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I’m new with cacti, please help…

Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti I’m new with cacti, please help…

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  • Hello i recently bought two peyote cacti from a local store(selling exotic plants). They are about 5.5-6cm in diameter i paid for them 72 euro(with 20% discount). The owner told me that they were grown from seeds from him, one in the 1993 and one in the 1996 but they are approximately the same size, maybe the one oldest is a little higher about 0.5 cm, one is 3 cm high the other 3.5 cm. But i don’t really know if he told me the truth about their age because i saw on the net that they don’t need 19 years or even 16 years to grow to the size of 5.5 cm in diameter. I saw one that had 21 years and had 11 cm in diameter. So now i don’t know if there is enaugh cacti to have a good trip. Please help me folks because i wouldn’t wont to eat them and than don’t fell nothing. Maybe i should buy another one and than eat all three of them (p.s. you can’t find bigger cacti than 5.5cm in that store, that i belive is the only one that sells peyote cacti in my country). So share with me your knowledge please. Thanks!

    Is it peyote?

    welcome to PartyVibe, remember that police thread is a forum joke, OK?

    Yes ok, no problem. Can somebody please answer my question now???

    I got loads of cacti but they are a san pedro kind….sorry

    Yes ok, but what do you think, would that two peyote cacti that i have(2 x 5.5cm in diameter and one 3 and one 3.5cm high) be enaugh for me for a good trip? I wouldn’t want to eat them if i’m not sure that it’s enaugh. Thanks!

    @lophophora w. 475730 wrote:

    Yes ok, but what do you think, would that two peyote cacti that i have(2 x 5.5cm in diameter and one 3 and one 3.5cm high) be enaugh for me for a good trip? I wouldn’t want to eat them if i’m not sure that it’s enaugh. Thanks!

    You will have to wait for them to go in bloom and that can take more the 20yrs if they are not of a cultivated kind…get more info here also about doseage;

    Peyote – Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    They are already blooming (having flowers), one is flowering right now(two flowers just died, but a new one just began flowering yesterday) and on the top of the other you can see the rest of the dead flowers but it’s not flowering at the moment, so what you think are they ready? And yes i saw the dosage one has to eat, but it’s written in grams. I guess the only way to know for me is to cut one and weight it. I wanted to know from somebody howmany buttons do they usually take to get a good trip and the most important how big are those buttons (because usually you can see howmany buttons but not how big, or at erowid you can see how big should the buttons be, but when dried). Please guys, some help with that would be very welcome, thanks!






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Forums Drugs Mushrooms & Cacti I’m new with cacti, please help…