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Lysergic Acid Diethylamide also known as ACID

Forums Drugs LSD & Other Psychedelic Drugs Lysergic Acid Diethylamide also known as ACID

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  • @olboy 355232 wrote:

    shheeeeaaattee fella… try everything when you’re on it. Leave your options open, don’t rule anything out (within reason) Don’t think you can fly for example, lol

    Skin up
    Watch TV
    Listen to Music
    Draw shit
    Play Video Games (for as long as you can… 5min maybe)
    Have sex (not same sex… unless you’re gay)
    Try tasting stuff too (i’ve never really appreciated that but, don’t rule it out)

    Have phun

    why would people not do this stuff in the first place?

    Trying to have sex when your tripping is never a good idea, its easy to lose concentration and just end up falling off the bed :laugh_at: not that iv done that…..:wink:

    @Offyahead 355196 wrote:

    Ok thank also my mate told me to put a drop on a spoon and light underneath the spoon to inhale the fumes as 1 drop might fuck me over because ive never had it before.

    Yeah, let him go first lol! Even acid being in your pocket for too long, is too warm for it.

    Same as everyone else has said really. Take it in a good place, with good friends. Not somewhere cramped either.

    As for using any other drugs, I’d say it’s pretty pointless. Acid is very overpowering and you probably wouldn’t notice much of the “MDMA”. Plus Acid will keep you very active anyway longer and more consistently than MDMA!

    Ketamine + Acid is very mental though, and I don’t recommend that for the first time at all. I’ve done that a few times and it’s probably the most fucked you will ever feel.

    NOS + Acid is fun! But again, if you’re not experienced I wouldn’t just yet. Especially if you haven’t had NOS on it’s own either, but it’s something to try in the future! Lasts a minute or so on Acid and turns everything into a mental confusing Kaleidoscope 😀

    Oh… One last thing, don’t have more in the first few hours thinking you are handling it and need more. I’ve not come up on acid properly for as much as 2-3 hours later. Even with strong stuff. One drop will most definitely be enough unless it’s a bit shit.

    acid and k is decent =)

    acid and k would be weird

    @p0ly 355239 wrote:

    why would people not do this stuff in the first place?

    Hmmm, good point, I can’t remember why I thought he wouldn’t… must’ve been something to do with Iacchus saying he “found smoking bud unpleasant while tripping, maybe avoid it on your first time. same with stimulants, just do the acid by itself a few times till you’re comfortable before thinking of mixing it with stuff” that made me think of all the things I would want to do, regardless of the fact they had nothing to do with mixing diff drugs

    …too much caffeine today :crazy:

    @Offyahead 355196 wrote:

    Ok thank also my mate told me to put a drop on a spoon and light underneath the spoon to inhale the fumes as 1 drop might fuck me over because ive never had it before.

    That cracked me up.

    You’ll defo have an excellent time – tho from personal experience, I wouldn’t advise swigging from a whisky bottle while tripping… You get a nasty hang-over in the morning..!

    @Dom_sufc 355254 wrote:

    Ketamine + Acid is very mental though, and I don’t recommend that for the first time at all. I’ve done that a few times and it’s probably the most fucked you will ever feel.

    Indeeeeeed! Second most extreme tripping experience so far…

    what was the first?

    acid and dmt?

    aparently acid and changa is suposed to take you into an alternate universe :laugh_at:

    @DaftFader 355344 wrote:

    aparently acid and changa is suposed to take you into an alternate universe :laugh_at:

    Through the stargate? :weee:

    *initiate geek mode * Cliffy stargate takes you to different planets not universes gawd….get your facts right:laugh_at:

    @Buzz 355366 wrote:

    *initiate geek mode * Cliffy stargate takes you to different planets not universes gawd….get your facts right:laugh_at:

    If we’re going to do this then let’s do this properly.

    In Stargate Sg1, they (Sg1) went through the stargate several times into alternate universes.

    na na! :weee:

    @DJCliffy 355370 wrote:

    If we’re going to do this then let’s do this properly.

    In Stargate Sg1, they (Sg1) went through the stargate several times into alternate universes.

    na na! :weee:

    what about the film? isn’t that the real Stargate?






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Forums Drugs LSD & Other Psychedelic Drugs Lysergic Acid Diethylamide also known as ACID