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Lest we forget alcohol is a drug too.

Forums Drugs Alcohol Lest we forget alcohol is a drug too.

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  • @LysergicAcid 487512 wrote:

    Because its legal people dont think of it as a drug and if you tell them it is they don’t even believe you.. its legal so it cant be a drug..

    alcohol isn’t really a drug tho is it… its a drink… it just happens to be more tasty than non-alcoholic drinks… but lets just uphold the ridiculous notion that alcohol is a drug… well i actually prefer it like this cos drinking is the way forward and im glad that there are governments that can make that decision for us. thinking really hurts and im quite indecisive… also if we were all free to start choosing whatever drugs then people would be too diverse and there’d be no good fights on a fri/sat.

    @know_hope 487576 wrote:

    alcohol isn’t really a drug tho is it… its a drink… it just happens to be more tasty than non-alcoholic drinks… but lets just uphold the ridiculous notion that alcohol is a drug… well i actually prefer it like this cos drinking is the way forward and im glad that there are governments that can make that decision for us. thinking really hurts and im quite indecisive… also if we were all free to start choosing whatever drugs then people would be too diverse and there’d be no good fights on a fri/sat.

    More tasty? I cant say I ever liked the taste of alcohol, I rather drink a non alcoholic drink,, When I go to raves I drink water and some times redbull,, the way forward into the gutter with your puke… No good fights? what fight is a good fight? dont tell me you’re one of those people who gets drunk and walks around town looking for fights? I avoid friday nights in town for that reason.. I would rather be 100 miles away from that crap.

    I have never in my life thrown a punch or been punched.. and that will never change, I will go to my grave never having been in a fight.

    Just like weed is a drug so is alcohol and it was banned at one point though wasent it and it did not take.. all alcohol is good for is for its medical use. 😀

    @LysergicAcid 487588 wrote:

    dont tell me you’re one of those people who gets drunk and walks around town looking for fights? I avoid friday nights in town for that reason

    ur missing out!

    @LysergicAcid 487588 wrote:

    I have never in my life thrown a punch or been punched.. and that will never change, I will go to my grave never having been in a fight.

    thats only cos u’v never run into me an me tucker after 8 stella on a friday night :alcoholic

    Pony avatar. (or brony whatever they are called ) = Troll.


    Well in my experience they have been associated with trolls. I never thought I would see one on PV though.

    @know_hope 487601 wrote:

    ur missing out![/quote]

    ee… no… I will be happy to go the rest of my life and never experience it.. what ever floats your boat though

    thats only cos u’v never run into me an me tucker after 8 stella on a friday night :alcoholic

    and I never will 😉 stella? beer? id rather drink mud… Give me a psy rave and lots of LSD and trippyness and screw going into town where the bars are, I dont even remember the last time I walked into a bar or had a drink.

    so just to check… is your ‘thing’ lsd?

    @know_hope 488064 wrote:

    so just to check… is your ‘thing’ lsd?

    With out going too much off topic.. Yes and pretty much any psy drug like 2b e/i/b that will get me into wonderland and tripping balls..

    Last time I drank alcohol I had a bottle of JD and sat downing shots until I passed out and woke with my head in the toilet… and that was only because I was on a cocaine come down and I was desperate to pass out.

    Of course alcohol is a fucking drug, I’m an alcoholic so I know what I’m talking about, it’s fucking poison and is killing me softly, and the worse thing is, STOPPING alcohol when your an alcoholic is dangerous too… I’m fucking pissed it’s legal, total hypocrisy from my point of view…

    Of course alconol a drug,so us nicoteine us a drug aswell.often ppl addicted to alcohol have by far the most lethal drug to withdrawl from.its withdrawl intensity only rivals barbarities IT IS DEADLY IF U DRINK EVERYDAY DO NOT TRY TO STOP BY URSELF SEE A DOCTOR.chances are ull need meds getting off alcohol ecspeciLly when ur brain activity is going crazy.if UN medicated an a alcoholic more than like ly have a siezure. While withdrawling






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Forums Drugs Alcohol Lest we forget alcohol is a drug too.