knows how he did it. crazy:you_crazy

    thats mad! I would have thought that would have finished most people off!

    @1984 384678 wrote:

    thats mad! I would have thought that would have finished most people off!

    it would.

    Had some cracking mandy at the weekend, big lumps of crystal….mental stuff. Best thing was i didnt even need to pay for it 😀

    @1984 384678 wrote:

    thats mad! I would have thought that would have finished most people off!

    mad isnt it. i couldnt believe it when he told me he’d done the lot. i saw what he had before as well and it was the proper stuff. i cant even begin to imagine the gurn he must have had on him. worse thing is he just stayed in his bedroom on his own and did, didnt even bother going out. think he had a bit of an issue with it tbf. my mate said no-one would sell him coke anymore cause he couldnt control him self on it and would just do whatever he had

    @process 384677 wrote:

    i knew this guy once that did 7g in one night on his own and this was about 5years ago when it was proper good stuff. fuck nows how he did it. i saw him 2 days after and he didnt actually look that bad tbf. fuck knows how he did it. crazy:you_crazy

    @process 384685 wrote:

    mad isnt it. i couldnt believe it when he told me he’d done the lot. i saw what he had before as well and it was the proper stuff. i cant even begin to imagine the gurn he must have had on him. worse thing is he just stayed in his bedroom on his own and did, didnt even bother going out. think he had a bit of an issue with it tbf. my mate said no-one would sell him coke anymore cause he couldnt control him self on it and would just do whatever he had

    was normal behavior for round this way until the feds choked off the supply..

    the reality is most people don’t have heart attacks on MDMA or heatstroke or anything really bad like that. Its surprisingly safe even when taken in large quantity.

    however what does happen is they suffer mental health issues and often become snappy, irritable and even violent towards their family, partners and close friends. Eventually the NHS get involved and their frontline workers get cross as they are dealing with a boatload of otherwise healthy young people with self-inflicted medical problems.

    plus the large quantities and money to be made mean the younger folk start mixing with older, nastier city-based gangsters to get their stuff..

    that is how crackdowns and zero tolerance policies in this country start..






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Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA Have You Tried MDMA?