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  • So i rather stay in and and get ripped to bits with a nice puff as i dont drink and most of my friends do, and drink and me = trouble, :crazy_dru lol. What do you crazy party people like to do? Maybe its just my age but i just cant be arsed any more, im at my happiest when im sat watching telly with a bifta in 1 hand and my bong in the other, 😉 :weee: x

    I always seem to manage to get into some kind of trouble when I go out (not on purpose), so I’d rather stay in and get mashed any day.

    Its really only when i drink i end up getting into bother, and i understand where your coming from its never on purpose with me either, but why is it everytime your out intent on having a blast you bump into all the fukn assholes, lol thats why i stay in, but then living on an Island there’s pretty much fuck all to do apart from pub crawl, and ive made that mistake way too many times before, drink turns me into a crazy person, :crazy: plus the thing about staying in is get the munchies go to the kitchen, end up totally wrecked go to bed, cant beat being fukd out of my head not having to worry about how to get home, :wink:xx

    I don’t go out to any commercial clubs/pubs or out in the town but i go out when there’s underground parties, illegal raves and when friends do mental house parties. Basically as long as there is a decent rig and vinyl DJ’s there i will go :biggreen:

    I certainly dont have that luxury as i live on the Isle of Lewis in North of Scotland where we dont even have a fukn Macdonalds never mind underground parties and illegal raves, that is so foreign to me its not even funny, :wink:x

    I have a friend goes by the nickname cloud, does free parties on Lewis :groucho:

    small world eh? Lol!!! But to be honest it could be anyone, i dont have a clue who it is, x

    I only get to have ‘adult time’ every 3 to 4 weeks, and when I do I prefer to go out. I love dirty squat parties with fat rigs, going to the pub with a group of friends (the pubs here are great) I love tripping in a safe inddor environment but this is very rare unfortunately. I also love going to gigs and I usually do this sober.

    Yay for getting messy with music 😀

    at weekends I tend to avoid townie places (often I stay at home and work on my electronics projects or try and mix some music) but this weekend there is a 50th birthday party for a friend of mine at the housing co-op, and I was meaning to visit there to drop off a spare internet router (which might be better than their current one) and also have a spare trafo (cheeseweasel special) for ICR-FM as my friend was using virtual DJ and he had some noise problems (they are just down the road).

    So must try and get an earlyish night on Friday, remember to pack my better DSLR camera with good charged batteries and at the party not do what I did last time and get so blotto in2 hours I had to recover in a unused stairwell (a young woman from the co-op rescued me from there and found me safe haven in the office/infoshop (there is a bed there for guests who end up in this sort of stage but are otherwise decent, and you can lock this from inside – passing out in the middle of the party means you become target for human buckaroo (items being placed on you)

    odd bit of karma – they have a small library there with interesting stuff, amongst this was a full untouched copy of Audio Electronics by the late John Linsley Hood. It was written in the late 1990s when he was retired and in his 70s and returned to his native Scotland

    For an audio engineer, finding this book is like a devout religious scholar finding a new copy of the Bible or Koran or Torah. some of it contains his own opinions (but he was ahead of his time in many reepects and the basics still hol today. He also explains complex things like digital to analogue conversion and vice versa without going too heavy into hard maths, that I do not understand,

    The co-op folk uninanimously decided that I should have this book on permanent loan :bounce_fl

    Have a great weekend and chuffed about the book, power to you my friend, xx

    I’m at that point in my life where I only go out if i have drugs.

    Surely that’s s good thing though right?! 🙂

    @Lynnibinni 554867 wrote:

    i live on the Isle of Lewis in North of Scotland where we dont even have a fukn Macdonalds

    used to like to get lit and then go out to a party or a show or what have you and get more and more lit.

    if i had to pick between the two, i’d lean towards staying in because you don’t have to go anywhere.

    these days i just stay at home cleaning and drinking vodka…kinda sucks.






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Forums The Vibe Chat In or Out?