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Forums Drugs Ketamine ketamine

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  • My mate nearly died from it. She had lost track of how much she had taken.. you know..a line here a line with this person.. another with that person…
    Found her in the bathroom where she ahd been for past half hour contemplating suicide…

    Have only ever had one line.. it wasnt for me.

    Was seriously pissed off when the pills started being K in them also as once at a wharehouse type thing I took one pill unaware it was K based.. we had brought them from the same guy as usual and he didnt mention it.. and my body went dead… had no energy could not even dance…. sat down the WHOLE night and watched it go by.


    So was super wary of pills from then on.

    hate the stuff. Horses can keep it.

    spark wrote:
    we had brought them from the same guy as usual and he didnt mention it..

    Chances are he didn’t know either.

    Whilst there are odd dealers on the street who genuinely want to deal with good drugs and not rip people off (hippie-type dealers usually!), the drugs have always come from someone who doesn’t give a shit. The people who smuggle them into the country are risking a lot and making serious £, they couldn’t give a fuck what is in them as long as they get paid.

    Legalisation is needed to stop the flow of impure drugs. Legalise, regulate, educate!

    boothy wrote:
    Legalise, regulate, educate!

    im gonna get that tatood on to my forehead

    2000 + he was great…. then moved in 2004.. always looked after us, always knew his product. Only sold quality. Legend.

    I hate the ones who are in it to cut what they sell to fuck and sell shit because they want to make as much money as possible… My last one was like this… we didnt get on to say the least… because I stand up and say oi this is crap.

    unfortunately once you have been out of the scene for a bit… and your contacts have moved on…and you dont want to deal with kids!!!! or travel across london… then it was a catch 22….

    Just stop looking, I always find they come along when you least expect it. :bounce_g:

    i first saw the effects of ket when i was 14 when my mate was fucked, scared me shitless.
    kets alright in moderation but i hate feeling completely out of control of my mind and body, i guess some people like it because of that but meh id rather feel a nice fucked, happy, i-love-everyone, euphoric feeling compared to slumped ina corner unable to string a sentence together.

    DJCliffy wrote:
    don’t drink and take ket, bad things happen!! :hopeless:

    my brother took a mobile phone video of me drunk n on k at the last party. made me realise how er… cool I look, hmmm discracefull behaviour, should probably watch that over and over till i dont want to do it any more. the bit of me holding on to that tree and swaying, n still falling over. should probably just stick to the beers.

    It’s how quick I build a tolerance that worries me. After a few weekends binging we would end up doing lines as long as your arm, with little effect. Can’t be good for you. I am partial to doing a little bit now and then for the giggles and funny walk.

    anyone experienced bladder problems with heavy k usage? i went to hospital a few weeks ago with severe bladder discomfort.. pissing blood and all sorts of shit. has made me think twice about how much i have been doing. apart from the fact i can do a gram in a couple of lines and it hardly touching me.. just costing me money.

    stay away from it. it might seem fun in the beginning.. but it soon wares off.

    k is bad for the kidneys and bladder.
    try not to swollow the drip and drink loads of water every day to flush your systems out and you’ll be fine.
    k tollerance is an arse but its all in your head, you dont build a pschical tolerance only mental, the k hole is always there you just have to get in right frame of mind to achieve it. thats if you like to go into the k hole, alot of people dont and just like to snort it to get fucked up and make an ass of themselves, dont get me wrong the first few times you do this it can be beyond words but you’ll soon get sick of it.
    if you snort ketamine to achieve the k hole and for spiritual perposes, do some research and you’ll learn that the k hole is the same place of the unconcious mind that years and years of meditation will take you to.

    sorry but I just dont get the appeal of K
    never done it – never wnat to……………

    Tank Girl wrote:
    sorry but I just dont get the appeal of K
    never done it – never wnat to……………

    Its a funny one really. Its like 2 drugs. Because there are 2 completely different desired affects, like cosmic energy said.

    Personally, I dont take it at parties anymore, it fucks up my head, and spoils the buzz imo. I just wander about falling into things/people…

    But, K can be fun with a few friends, or on your own. It sounds sad, but its almost like you are exploring your mind on a journey kind of thing.

    Then again I dont do it on my own anymore either. It gets tiresome…

    Cosmic_Energy wrote:
    k is bad for the kidneys and bladder.
    try not to swollow the drip and drink loads of water every day to flush your systems out and you’ll be fine.
    k tollerance is an arse but its all in your head, you dont build a pschical tolerance only mental, the k hole is always there you just have to get in right frame of mind to achieve it. thats if you like to go into the k hole, alot of people dont and just like to snort it to get fucked up and make an ass of themselves, dont get me wrong the first few times you do this it can be beyond words but you’ll soon get sick of it.
    if you snort ketamine to achieve the k hole and for spiritual perposes, do some research and you’ll learn that the k hole is the same place of the unconcious mind that years and years of meditation will take you to.

    ive been drinking lots of cranberry juice lately. went and bought milk of magnesium for k cramps too.. my mate said it did fuck all to him, but i swear by the stuff. soothes the stomach.

    Havnt had a cramp for a good couple of weeks now tho. After the last one i knew i had to calm down on it for a while… I was on my way to the TAA squat/art thing in brighton a few weeks ago.. got on the train and eflt a cramp coming on. thought it would be best to get off the train before it leaves.. and before i get paralysed and unable to move..on the train. So i get off.. only to be paralysed on the station platform. Not being able to walk far at all i decide to get out of the way of people, trying not to attract attention to myself and go sit down and sweat it out round the corner. Didnt have any milk of magnesium on me at the time..
    That one made me think twice.. its not worth it at all.
    Was at an intimate field party friday just gone.. loads of k floating about, but for once i actually had will power to say no. Lets all just get pisssed!

    smokeitup wrote:
    ive been drinking lots of cranberry juice lately. went and bought milk of magnesium for k cramps too.. my mate said it did fuck all to him, but i swear by the stuff. soothes the stomach.

    Havnt had a cramp for a good couple of weeks now tho. After the last one i knew i had to calm down on it for a while… I was on my way to the TAA squat/art thing in brighton a few weeks ago.. got on the train and eflt a cramp coming on. thought it would be best to get off the train before it leaves.. and before i get paralysed and unable to move..on the train. So i get off.. only to be paralysed on the station platform. Not being able to walk far at all i decide to get out of the way of people, trying not to attract attention to myself and go sit down and sweat it out round the corner. Didnt have any milk of magnesium on me at the time..
    That one made me think twice.. its not worth it at all.
    Was at an intimate field party friday just gone.. loads of k floating about, but for once i actually had will power to say no. Lets all just get pisssed!

    good for you mate, i reckon Brighton is one of the worst places for ketamin these days!!!
    how much of the stuff have ya been doing per month roughly man ?

    smokeitup wrote:
    ive been drinking lots of cranberry juice lately. went and bought milk of magnesium for k cramps too.. my mate said it did fuck all to him, but i swear by the stuff. soothes the stomach.

    Havnt had a cramp for a good couple of weeks now tho. After the last one i knew i had to calm down on it for a while… I was on my way to the TAA squat/art thing in brighton a few weeks ago.. got on the train and eflt a cramp coming on. thought it would be best to get off the train before it leaves.. and before i get paralysed and unable to move..on the train. So i get off.. only to be paralysed on the station platform. Not being able to walk far at all i decide to get out of the way of people, trying not to attract attention to myself and go sit down and sweat it out round the corner. Didnt have any milk of magnesium on me at the time..
    That one made me think twice.. its not worth it at all.
    Was at an intimate field party friday just gone.. loads of k floating about, but for once i actually had will power to say no. Lets all just get pisssed!

    Good for you mate! Compared to the other drugs about, Its well not worth the risks of all those swallowed lines.

    Plus like Ive mentioned loads, Ket makes you look daft anyway. Just a few bump lines now and again is all you need, if that!






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Forums Drugs Ketamine ketamine