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Journalist looking for a young woman who has taken ketamine

Forums Drugs Drugs Research, Drugs Studies & Media Requests Journalist looking for a young woman who has taken ketamine

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    I’m a freelance journalist writing a report about ketamine for a glossy women’s magazine. I’m looking to interview a young woman (early 20s to late 30s) who has or does take ketamine. They’d need to be named and pictured and they would be paid for their time.

    I can explain more to anyone who thinks they may fit the brief and would be happy to chat.

    Any conversation would remain confidential unless you agreed to the interview.

    Please get in touch to discuss.

    Thank you.


    Ask p0ly :laugh_at:

    @JamZandwich 434297 wrote:

    Ask p0ly :laugh_at:

    I was gonna suggest her as soon as I read that. 😉

    Thank you. I’ll send her a message.



    Glossy magazine eh? make some good k wraps.

    @Charlotte15 434321 wrote:

    Thank you. I’ll send her a message.


    The biased under-researched, sensationalist shite that tends to go in to those magazines would put most people off openly talking to you about drug use. Unless your different? My gf buys em and p0ly’s right they only thing they’re good for is making wraps!

    Even if i could be in the magazine and they offered me 5000 pounds i’d say no, i don’t wanna be depicted as the dirty k user!! although if i was to be interviewed by a source i thought was biased i’d lie and pretend it was all fun and games and there were no bad points to the drug at all…. they’d probably pull quotes out of their ass though and say that i said it.

    the usual approach with these kinds of journalistic reports is they’ll look out of 1000s of normal of safe users either for either one of the minority that has cained for years and has serious problems or one of these weak minded posh ‘I tried drugs once and it ruined my life’ stories

    Glossy womans magazine’s are a joke. For starters they bend the truth and they create an unrealisitic image of a woman that many normal people think is the idea of perfect…..






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Forums Drugs Drugs Research, Drugs Studies & Media Requests Journalist looking for a young woman who has taken ketamine