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Ketty and DMT

Forums Drugs DMT Ketty and DMT

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  • Anyone know where I can get some good ketty and DMT from around the Bristol area??
    Please let me know
    The Diggler
    xxxxx :rolleyes:

    Try your local vet, you sick horse. 😮

    dont knock it till you try it pal!! 😀

    Been there done that. Staring at the immense distances between my thumb and forefinger. Wow. :rolleyes:

    sounds good nude how big are your hands!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p

    can’t and won’t help u find dmt,but checkout the “fortean times” site for some info on it

    u could also try the vaults of Erowid.

    did u know that around 50% of people who try DMT report a religous type experience,while much of the other half report an alien abduction experience.i believe that your body makes DMT in limited amounts-for what purpose i dont know,but i have heard that some researchers have this linked to near death experiences,they think DMT is used in the final moments as your body shuts down to ease the moment of death

    for some info-might be a little technical!

    Originally posted by Nomad
    did u know that around 50% of people who try DMT report a religous type experience,while much of the other half report an alien abduction experience.i believe that your body makes DMT in limited amounts-for what purpose i dont know,but i have heard that some researchers have this linked to near death experiences,they think DMT is used in the final moments as your body shuts down to ease the moment of death

    I’ve been told that DMT is released from the brain when you die. So, what you get on DMT is what you get when you die. How true any of this is i dont know. But if it is true, dont be scared of dying!

    JMar chemicals sells DMT online, legally (from the US). Obviously you would be taking it upon yourself to import it to the UK, which would not be legal. Perhaps you could think of a way round this minor logistical hurdle. Ideally, get 5-MeO-DMT. (Make yourself familiar with the difference between 5-MeO-DMT and N,N-dimethyltryptamine, as the dosage is lower for the former). It costs about US$148/gr (I think).

    Other online chemical suppliers also sell DMT, but most won’t export to the UK.

    Good luck


    No, that website sells 5-meo-DMT, as do all the other research chemical websites. 5-meo-DMT is still a trptamine but is otherwise completely different from DMT. Taking a DMT dose of 5-meo-DMT will in fact kill you – this is how all the reported 5-meo-DMT deaths have occured.

    So in conclusion, check your facts before you post bullshit.







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Forums Drugs DMT Ketty and DMT