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How does 1, 4 butanediol feel in comparison

Forums Drugs GHB & GBL How does 1, 4 butanediol feel in comparison

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  • to GHB and GBL?

    it feels intoxicating almost just like the other; however, it is a little more of a drunk, excited feeling sometimes, but not all the time, depending on dose, but if your body is clean, the shit comes out your pores and makes you sweat, and if you take the shit for about a month of around the clock usage, it might turn your crap yellow and make you have flu symptoms, as it did with swim. Once in a while, maybe it is okay, but definitely toxic to someone who knows his or her body, like a gym buff and health freak who got into GHB for growth hormone. Not the best, but okay… will make your hair grow fast. All the shit will turn you into a monster and make you do shit, boldly, that you wouldn’t normally do, once you become a daily user. And tolerance builds up heavily with regular usage. Swim went from 2.5 ml to over 7.5 to do about the same thing in a couple weeks or so of regular usage. Gbl is the strongers and most intoxicating…ghb can be nice and mellow, but can also build up too much salt and make someone feel bloated and have anxiety after a while, but the potassium ghb is the best, with the best results.

    Lol just answer your own question why don’t ya.. :laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at::laugh_at:


    swim hadn’t tried it before the post, which was a while back

    No one answered

    so swim tried and then gave me the answer

    and it was posted

    oh fair play. [EVIL]swims a dick tho.[/EVIL]






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Forums Drugs GHB & GBL How does 1, 4 butanediol feel in comparison