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  • + you’re a Dumbblonde, you’re gonna ruin it.

    legal highs have been around for ages (EX legals that were popular recently, 2C-B, 5-MeO-DMT, 5-MeO-AMT, Ketamine, Mushrooms etc) now just cos mephe got popular cos the shitty world drug laws are a complete fail they make a big deal out of it. you take away the resources to make MDMA, what do you get? legal high which is more dangerous and popular.


    @p0ly 373803 wrote:

    + you’re a Dumbblonde, you’re gonna ruin it.


    not the most inspired screen name if your after information for a dissertation IMO

    yeah you should have a name like Tank-Polly. then everyone would love you

    survey seems legit – I did it 😉


    I did think some of the questions were a little bit presumptuous the way they were laid out. Assuming everyone that trys’ drugs / legal highs are all irrational, irresponsible cheap thrill seeking numb-nuts.

    But, i suppose you have to please the men in suits 😉

    i just did it .. seems like it’s proper … you’re not forced to answer questions you don’t want to and it’s anonomous

    View Single Post – Mephedrone / Meow / Miaow / 4-MMC

    A brief account of my first new drug experience in a while. And its legal apparently :weee:

    Its a legit survey. although from the questions id say this was written by someone who has never done any drugs in their life, let alone any of these legal ones.

    I would rather use a LEGAL drug that be associated with crime and gangs

    I think because I have a CHOICE to do something, no one should outlaw that CHOICE that is mine.

    Why make people criminals?

    Oh and I also disgusted (As I normally am) with the media and the sensasionalist views they put forward.

    No one has died of using Mephedrone etc.

    I hate the way they all jump on things and radicalise them, brainwash your average Joe who reads the Sun and News of the World.

    Put ALL the legal highs together with a history next to that of just one legal drug, Alcohol – side by side with a look of 10 years

    what has cost more, cost more social deprivation, crime, murder and deaths and cost the economy billions?

    Let people have their fun. Just make it illegal for the kids as they have no idea or sense of what a sensible choice actually means.

    It’s bollocks, I remember the same media stuff over pills years ago. The fact is someone is gonna die or something bad is going to happen to someone somewhere. The same way that someone somewhere is gonna gob it straight into the ground on their first bungee jump.

    Taking drugs is a risk, like a lot of things. Dont be a tw*t, be moderate, be informed and take responsibilty for the consenquences should there be any

    the Lithuanian health ministry did actually point out that there is an advantage that in 2008 no crime occured due to Mephedrone

    however there do seem to be anecdotal reports coming through of street dealers being robbed (though why on earth buy off the street when you can get it online??) and also as its much more like amfetamine than “loved up” MDMA some people have been carrying out aggressive/anti-social behaviour on it…. but then again I’ve heard of and even witnessed people having arguments and actual fights even after taking known good MDMA (same stuff I was on so I know it wasn’t shit).. its more that irrational impulsive people shouldn’t take drugs in the first place..

    @glowsticks 374023 wrote:

    I would rather use a LEGAL drug that be associated with crime and gangs

    I think because I have a CHOICE to do something, no one should outlaw that CHOICE that is mine.

    Why make people criminals?

    Not all illegal drugs are associated with crims and gangs. just the drugs that pricks like shoving down the throats of people on benefits and the like.

    @Buzz 374028 wrote:

    Not all illegal drugs are associated with crims and gangs. just the drugs that pricks like and shoving down the throats of people on benefits and the like.

    I agree, I’ve never bought any recreational drugs from a gangster or hard crim. They tend to be other dippy sods like me!

    Maybe somewhere up the ladder and all that but Im fucked if Im gonna worry about it





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