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INT : Cops, traffic authorities, healthcare workers now wise to NPS stims…

Forums Drugs Research Chemicals INT : Cops, traffic authorities, healthcare workers now wise to NPS stims…

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  • A heads up – out of curiosity I googled media reports over one of the few NPS stims remaining legal in the UK (MPA/methiopropamine) and saw a report of a fatal OD (appears to be a very large amount taken in one hit by a user who was also on legal prescribed pharms following mental health issues)

    There were also reports of traffic cops in UK and USA stopping users for DUI and succesfully identifying the users and the drug via a blood test – one offender being prosecuted in Court as even though MPA is not a controlled substance its illegal to drive whilst unfit due to drugs whether or not the drugs are legal.

    There were also several (EU and international) articles about new ways of detecting the substance and hints that its use is being widely scrutinised; even going as far as sampling sewage water from urban areas (which is done routinely anyway as part of wider environmental monitoring).

    Although this stuff may be “less worse” than other substances I don’t think the scrutiny is unjustified; like anything else irresponsible use will bring things on top… (other once widely available NPS stims in the UK have already been temp banned)

    That thing about positively identifying NPS through blood is total horseshit. MPA is detected as amphetamine and on top of that I’m surprised he didn’t argue the time that the metabolites are detectable in blood and urine making it impossible to say if he was unfit through drugs at that time. The same has been said of laws in the US where cannabis has become allowed and limits of THC in blood have been establisged for driving. Whatever reading they find when they do a blod test is no fucking indication whatsoever of how stoned someone is right then, if they smoke more than a few joints anytime up to as much as 4 weeks before that test they could fail even if they smoked nothing for several days prior to being tested. It’s a joke but sadly, these fucking clowns shpouldn’t be driving under the influence.

    @tryptameanie 974154 wrote:

    That thing about positively identifying NPS through blood is total horseshit. MPA is detected as amphetamine and on top of that I’m surprised he didn’t argue the time that the metabolites are detectable in blood and urine making it impossible to say if he was unfit through drugs at that time.

    apologies – I should have clarified that as being an incident where a UK Court had accepted NPS drug use as being the source of a positive drug test in a DUI case; something I had not seen before (other cases concentrating on traditional “illegal” drugs or prescribed pharms).

    The MPA user admitted to having used the substance when he was searched and a packet was discovered – which makes sense as he would not want to end up being busted for posession class B as well as the traffic offence.

    I think all drugs tests check for metabolites rather than the drugs themselves – the sewer water tests were not for MPA alone but for a variety of stimulants including MDMA-type ones, cathinones and PMA.

    These (which already happen for other drugs) appear to be used to semi-covertly monitor drug usage levels in defined areas; especially in smaller European towns/cities where night time venues are kept to a certain part of a town.

    There does seem to be a misconception doing the rounds that NPS use (or even the use of “legit” pharms whether or not within a prescription) is less detectable or doing these is “less wrong” than doing “street drugs” (which isn’t the case when on the road or in public places!)

    To get charged for dangerous use of a vehicle (which can include bicycles in the UK!) the road user either has to have drawn attention to themselves by their behaviour or got into a crash.

    All that said; although folk should avoid driving or even cycling when clearly under the influence another risk point many are less aware of is in the following days after a heavy weekend when they are sleep deprived and yet may have to get up early and travel to a place of work. I’m aware of young people in my region (East Anglia, geographically large compared to London/SE) being hurt/killed on Mondays due to this factor.

    Driving stoned and being monged on stimulants and getting behind the wheel are a bit different. People going 5mph/10kph under the speed limit and using their turn signal way too early or creeping up to a red light at 2 am are all pretty harmless, but somebody with jiggly eyeballs gurning their tits off or someone combining stims and alcohol aren’t really people i’d like to share the road with TBH.






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Forums Drugs Research Chemicals INT : Cops, traffic authorities, healthcare workers now wise to NPS stims…