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I think I need Xanax prescribed.

Forums Drugs Over the Counter & Prescription Drugs I think I need Xanax prescribed.

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  • I am trying to get Xanax prescribed because I found that it helps so I am trying to get some advice before I make an appointment. If marijuana was legal where I lived then that would be my first choice since it helps also. Will my condition below get me in the door for a script or do i need to go into more detail.

    I have been having extreme issues lately getting a job because what I believe to be panic attacks. It seems that the closer I get to my job interview appointments the more stressed I get, I actually freak the heck out. I am all good about an hour before the interview but then something happens very quickly as I approcach my destination appointment. As I get close to the interview time the first thing that happens is that I get tense and start feeling like I have to poop. My stomache being upset also accompanies this. The closer I get to the interview time the harder my heart pounds unctrollably no matter what I try to do to stop it. By the time I sit down with the interviewer I am sweating and feel like I my head is vibrating from twitches. I feel like I have lost all communication skills at this point. This is causing me to lose out on very high paying jobs and is causing an ungodly amount of stress in my life. One time an interview went so bad because of my nerves that I crapped on myself walking to my car in the parking lot and I never have problems going to the bathroom. I have found that this problem happens even more often than when I ill go to interviews, such as in the mornings when I start getting ready for the day, I feel like Ill be alright during the day until something clicks in me and causes a complete change in attitude with the same symptoms I explained when I go to an interview. I have these episodes sometimes even when I start trying to wind down for the evening. This is really effecting the relationship I have with my wife and friends to the point where I try not to go around them. I feel like these sudden attacks cause me to feel tense and snappy. It’s like clock work, almost every morning and evening I can anticipate things of this nature to happen.

    You in the UK mate? If so you probably won’t get Xanax, docs over here don’t favour it very often.

    Your symptoms seem quite extreme. Was this a gradual build up, with it getting worse over time? Or did it just start one day as severe as it is? Something must have triggered it. Do you have any past history/or previous use of substance abuse? Any history of mental health issues? A loss of a former job or other kind of loss? These are all things you and your doc will need to consider.

    They might prescribe you some Valium or Lorazepam or similar to suppress your symptoms. But really you need to look deeper, at the source of this problem. Medication in this instance will probably only mask the problem.

    You’re right I did go a little extreme and detailed with the symptoms. I tend to do that sometimes and don’t want that to bite me in the rear and hurt my chances for a script.

    I recently moved to a different state in the U.S. and have been jobless for 6 months. I’ve always had somewhat of a problem with my nerves and feeling different when I am around people but just recently it has become worse. There is a lot of pressure on me right now to find a job, being married and all with the responsibility of providing for my family and not being able to because of this issue. I have found that Xanax and marijuana works well and Ultimately I would pick the weed because of its healthier attributes (less side effects ect ect.), but that is illegal. I’ve never had any mental illnesses and don’t have any record of substance abuse.

    Not being straight in the 1st place and being found out later might not just end that script, but make it VEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEERY difficult for you in obtaining even some of he most obviously needed meds you need in the future.

    Honestly, all those symptoms were present but It almost sounds like I just made up a story with all the anxiety symptoms just to get a script.

    No not at all mate, I believe you mate just sort of saying just saying don’t push it too far bud.

    Maybe I would be better off saying I’ve been having a really hard time at interviews and during different situations then let him ask the questions? I know that Xanax works but if I don’t play it right the DR will think I’m just a drug addict or something.

    No I imagine you’re gonna need to lay it on thick if getting a script for those in the US it like getting benzos from the NHS give it them straight but maybe try not mentioning xanax at least too soon into it lol

    Yeah, I forgot to mention too that sometimes the smallest thing will screw my whole day up. For instance this morning I was looking for my toothbrush in my bag and couldn’t find it. This caused me to get extremely upset and on edge with everyone around me. I feel like if I had something to take (XANAX) before I go to interviews and when I am getting ready in the morning as I am taking my vitamins then my life and the other around me would be so much better. It took me hours to get over the fact I lost my toothbrush. The dang thing was in the bathroom for gods sake.

    Xanex may be good medication, and probably just lovely stuff, it does sound a bit like you wanting it rather than needing it.

    It’s hard for me to tell the difference between something I need and want. If I want it then I feel like I need it and if I need it I feel like I want it. It sure would be nice to have a script handy for when I want/need it.

    I hear you man.

    I also have Lupus that has caused me some debilitating conditions such as two hip replacements and avascular necrosis from the steroid medication predisone, can’t drink alcohol, and I have very pale skin due to not being able to be in the sun. Keep in mind I used to be a very athletic individual who excelled in sports and liked to be tan. Now, I have to live with this condition and can’t do anything strenuous… That alone will cause someone to have anxiety.

    Hey man, you sound like you’ve suffered a lot and should be on some meds at least, sadly it’s not me signing scripts mate and seriously good luck 🙂






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Forums Drugs Over the Counter & Prescription Drugs I think I need Xanax prescribed.