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Have You Tried MDMA?

Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA Have You Tried MDMA?

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  • thanks it was :D….. so football? you play professionally ? or just for fun?

    @LysergicAcid 418592 wrote:

    thanks it was :D….. so football? you play professionally ? or just for fun?

    Pro footballers are able to take pills and other substances on the weekend :love::laugh_at:

    Whiteknight you prefer 2C to LSD? What’s your favourite 2C? have you tried 2C-E.

    @p0ly 418623 wrote:

    Pro footballers are able to take pills and other substances on the weekend :love::laugh_at:

    lol yes they do drug tests but what about footballers like maradona who was doing cocaine? i dunno i dont really follow football much, not a fan.

    btw i ordered 500 medusa LSD tabs today and sent the guy 29 euros for 500 tabs on very thick paper wit this pic on it

    World Famous Design Junkies » The Spiked Pacifier – Where new design goes to blossom and lost design goes to live again.

    he will send them out on monday but im not in england for 5 more days any way so thats ok. my first sheet of LSD lol, i had plenty of tabs but never a sheet

    29 euros for the sheet?? im paying 1250 euros for a sheet 500 tabs avatars 200ug

    He’s talking about blotter art.

    @BadgerSpoony 418759 wrote:

    29 euros for the sheet?? im paying 1250 euros for a sheet 500 tabs avatars 200ug

    nice! avatars? how are they?

    1250 euros is a good price.

    but the 29 euros is with out the LSD on it, just the blotting paper. i will add the LSD later 😉 i found this website from germany and you can send them a pic of anything and they put it on blotting paper for you, very thick blotting paper.

    i see, i thought you had missed typed the avatars are excellent nice and clean no taste to them at all been getting them sent over from holland along with Q dance’s.

    the dalai lamas i had where from holland also that i got at acid monkey

    Damn, found two 10 pound pingers last night. Have been told they are extremely naughty and have had tests to prove it, looks like my self imposed ban is going to come to a close next weekend.

    Can’t wait, PARTY, PARTY, PARTY, PARTY, PARTY, PARTY raaaraaaraaa

    whats a pound pinger? xtc tablets?

    Ya, pingers are xtc. haven’t touched pills in a long long time. :love:

    last time i did was new years eve thee crap pills with basically no mdma in it well it had a tiny amount

    Not the one mate! That’s what put me off pills. I honestly can’t remember the last time I did em, it was that long ago. Feel kind of nervous about doing em, like when I first started out in the game!!! :laugh_at:

    yeah i feel the same when i stop drugs for a long tie then start doing it again. i had not touched LSD or xtc in years and on new years eve i did two xtc pills then a trip. its never how i was remembering the drugs in my mind but two pills was enough for the whole night and i remember two pills wouldent even be enough for 10 minutes when i used to take them before the long break…

    thats the mistake i did i try to take too much in one go thinking i would be ok like i used to be and it was too much, thats the good thing about not doing it for so long. btu the come down was nasty as shit. maybe because the xtc pills where 1% mdma and 99% god knows what

    though when i first started out in the game i just ate 1.5 pills not even knowing what it was.. same with lsd i took 3 in one go and dident even think about it. but the lsd was weak tabs but good enough for a first time user






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Forums Drugs Ecstasy & MDMA Have You Tried MDMA?