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Marijuana: Gateway drug theory

Forums Drugs Cannabis & Hashish Marijuana: Gateway drug theory

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  • I think drug education has a lot to do with weed leading to more drugs. In my case it did anyway. Through school I was taught that drugs were terrible and that under pretty much every circumstance you would either go mental or die. i.e. coke.. you instantly become addicted… pills u die from overheating… acid u go mental and the same with weed as well.. However I always wanted to try weed, never pills or anything else infact I was quiet scared of them even weed a little bit… (now Ive tried pills, speed, coke and magic mushrooms and love them all) Then I tried weed for the first time couldnt even inhale properly but there was that much of it in a chonged out room I got absolutely blazed… and I fuckin loved it!! Everything I learnt about drugs I gradually began to realise was absolute bullshit or truth was bent in such away it was stupid… especially about XTC oh my days the first time I dropped I was well scared cause of all the shit they said…. now I drop every other weekend!!! raaa but I do still think weed is a gateway to other things…. but its not entirely weed its society as well…. Also when I starting smoking weed, then a year later dropped for the first time, at that point in my life I didnt smoke or drink infact I hated alcohol. So for me cannabis most definitely was a gateway to other things but I dont hate it… I dont even smoke weed anymore.. well trying… not even had a toke for 3 weeks now 😀 😀

    Well yes I do actually; it would be very unlikely that someone would go straightaway and try say Heroin. I beleive that there is some sort of ladder involved in drugs and people work their way up/through it, some people may stop at say Ecstacy others won’t. Its a difficult subject and as you can see from the poll most people will say not, is this because drug users don’t want to be seen doing what people expect?

    Put it this way, every person I know that has or does use drugs, any drugs, all of them started with cannabis. I also know for a fact I wouldn’t have tried half the drugs I have if I hadn’t started with pot!

    Everyone starts somewhere in their drug taking, it so happens that most start with pot!

    Ellie_** wrote:
    Well yes I do actually; it would be very unlikely that someone would go straightaway and try say Heroin. I beleive that there is some sort of ladder involved in drugs and people work their way up/through it, some people may stop at say Ecstacy others won’t. Its a difficult subject and as you can see from the poll most people will say not, is this because drug users don’t want to be seen doing what people expect?

    Put it this way, every person I know that has or does use drugs, any drugs, all of them started with cannabis. I also know for a fact I wouldn’t have tried half the drugs I have if I hadn’t started with pot!

    Everyone starts somewhere in their drug taking, it so happens that most start with pot!

    yeah but is it just that its the most available and probably the easiest to obtain,
    i know theres folk that go from oner drug to another chasing whatever buzz, i have done most drugs except smack , but i was drinking at 11 and doing acid at 13 @ school i didn’t smoke till i was 19
    but at the end of the day its yr choice , where you let drugs take you

    The First drug I ever tried was LSD,Then speed then mushrooms,I think these things definately led me on to cannabis.So I have put No in the poll.

    nestie wrote:

    loads of ppl smoke and dont do harder drugs its just personal preference:laugh_at:

    Tank Girl wrote:
    I’m of the opinion of learnt behaviour ~ whatever the substanceHmmm, I kinda see what you mean here. This ties in with tobacco somewhat as it’s the first drug that you can legally buy (at 16).

    cannabis is a gateway to harder drugs, what a crock of shit! I know that there has been government results that show that most people on smack or whatever have smoked weed sometime in there life, but how many smoked a fag before they tried weed, or had a alcholic drink or watched the same cartoon when they were younger. I mean its the situations/areas people grow up in that shape what experiences they are gonna have later in life. Smoking weed does not mean that your instantly more likely to try bag. I started smoking when i was 17, ive given up since cause it made me really introverted, but not once have i ever wanted to try smack, and ive had opportunities so its not that. This is the same as the results that the government had that most convicted burglers had cannabis in their system when they were caught so obviously cannabis is a gateway into burlary too!:you_crazy

    thats my 2 cents anyway…

    id like to say it isnt, but i think it varies between people… if you try it and you’ve got a strong willpower, then maybe it wont be a gateway drug for you…
    or it could be that you start smoking baccy/fags, then you start “blazing”, then you might try other drugs… :yakk:

    timid rabbit wrote:
    yeah but is it just that its the most available and probably the easiest to obtain,

    I tend to disagree with this actually, I moved to a new area and to find pot without knowing someone would be extremly difficult to find smack, well that’d be pretty easy actually…..all you need to do is find a dodgy looking scruffy issue seller and hey presto! If you approached a heroin user asking them to score for you, they would more than likely do it (obviously with the offer of a free bag!). Now if you approached someone you thought might use pot they would be too paranoid and think you were police!!!

    I would say the reason people choose to try cannabis first is not cos its easier to get, cos its not, but cos its more sociably acceptable than any other drug, and therefore is used by others more freely!!

    Urm actually i might be a bit different, i started fags, then weed, then shrooms, then pills and then thought i should try booze raaa as it was legal but i was just to young for it 😉

    :weee: nicotene’s the ‘gateway’ drug. those people who smoke or have smoked tobacco get more of a ‘hit’ from any other subsequent drug than people who have never smoked nicotene( neurotransmitters, the way the brain works blah blah blah etc).:yawn:

    hash doesn’t do that. What hash does is define u as a person who’s interested in trying hash. U may then go on to try other drugs or u might not. the route taken to obtain hash may introduce u to people/drugs u may not have met otherwise.

    So hash is NOT the gateway drug, even the scientists accept that now.

    I ended up taking all sorts and am a happy fully-functioning member of society:crazy:

    I scored my first pill off the guy who sold me hash BUT the hash didne make me do that. I made me do that ! ! !:bounce_fl:bounce_fl


    there are many gateways in life. it’s complex, but all inter-connected

    weed is not a gateway drug,but is very common that u start with weed
    i started,

    society makes weed a very common, drug, and it makes out that most ppl, do it so its alright, whitch to a certain extent it is (in moderation bah blah blah). its that it is very common that i think its seen as a gate way drug. i Dont know anyone who has gone straight from nothing to heroin, or straight to a class A

    Playground Politics wrote:
    society makes weed a very common, drug, and it makes out that most ppl, do it so its alright, whitch to a certain extent it is (in moderation bah blah blah). its that it is very common that i think its seen as a gate way drug. i Dont know anyone who has gone straight from nothing to heroin, or straight to a class A

    First thing I tried was acid – didn’t smoke (weed or cigarettes) at all until 6 months later, and only then cos we couldn’t find any acid one night….






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Forums Drugs Cannabis & Hashish Marijuana: Gateway drug theory