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Forums Classifieds LOST: MARBLES

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  • seen my marbles? call 0800-boredasfork.
    Have you seen my marbles? i lost them two years back and have been illuding me ever since.
    i saw them a few weeks back but they didnt want to come back. they said they were enjoying life working in an alternative music shop listening to moby and debating world affairs with passing window shoppers.
    if you see them tell me and i will take them by force if needs be.
    evernight i call out to them, “Marbles?, Marbles?” i say in vain.
    selfish damn marbles!
    i mean i cant even find a job!



    I went into that shop, we spoke of world peace, then went to the pub for a few shandy’s, they said they’re havig too much fun to come back to you, sorry, I did try (thou not very hard) :love:

    They reminded me of some ‘giant cats eye’s’ I used to have

    and do i get a presant on my birthday, a card at christmas, a look-in;
    do i f*ck!

    Think I met one yesterday at the playgroup Halloween party.

    It was having a blast running around , screaming atthe top of its voice and high as a kite on sugar and junk food:groucho:

    I tried to ask it if it was one of your but it was too busy having fun. :flowers: Sorry ogga :flowers:

    junk food?
    doesnt seem like mine (although they have gone against me a lot as it is anyway)
    i suppose the difficulty of trying to find my marbles is that so many people are looking for theirs so there are so many about…
    nigh on impossable
    why do i need them anyway. there fine without me:cry:
    anyway i jus sent the divorce papers away earlier.
    i get the ferrari and they get the kids.
    everyones a winner!


      :groucho: :groucho: :groucho:






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    Forums Classifieds LOST: MARBLES