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Live squat eviction streamed on truthloader (pre recorded)

Forums Life Law Live squat eviction streamed on truthloader (pre recorded)

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  • Truthloader were streaming live at a squat eviction earlier today.

    Here is a follow up vid

    Cast out into the snow, live streaming using WIFI has it’s down sides lol

    I just watched the tour and its quite interesting to see.. What is/Who is truthloader?

    Truthloader is a newish channel on youtube bassed on the “truth” movement. Basically alternative news. Not keen on all the stuff they put out and they arn’t always impartial with their views on certain topics but worth subscribing too since they do cover some good stuff on here.

    Hmm yes the inside the squat vid…… them guys don’t know shit about squats to be fair, and in the first vid they ha their facts wrong about squatting in the UK too.

    It takes 6 people and an office for them to produce truthloader. I could do the same thing alone, sitting on my arse at home. It doesn’t take much skill to look on here Associated Press and look for stuff that would not normally get picked up by the main news channels. Only thing is you then have to find a video clip to put with it that isn’t always gonna be easy.

    Also allot of the AP stuff is first hand info and often is sketchy to say the least.

    Have a look in the strange section some good stuff in there look Associated Press

    And this LOL

    Associated Press

    dodgy crap

    hmm, seems like bunch of middle class media studies kids trying to kickstart their career in meedja using others incidents/conflicts.

    there’s fuckloads of squats in Ipswich, mostly industrial buildings and poor foreign people what genuinely need them, not middle class kids who can often go back to their parents but don’t want to.

    all the local photographers/urbexers have voluntarily agreed to give these squatters privacy so they don’t get evicted in this manner…

    was probably jacking someones wifi what got the squatters evicted in such a manner in the first place (especially if they crack a password thats now classed as theft of services)

    @General Lighting 518634 wrote:

    hmm, seems like bunch of middle class media studies kids trying to kickstart their career in meedja using others incidents/conflicts.

    is exactly that






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Forums Life Law Live squat eviction streamed on truthloader (pre recorded)