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Heroin Documentaries

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  • Not pleasant but neither is addiction.

    This is something I planned to show my son if/when he becomes interested in drugs. Fucking put me right off even further than before.

    Seen the cold turkey one before, an old mod and good friend of mine (and many old pv’ers) thelog posted it. Put me right off too haha.

    Black tar heroin was fucking horrific but pretty much any documentary showing the realities of the beast are bound to be hard to watch just as it’s hard to live with someone you know in the same situation.

    I haven’t done many opiates at all – only codeine/dihydrocodeine. For me personally, codeine is enough, great for summer days when you can just chill in the sun and smoke a fat scoob.

    Not saying I wouldn’t be interested in trying stronger opiates – but it’d be a dangerous path for me to travel down, due to my addictive personality, hence why I am wary of doing so.

    And I would definitely draw the line at IVing anything – just not my cup of tea. If I was ever to do H i’d probably smoke/snort but fortunately opiates are difficult to obtain round my ends.

    I smoked heroin the 1 time I used it and injected speed maybe 2=3 times but could never bring myself to even do it to myself. It’s just a level of depravity and desperation in my mind.

    @Tryptameanie 583999 wrote:

    I smoked heroin the 1 time I used it and injected speed maybe 2=3 times but could never bring myself to even do it to myself. It’s just a level of depravity and desperation in my mind.

    What is heroin even like? Yep, maybe i’m just brainwashed by the propaganda/stigma behind injecting drugs but it really just seems to me like an addict thing to do – trying to get the biggest high from the least amount of product. And injecting street drugs directly into your blood stream that could contain any number of contaminants etc. – just not a good idea imo.

    When I was a drone head I used to plug occasionally – because I was an addict and justified it in a way that made it seem okay. I really doubt I would ever plug anything now.

    tbh my experience with heroin wasn’t great. Before I tried it I’d used some exception pharma opiates but heroin came with an unpleasant nausea and a dirtier feeling edge to it.






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Forums The Vibe Music, Movies & TV Heroin Documentaries