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How do you encourage your partner to exercise?

Forums Life Sports & Exercise How do you encourage your partner to exercise?

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    I’ve always been fairly good on my fitness but for the last couple of years my girlfriend hasn’t really made any effort to look after herself physically, even though she has the time and lives in an area where you don’t have to worry if you go out running/cycling/whatever. It’s really starting to bother me because it’s not that hard to make even a small effort to work on your fitness.

    Does anyone know any ways I can encourage her without just flat out saying “You’re getting pretty fat and I’m not as attracted to you as much any more”? I know this sounds horrible and shallow, but the basis of any relationship is physical attraction as well as emotional.

    you could find some sport/exercise that you can do together? or, its getting warmer now, just go walking somewhere… look up some walks near where u live, or if ur in town, go on a mission somewhere

    Chocolate bar on a stick.

    But on a serious note, what know hope said is pretty good. Is there a reason she doesn’t like exercising? Go on runs or go biking together, that can be nice.

    She’s just not go the motivation to start. I love her to bits but it really is starting to get to me. I’ve suggested doing things together, offered to pay half a gym membership (I can’t afford to pay two full ones right now), encouraged her to go to a pay as you use gym with a friend of hers that goes but nothing has worked.

    @barrettone 541394 wrote:

    Chocolate bar on a stick.

    Bastard, you beat me to it! :laugh_at:

    @Spazhazzard 541397 wrote:

    She’s just not go the motivation to start. I love her to bits but it really is starting to get to me. I’ve suggested doing things together, offered to pay half a gym membership (I can’t afford to pay two full ones right now), encouraged her to go to a pay as you use gym with a friend of hers that goes but nothing has worked.

    Explain your feelings to her and tell her you just want her to be healthy, explain how it will make her feel powerful and incredible, and try and literally kick her out the house with you. Put some shoes and some gear in front of her and just say “let’s go, we’re going for a run”

    The motivation WILL come, she just has to get into it, unless she is generally lazy… Then its harder… Also, try and sell the idea of exercising to her, not all at once but gradually, like condition it to her

    First things first, never tell a girl she’s fat NEVER. You should suggest a physical activity that she enjoys, whatever it may be, swimming, kickboxing, running on the beach (trying to run in sand is a great workout) By doing something that she enjoys, she would be more likely to do it and have fun while working out. You just have to phrase it in a certain way to make it sound fun more than like forcing her to work out.

    Ooft thats a tricky one..
    When you’re walking down the street together you should ogle the slim women and make sure she catches you out :laugh_at:

    No but on a serious note, try and get to the bottom of her lack of motivation because it sounds a bit depression, however it is you would deal with talking to her about any problems in your own way, there’ll be a reason for it… From what you’ve said here it sounds like she doesn’t enjoy much things at all really… So i guess until you can get her to talk about what’s bothering her emotionally… you know, tell her (in your own words) that you’ve noticed a lack of lust for life within her and are worried about her etc..

    Iv had the exact same problem. I sugested my bf lift weights or do some sit ups and he got offended. 🙁

    Motivation (for any possible activity) has two basic approaches – fear or fun.

    You can either use the fear approach, making it appear that the current path is clearly harmful and they MUST change or they WILL be harmed.

    The other approach is to to offer support in the person pursuing the activity, making it more fun than they are currently having.

    Your choice. You could choose a different method, BNC – Bribery N Corruption – but I don’t know how clued up either of you is.

    @know_hope 541393 wrote:

    you could find some sport/exercise that you can do together?

    Shag 5 times a day, it’s actually a pretty good workout. 😉

    @DaftFader 541428 wrote:

    Shag 5 times a day, it’s actually a pretty good workout. 😉

    Trying to be the new Poly?

    @Savvydravvy 541430 wrote:

    Trying to be the new Poly?

    I’m not saying I shag 5 times a day lol, fuck I wish man haha. It is quite healthy for you though. 😉

    @Savvydravvy 541430 wrote:

    Trying to be the new Poly?

    He’s almost there. He’s only missing the part about how many peng girls he can get to groom his hair and his love for BRUV, BRUVA, MANG

    throw out the tv and re-arrange the living room into a adventure play park. make sure you have the slide going down into the coloured balls, thats the best bit 🙂






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Forums Life Sports & Exercise How do you encourage your partner to exercise?