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Forums Drugs Ketamine KETAMINE!!!

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  • I have taken this a few times before!! But I think I have just discoverd it properly if you no what I meen!!

    I went to anti social bass on friday nite (absolutely wicked night by the way!!) got a bit messy whilst there but nothing to extreme all the normal stuff!

    Anyhow I went back to my mates house coz I wanted to have a proper session but be in a safe environment! Man I love this stuff!! I saw what looked like a big clear screen with light green digital writing all over it going all the way down the middle of the living room and I dont no why but I dicided to touch it and I could feel it!! I then said to my friend can you feel that and she could aswell the wall then vanished but me and my friend could still feel it it was like we had some sort of magnetic field in beetween our hands!

    Loadsa of other random stuff like that happend like a picture that was on the wall melted and slid across the cieling! I was talking to my friend and she looked MASSIVE!! I was laying on the sofa and began to sink into it!

    I really love this stuff! But I do have to say I feel a bit ashamed coz I always thought it was really dirty! But whenever I have taken pills recenly they have made me feel like poo!

    Was what I experienced a khole? I no i sounds silly but I am really nieve about this drug! Also what are everyone elses experiences on this bad and good I would like to hear!!

    Marcia Moore, author, astrologer, died after injecting Ketamine. Up a tree.
    Accordingly, Ketamine’s few cultural champions were hardly mainstream icons. They included Marcia Moore, the heiress to the Sheraton Hotel fortune and world famous writer on astrology and ‘hypersentience.’ Her 1978 book, Journeys Into The Bright World recounted surreal K trips into abstract, occult freak-scapes.

    Up a tree or in a pool… NOT a good idea!

    skattyasfuk wrote:
    I really love this stuff! But I do have to say I feel a bit ashamed coz I always thought it was really dirty!

    I know just what u mean!!!

    Only done it twice.
    Now thinking its not dirty its pretty cool…
    No worse than MDMA.

    I 2 sunk into the chair mmmmmm.
    And my nose and mouth caved in inward “I turned insideout”

    MAD :cyclop_1: :crazy_fre :cyclop_1:

    moderation is the key

    it’s obvious and often said

    but that’s because it’s right

    no harm in bending out the brain once in a while






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Forums Drugs Ketamine KETAMINE!!!